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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Heavy periods  (Read 2408 times)


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Heavy periods
« on: October 04, 2017, 02:53:03 PM »

Hi  :)

I've been having changes to my periods over the years, been pre menopausal for around 7 years.

I've recently had nine weeks without a period, then 22 days bleeding (with a 3 day gap in between).  This was heavy at times and then lighter, but draining.

During the 22 days I developed intense anxiety and fatigue and scary hair loss, with two bald spots.

My ferritin is 23.  TSH 4.0

My dermatologist said I need my ferritin treating and maintained at around half way between range (10-291).  She also said my thyroid may need treating as I have a history of borderline and strong family history.

I'm on a period now and it's becoming heavy.

I was offered Mirena coil (twice now by gynaecologist and GP) but I don't do well with coils and really don't want another.  I have had three in my time and each time I end up losing spotting blood all through the month.  11 years ago I was told by a consultant (who discovered my low ferritin, then 19) to get it removed and not have another as the constant blood loss was lowering ferritin.

Is there any other way to manage heavy/prolonged periods?  My GP was quite impatient and confrontational when discussing Mirena and couldn't understand what my problem was.  He mentioned ballooning but it's a pretty big procedure and may or may not work.

I'm 49.  I'm hoping these changing periods are a sign of menopause?

Any ideas?

Edited to add:  I have Adenomyosis.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 07:53:47 PM by Wannabewell »


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 05:47:37 PM »

Has anyone offered a progestin only birth control pill? This would be similar to Mirena hormonally, but at least if it's problematic you wouldn't have to go through having it removed. Low iron can actually cause heavy bleeding, as well as resulting from it, so it's important to be sure you're getting a good source of iron through food and supplements. The tablets prescribed to me didn't work as well as a liquid supplement, Floridix/Floravital, I can't remember exactly what it was called. Also, you might ask to try a very low dose of thyroid hormone. Underactive thyroid can also cause heavy or irregular bleeds. Personally, I would try to get the ferritin levels up first, then perhaps try the birth control, and lastly thyroid. Once you begin on the thyroid med, it's likely a lifetime thing, worth it if you need it, but ideally you won't need it. Of course at age 49, all of these bleeding issues are not unusual. Support your body the best you can, it gets better! I opted not to have the ablation, I'm assuming that's the balloon?, due to friends' negative experiences with it. I understand it's either a blessing or a curse, nothing in between. When I reached the point of considering it after a couple years of battling anemia and always bleeding, my periods finally quit. I hope this helps!


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 07:10:46 PM »

Thank you SO much for your reply.  Yes, it helps A LOT  :thankyou:

I've not been offered a progestin only pill. That's an option.

Ah, low iron can cause heavy maybe that'll be eased when ferritin raises?

Thanks for the tip regarding liquid iron, I'll make a note of that.

He won't let me try thyroxine yet.  A possibility for if ferritin raising doesn't solve it.

Yeah, I think he's referring to ablation when he says balloon. I really don't fancy that either.

Yeah, your plan sounds good to me. I hope my periods quit soon.  I'll try to ride it out for a while and see what happens.

Thank you.


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2017, 11:08:36 AM »

Hi Wannabewell,

Can't help with any advice about ferritin levels, but about 18 months ago I went to the doctor having suffered several years of increasing erratic and unmanageably heavy periods.  I had a bunch of bloods done and was found to have an underactive thyroid, and my doctor started treating that straight away.  I also had a uterine scan which led to an urgent gynae referral - all was found to be well but eventually I was prescribed Cerazette, a progesterone-only pill and as a result have had no periods for 6 months.

I'm 53 so I know I'll have to stop taking the pill before too long - I just hope I've gone into full menopause in the meantime.  The Cerazette has improved my quality of life enormously and I don't want to start bleeding again!

Good luck with your conversations with the doctor!


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2017, 12:44:05 PM »

Hi Venetia,

Thanks for your reply, that's very helpful and interesting.  I've been borderline hypothyroid for years but my GP won't treat as it mostly is still within the UK range. It was 4.0 last time and is never lower than 3.3. It's been 6.4 and 5.8.

I'm glad the treatment has made such a difference for you, that's great and must be such a relief. It's so difficult to function with little energy.

The GP has given me iron tablets and will check all bloods again in eight weeks, fingers crossed my ferritin levels increase. He mentioned the Mirena again. He really thinks I should have it. I'm gonna wait and see how things go over next few periods.


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2017, 01:14:30 PM »

Yes, a GP I saw when my regular doctor wasn't available was very keen on the Mirena - even had one in her bag to show me.  To be honest that just confirmed my determination to have nothing to do with it!


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2017, 06:04:12 PM »

I'm not surprised you didn't go with it, fancy having one in her bag.


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2017, 07:18:57 PM »

Hi Wannabewell

If you've had gaps without periods then you are definitely peri-menopausal so the progestogen only pill may not be the best solution as it doesn't contain oestrogen - and so it might be good to have at least a low dose of oestrogen as well as the progestogen, now you have entered this phase, because this is when oestrogen levels start to decline overall (even while erratically fluctuating from high to low). A low dose HRT tablet might work at this stage or maybe one of the gentler CCP types like QLAIRA or ZOELY that contain estradiol rather than the synthetic oestrogens - and will control your cycle. ZOELY  has quite a low dose of oestrogen (1.5 mg) so the progestogen may also control the bleeding, and it only has 4 tablet free days compared to the usual 7 for the CCP. It hasn't been mentioned much on here - it is fairly new I think. but you could do a search. I'm not sure how it works for heavy bleeding though..

Re thyroid - if my TSH levels were ever that high (4 or more) and I was experiencing fatigue and hair loss I would absolutely push for some sort of thyroid treatment and would want to get this sorted out before considering HRT (while acknowledging that the thyroxine dose may need tweaking if you go down this road. I don't know enough about it but there are other members who do - countrybumpkin and Wrensong spring to mind - although they haven't been on here for the last couple of weeks or so.

Re the iron - very strange that your consultant blamed the blood loss due to the Mirena for your low iron when as far as I understand it - the Mirena actually helps re blood loss. It is actually used for heavy periods - so even though you get some blood loss with it in place if you are peri-menopausal, this is much reduced! Sometimes spotting from Mirena can be caused by ulcerated (over-thinned) lining or endometrial atrophy but this is less likely if you normally have heavy periods, and can happen in late peri-menopause or post-menopause with no or too low oestrogen replacement alongside.

Here are the treatments for heavy bleeding listed on this website:

I agree with Lizab re taking the Floradix herbal liquid iron tonic. I discovered this when anaemic in pregnancy and didn't take to the iron pills that were prescribed. I still have this and take now and again just to top up iron, as although my diet is excellent, I am in my mid 60's and also still have a menstrual cycle from HRT so don't want any chance of becoming even slightly deficient or anything that could contribute to more tiredness. I just have a little bit once a week or so.

Hope this helps.

Hurdity x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2017, 07:49:51 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

Thanks very much for your reply, it's really very helpful and given me a lot to think about.

I've made a note of the Floradix for future reference, thanks for that (& Lizab).

I've not had Mirena, the IUDs where normal ones that caused the constant spotting and very heavy bleeding.

My GP just keeps saying that my thyroid is normal, it's in range so he's not treating and not referring either, even though my dermatologist asked him to consider treating as I have history of borderline and family history and it's linked to alopecia areata and hair loss.

I have Adenomyosis which can be painful.

Thanks for the link and Information about treatment...a lot of reading material there.

That really helps, many thanks.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 07:52:36 PM by Wannabewell »