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Author Topic: Hysteroscopy  (Read 1690 times)


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« on: July 29, 2017, 01:48:59 PM »

Hello everyone was on here a few weeks back,about bleeding 13mths after menopause.
I reported to me Gp who referred me to hospital .
I was given a procedure called Hysteroscopy, initially it was not painful at all.but all off a sudden for what ever reason it was the most painful thing I have ever felt no pain relief what so ever ,didn't even take any before leaving home as I wasn't informed what they were gonna do,was sick after and felt faint , however I read now you can have this done under Ga so this is not a story were I  am trying to scare anyone just wish someone had told me about some kind of pain relief even when i got on table i thought i was going to have like a smear type thing with a camera , however thy have found loose lining of the womb and a polyp, I am now waiting for a date for a Ga to have this removed and explored further ,Please make sure your fully informed about your procedures and pain relief options available I am no wimp I have had 3 children . Hope this helps someone in the future will inform you all about outcome of operation and there finding s.


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2017, 04:16:47 PM »

Sorry that you have had such a bad experience elaine and hope that you are feeling better now and that the procedure goes well.

You should have been given a short leaflet explaining what was to happen so this is the fault of the hospital or clinic. My hospital uses the information contained here in their leaflet Some hospitals give the procedure with no pain relief - although you are advised to take Ibroprufen beforehand if possible - and others will give you a GA. Everyone reacts differently. One friend found it perfectly ok without any pain relief and returned to work after and another who opted for GA had a lot of pain for the next few days.

Taz x


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2017, 06:15:44 PM »

Hello elainewin.

I wasn't given a leaflet and the appointment letter made no mention of pain relief so I wondered why the waiting room was full of women popping pills. Of course I soon found out why!

I've told this story before but the nurses mentioned one patient who sipped on a flask of rum throughout the procedure and didn't feel a thing. Something to consider for next time ladies.

Take care all.



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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2017, 06:53:42 PM »

So sorry to read that you had such a painful hysteroscopy elainewin. Sadly you are not alone and this has been raised in parliament by Lyn Brown MP.


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2017, 09:34:51 PM »

Thanks all for your comments ,I went in there happy as anything expecting some sort of scan,just wasn't prepared for it .I cant understand in this day and age we have to suffer pain so strong its terrible .
However I do feel fine today,but I will never ever forget such a barbaric procedure ever.
I am sure there is people out there who perhaps feel very little pain in that region but ,its like playing Russian roulette with people ,they dont know who feels pain and who does not ,plus if you have problems in this area your probably gonna feel more pain ,my Daughter had a procedure for pre cancer cells and she was sprayed and given an injection ,was the same department  ,just a different consultant cant understand why its different for some and not others .
I hope parliament takes notice as unless I had gone through this I would not have believed how excruciating and sick you feel after wards .Thanks to you all for your comments good to get things off your chest sometimes Xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 06:55:35 AM »

Hi Elainwin,

I also felt terrible with this procedure I went in for internal scan and ended up impromtu having this done four years ago I couldn't continue with it so luckily the consultant said he'd pts I waited three months for the appointment to come though though.  I don't know if it was I was kept waiting or just wasn't ready for it but I'd hate another one but knew it was too uncomfortable to carry on, so you aren't alone  x


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2017, 11:02:47 AM »

Thank you Guinea girl , yes they also made me wait an hour long ,and we could her someone in there moaning or rather sounded painful ,but as i didn't know what I  was going in there for ,thought it was a chat and maybe a scan of some sort I didnt take much notice ,hope I never need one again in the future as I would 100% make sure some sort of pain relief was available. X