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Author Topic: I can't take this anymore!  (Read 17713 times)


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2017, 02:06:42 PM »

My lovely lovely forum friends. :-* :-* :-* to all of you. Not bad today. Sunny out. Went for a coffee and cake with my DH. Still worried about worrying that my memory is going awol! Have spent nearly 2 hours  on phone and live chat trying to fix a BT internet email problem. Nightmare! They keep passing me on and cutting me off! We do live in busy, fast, electronic and stressful times ladies. My lovely grandma would hv just been making gravy , reading Readers Digest, listening to the Archers and pottering around in the garden.


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2017, 02:53:46 PM »

My lovely lovely forum friends. :-* :-* :-* to all of you. Not bad today. Sunny out. Went for a coffee and cake with my DH. Still worried about worrying that my memory is going awol! Have spent nearly 2 hours  on phone and live chat trying to fix a BT internet email problem. Nightmare! They keep passing me on and cutting me off! We do live in busy, fast, electronic and stressful times ladies. My lovely grandma would hv just been making gravy , reading Readers Digest, listening to the Archers and pottering around in the garden.

My memory is so bad at the moment I too am getting worried especially as my children like to constantly remind me 'I told you that', 'you just said that' makes me feel even worse! I used to have a fantastic memory so it's awful struggling to remember what I was going to do next or what I went to the fridge for but having spoken to some other meno ladies they all say they struggled with their memory so that's a relief!


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2017, 03:52:11 PM »

I have that memory issue: so does Himself  ::).  We are always denying that we've told each other stuff.  It gets me down at times  :-\

I tend to write things down on our calendar, a 'his and hers' - if it ain't on that, it ain't happening  :D.



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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2017, 07:34:52 PM »

I really thought I'd lost it this afternoon ladies.  Kids came back from school and I was in the kitchen clearing out their lunch boxes..was miles away worrying about how rubbish I felt. Next thing I know I'm in their bedroom and saying " who said 'I have an itchy bottom'? ".  God knows why I said that. They just looked at me with that ' mums lost it' look! I have NO idea why I said that! Maybe an itchy bottom is the next things on my health anxiety word search! I blame the high strength Evening Primrose table I took at 2:00pm.....Queue me frantically doing the on-line SAGE dementia test..again.. (Still get 100% phew....) I'll probably still be frantically doing it when I finally conk out from exhaustion 100! If I didn't feel so lonely I could laugh. :'(


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2017, 07:36:28 PM »

Maybe you are having conversations in your head and that was the next bit, or perhaps your brain had picked up something on the news? ....

How do I find the SAGE test?

Crikey that's 2 long winded 4 me LOL
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 07:41:24 PM by CLKD »


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2017, 07:41:36 PM »

I really don't want to encourage visits to Dr Google...honestly  CKLD you would breeze it. (apart from writing todays date which always floors me!). But it does make me realise that my brain is actually in fine form, it is more concentration and being lost in an anxious thought cycle which is my problem and like you always say HORMONES.   P.S It's the 25th today (my kids just told me so...).


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2017, 07:53:11 PM »

 ;D ;D ;D Yes that is just like me...whatever I have I have the same as you!  Can we book rooms together in a nice care home for maybe 2047 please? Sidmouth would be nice. We can watch the goldfish go round and round together  ;D


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2017, 08:10:00 PM »

I am sooo sorry CLKD. I keep on getting your handle wrong. CDLK, CLDK, it's like Peter Pier to me.  After 9pm on a stressful day I like to think my undiagnosed dyslexia kicks in. Maybe you are a SAGE agent in disguise hoping to catch us out. I am going to have to come up with an Acronym...something like Clean Lacy Knickers Draw if we are to avoid zimmer wars at that care home. Apologies again wise one.

Lady Daviot

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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2017, 08:30:48 PM »

Hi Ladies, I just had to join in with the memory thing and HA. I have lost count of the times that I pop out to the chest freezer in garage to get milk/bread and forget why I am there! lol. I have even found a bottle of Lenor in the fridge where the milk should be. On a not so funny note is my HA which I try to keep in check but every ache needs to be checked and no just by a GP, by 11pm or 2am I am now looking at the best consultants available. My latest in blood pressure - my home monitor goes everywhere with me - even the cat is in fear he will be attached and checked. At 48 I am still not on HRT ( yet ) but taking every vit possible and only reluctant to try HRT due to very bad experience with birth control, hormone imbalance and constant bleeding when on any form. I have been in peri for about 3-4 years and resort to diazepam when the anxiety get's too much, although that is mainly driven by work related stress and caring for elderly parents as well as raising a wonderful 8.5 yr old.


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2017, 08:53:40 PM »

HI Lady Daviot, you will see there are lots of us on here with Health Anxiety. I am 47 and mine has got worse in the last 2 years since my period cycles went weird. Honestly I have thought I have had just about everything there is to have, wasted so many holidays worrying, got everything checked out then moved onto the next thing. Just one word of caution about taking supplements...I was so desperate to lose the anxiety that I started taking Menopace menopause plus some vitamins. Had a routine blood test 3 months later and my liver enzymes were a bit elevated...the GP thought it was probably due to the supplements, told me to stop them,  but had to send me for a scan / repeat blood tests. Whole thing took 3 months and really hyped up my worry big time. Blood tests were fine once I had quite the supplements. Maybe it was just a blip or virus but have heard from a few other GPs that you need to be careful what you take and where you get it from.
I think we are all desperate to find that magic pill that takes our bodies back 5 years.


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2017, 10:00:38 PM »

We still have a sense of humour - Sidmouth is lovely, we could wander up to the Donkey Sanctuary and along the streets at Beer.  Zimmer frames aloft!  Don't worry about my 'handle', unless I type it quickly I get in a muddle: same with Aberystwyth  ;D ..... if I stops to think  ???

Apparently one wouldn't worry about dementia if one is affected. So - onwards and upwards to where it is I was going ........

I put sugar on top of the coffee for my husband recently B4 pouring in the water: I noticed as I was tipping the kettle.  He hasn't had sugar in anything for over 30 years  :D.  He did the same yesterday morning, put coffee on top of my tea bag ........


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2017, 06:36:04 AM »

Maybe a meno land?.  :Somewhere we can all escape to when things get too hard to cope with. You know like Disneyland except for us meno women. Just picturing  it makes me smile ;D. Can you imagine us all in one place together  :bat: :bat:


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #57 on: September 26, 2017, 01:38:02 PM »

On the memory, as I'm reading this thread I suddenly remembered I forgot to log and initial my daughter's reading homework yesterday. And I put the entire week's completed homework, which she's not meant to do all at once on Monday, in her folder so now her teachers will know we don't follow the nightly assignments. Then of course I burst into tears over it.  :'(  My mind is going and I'm overeacting over kinder work  ;D I'm going to self-diagnose myself with Desperate Need to Enjoy Myself and treat by going for a little exercise and finding some kind of creative project to enjoy.


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2017, 09:13:24 PM »

Has anyone found they have lost their confidence in social situation? I took my daughter to out local theater today and met several people I know slightly. I found myself getting very flustered and tongue ties to the extent that I felt like I wanted to sit down or hide in the toilets! I had never been a very confident person to start with but recently find myself getting upset and tearful and struggling to make relaxed conversation. The more I worry about it the worse it gets.  :'(


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Re: I can't take this anymore!
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2017, 09:17:36 PM »

It really is self feeding.  It depends on how my anxiety is B4 I go out.  If it is spontaneous then I am usually OK though struggle with words/names/places sometimes.  At least when shopping I can make the excuse that I have to go somewhere else. 

This too will pass ;-)
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