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Author Topic: No matter what HRT try it isn't working for me ...totally lost and confused.  (Read 9083 times)


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HI Paisley

Where are you now then if not on HRT ? ever get sorted ? and find the light ? If so what was your salvation

Y x


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Hi Annie0710

Thanks for the reply..

The reason for the hysterectomy was due to endo and also tumour found on left ovarie which was beign  :)

Don't really want to go down the AD route... feel bad enough taking 3.75 mg Zopiclone to help me now and again when really struggling

Y x

Please make sure it's not the zopiclone causing some of your problems. I went through exactly what you are going through in 2011. I felt like a complete freak because no HRT was helping me. Then I found out it was the temazepam I was taking, which is similar to zopiclone. I never believed how horrible benzos and z-drugs could be until I experienced the worst of their side effects. It's horrible.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 02:05:16 AM by Dana »


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Hi Dana,

Many thanks for you reply... how did you managed to stop the temazepan ? Also how did you find out it was the temazepan that was causing the problems.

Did the HRT kick in when you came of the temazepam ? If so how long after ?

At the moment only take the zopilcone when really starting to struggle... helps things settle and can do more life things... still need the tab at night to get to sleep.

At the moment only thing that keeps me sane

Many thanks

Y x


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My gut just told me it had to be the tamezepam because there was no reason why I should be struggling so much with the HRT. It was just purely through doing a lot of reading that I had the light bulb moment.

It was a very long process for me. I transferred to diazepam/valium because that is easier to wean off, although none of it is really easy, depending on your sensitivity to these drugs. I was only on 5mg valium, but it turned out my sensitivity was very high. Not everyone is that sensitive though.

I found a really good site called benzo buddies and got a lot of information and support there. People just have no idea how horrible these drugs are or how quickly you can become dependent even at quite low doses.

I've been off the valium now for 3 years and I feel fantastic. The estradot patches work really well.


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Hi yriches65
I stopped HRT on May 8 so still early days & at the moment going through all the symptoms from coming of the HRT. I was a bit scared coming off as had been on HRT for 7 years & so even though it wasn't helping my body had got used to it. Have good days & bad


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Hi yriches 65
I saw Prof Studd about 3 years ago and did the oestrogel, utrogestan and testim regime.  I tried it for a few months.  From the start the oestrogel didn't agree with me,  using the utrogestan for 7 days each month. The anxiety got worse when I started the oestrogel. I had a lot of symptoms before going on that regime, including very bad anxiety, that regime made me a lot worse.  I didn't think I would ever feel better and I know it sounds drastic thought that I would never be normal again. 
I had to come off of that HRT regime and used nothing for about a year after that trial. I know Studd's regime is supposed to be the best, and I did feel a failure when I couldn't get on with it. 
 I had a couple of friends that were using the Evorel conti patch and they were fine with that.  I went to my GP and asked to try the patches, it did take me time to feel okay.  I cut the patch to a third to start with. 
I am so much better now, I'm out running every day and mostly enjoy life.  I do get the odd few days when I feel a bit anxious, but nothing like I used to be.
Hope you feel better soon.


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I would stick on the routine you are on, the gel is great as you an up the dose by a pump if you are still having symptoms, give it perhaps another month at least and if you do not feel any better then you could consider a patch. I wouldnt think you would need the Utrogestan as you have no uterus, hope that you soon feel better the gel is wonderful and after also trying various potions and creams etc I went onto that and have never looked back.


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Hi VickyP

Many thanks for the info.... glad you are feeling better now....

How long after the starting the patches did you start to feel better ? Are you on the just the patches or anything else as well Progesterone , Testosterone ?

Many thanks

Y x


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Hi Shortie,

Many thanks for the info... glad to hear you are feeling better...

Are you still on prog and testim gel ? If so what is are the dosage you are on

Also what is the dosage of the Evorel patch ?

How long for the patch to put you onto the better road ?


Y x


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Yriches, your pattern of symptoms and timing are EXACTLY the same as mine! I am just over 2 years TAH/BSO.

I had a meeting with my gynaecologist yesterday who performed my surgery and he has been marvellous, consulting numerous colleagues in a bid to help me (some of the UK's top specialists).

I'm now off HRT completely - I was an even bigger mess on it, and this seems to be a particular problem for us surgical menopause ladies.

My consultant tells me that our pituitary is driving our hormone production via the adrenals, and that with time this will 'reset' itself. When I throw in HRT this causes a violent response as the pituitary then has to switch from signalling the adrenals again. Its unique to us - a feature of our bodies having gone into shock from the sudden removal of the ovaries and the drastic compensation our endocrine system has had to make.

I don't expect anyone in natural meno. to nescessarily understand this btw - believe me, I have had a LOT of professional input on this!

So - you can either persevere with HRT but it may take many months to try to achieve balance and for things to settle. Or you can attempt to persevere without - whichever is bearable for you. If you follow the latter path, be sure to take care of any uro/vaginal issues and supplement well with a vitamin d, calcium and magnesium to assist your bones.

The consultant I see helps many women who are BRCA double positive, breast cancer patients and ovarian cancer patients on total estrogen block so he KNOWS how tough it can be, and it is! It mainly just takes time.....I know this isn't what you want to hear right now but its a fact that we ARE different and things can be so much harder for us.

I am sending you so many hugs, and hope that this helps in some small way. Remember, rest and relaxation are key and please don't beat yourself up if there are things you cannot do right now. Be kind to yourself, and remember that tincture of time is a great healer. xxxxx


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Wow what a great post Tempest, that makes me understand more what I am going through.  Many thanks.  Makes lot of sense: hyster ladies we go in shock everytime we start or stop HRT.  So looks like we don't tolerate but we are just in shock!!!  My heart did very bad going off hrt so I take very small E and P doses for the moment, to avoid another big shock.  After 6 weeks cannot say its working that great... probably have to wait.


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Hi yriches65
Thanks for your reply.
I am using the Evorel conti patch that is with progesterone, friends using the same and told me about the conti patch and they are good on those.  I have a friend who is using the Evorel patch without the progesterone, she has been using that regime for 15 years and is fine.
I know a lot of the ladies on here will say the oestrogel and utrogestan (if you need the progesterone) is the best HRT regime.  It might be for some, but I felt terrible on the gel and also the utrogestan for 7 days (I was confined to bed with terrible stomach pains on the 4th day of using the progesterone).  Different things suit different people!!
It took me about 4 months really to feel better, with cutting the patch to start with.
Let me know how you are and hope you feel better soon.


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Hi Tempest...

I am glad your gyne still cares... post op...never really saw mine again... and the local gp's were useless ref HRT and the problems i was having 3 yrs in on it , hence coming off.

It has been 12 years since my surgery and 9 years off HRT until recently.... off HRT wasn't too bad may be a hot flush now and again and a funny turn if i got excited...vaginal dryness has been getting worse and worse over the recent years and also have lichen scleroses  down there.

Things weren't too bad until last year when i has another UTI, which found stressful... then started resulting in anxiety, insomia etc... and downward sliding from there...

Due to this had a 24 Cortisol test which showed my cortisol levels were high expecially in the morning and evening which were very high, and also low DHEA. The dr i was seeing then said i had early stages of adrenal fatigue not sure if the early yrs of menopause due to surgery were taking there toll and the uti was the aspect of the 'straw that broke the camels back',  he then subsequently did a sex hormone test which found my

Estrogen was in range but on the low side
Progesterone was very low, basically 0
Testosterone was basically 0

So then prescribed me with compounded bio-identical , bi-est, testosterone and progesterone...

Have then been struggling since on different regimes...on my 3rd and again having a good day (must be when the levels hit right)

Also taking supplements to help the adrenals e.g. Vitc , Vit D, Magnesium , MK7, B12 , Vit B complex...

I do wonder if my adrenals would now be able to support me now if i did come off HRT, as i mentioned things weren't too bad prior to last year except for the vaginal dryness getting worse... but would use daily moisturiser now days or some vaginal estrogen.

Many hugs back

Y x


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Hi Vickypk

Thanks for the info.... gives us hope .... are you still on any testosterone ?

Also are you a hyster lady ? Reason for asking is the progesterone element

Thinking of coming of the Estrogel.... some will say i haven't given it long enough... but cannot cope with the symptoms especially the feel of doom, dread and being scared... getting to the stage now where don't want to be in the house, but don't wont to be out either... feel like i am going mad.... cannot even enjoy being driver around in the car anymore :-(

Only thing that straightens me out for a few hours is 3.75 mg zopiclone.... i know i shouldn't but the only thing that gives me a rest bite from the insanity..

I need to get sorted or at least on the way to improvement as getting married in Sept.... already had to cancel the wedding this year due to all this

Big hugs

Y x


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Hi Tempest,

How are you doing off the HRT now ? Any of the symptoms improved.... how long was it before you started noticing the improvements

Big hugs

Y x
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