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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Low resting pulse rate  (Read 6975 times)


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Low resting pulse rate
« on: July 05, 2017, 04:12:58 PM »

Is there anybody that isn't super fit and has a low resting pulse? I'm just turned 65 and mine is about 54. I can remember it being low several years ago (60 ish) and when doctor gave me beta blockers 15 years ago for anxiety it dropped to about 45 so stopped taking them.
I've made an appt at Gps but 12 days wait. I'm getting increasingly anxious. All this really has come about as I got a Fitbit for my birthday and it says sometimes my HR is 47. I know these devices have some margin of error but when it said 54 on the Fitbit I actually took my pulse and was 54.
I keep trying to reassure myself I haven't got heart disease as we have just returned from holiday where we went on walks where we walked between 10 and 15 miles once climbing 2100 feet albeit fairly slowly with no ill effects. Apart from being reasonably tired at the end of it. May I add I haven't walked this far since I was a teenager and I do not do a lot of exercise normally. Googled bradycardia and especially over 65 - I'm on my way out!!
Thanks for reading ladies Flutterbyx


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2017, 04:20:19 PM »

I didn't either - mine is often very low - in the 50's range and I am fairly slim, quite active and in mid 60's I also have low blood pressure - sometimes lower than 100 over 62. I thought it was the opposite that was the problem. if you;re not overweight and active and generally fit then I wouldn't worry. Also I measure my heart rate with a proper monitor - the Omron ( or whatever it's called) BP one where you put a cuff on your arm.

Yes sounds like it's due to your walking holiday you are probably super-fit! Sounds fantastic - where did you go?

I wouldn't worry at all if there is nothing else wrong eg no obvious heart issues but by al means see the doc if you are concerned.

Hurdity x


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2017, 04:22:28 PM »

Mine's is the 50s too, never really thought about it. Maybe you are one of these people who never sit still and don't realise you're doing a lot of exercise? If you don't feel faint or have odd heart beats then I don't think you have anything to worry about.


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2017, 04:42:36 PM »

Sparkle I really surprised myself doing that on holiday. Normally we go for 2-3 mile walk at the weekend and that's it. I went for an 8 mile walk 2 years ago and developed bursitis, don't know where the energy came from on holiday,must have been the alpine air.

Hurdity and Nearly50 that's reassuring, I'm not overweight and I suppose generally fit, my BP is on the low side as well. Think I'll try and ditch the heart monitor off the Fitbit ( or Fitbitch as I started to call it). I'll still go to docs as usual I've got something else I needed to discuss as well.

The main thing is thanks to your replies I definitely feel less anxious
  :thankyou: Flutterbyx


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2017, 04:47:58 PM »

Fluttery can I make a suggestion..get rid of the Fitbit.   My DIL is super fit, but not according to her Fitbit.  Her doctor told her to stop using it.......You sound very fit to me 👍🏻


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2017, 05:24:51 PM »

My OH has a resting HR in the mid 50s, we compare a lot and much of the time I'm double his



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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2017, 06:38:54 PM »

Mine varies lots. I have an oximeter, mainly to check oxygen levels as I'm asthmatic. Shows pulse too.


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2017, 08:21:55 PM »

Yep ditch the fit's just stressing you so it's not helping at all.

I have a low resting pulse rate which is good. However I have bog standard blood pressure.....except when I put my foot over the surgery door. I have to have mine taken at the chemists who registers it with the GP.

We are all very different.

Try not to worry.



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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2017, 09:39:44 PM »

The last time my GP tried to get a reading from me she ended up was so high. After the third time it was coming down.
She suggested Boots chemist and they are very good. They take it on a monthly basis and send the results to my surgery.
I don't have a home wouldn't do me any good as I know I would be for ever taking it and it would feed my health for me not to have one at all.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2017, 09:53:36 PM »

Definitely just going to use the 'Fitbitch' for recording distance walked. When I think about it I had similar health anxiety after buying a BP monitor. Like you mentioned Mrs B I was taking it too often before I resigned it to the back of the cupboard.


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2017, 10:01:08 PM »

I know I have slightly compulsive tendencies when it comes to matters health....hubby knows what I'm like and has told me that no way is there at any time a BP monitor coming into our house. I would be off taking it every half hour probably.

I know it helps lots of people ....I just don't happen to be one of them  ::)


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2017, 10:04:29 PM »

Mine sits languishing in a drawer until I have a GP appointment. Then I take it prior to setting foot in the surgery. That way I can tell them what it was until I saw them.  ::)



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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2017, 10:40:11 PM »


Apparently I've always had a low resting pulse which maybe partly because I've always exercised or I'm just a sleepy lazy Aussie Koala! I've just swapped from UP to Fitbit and I'm getting a slightly different reading partly because they record it a little differently. I was a bit stressed a few weeks ago and it was coming in at 65 per day, now it's down to 59-60.

Fitbit records an average during the day during rest whilst UP takes it before you wake up in the morning which is when you are supposed to be at your calmest, before the days worries kick in! I think you'd have to wear a medical one for 24 hours to get a really accurate reading.

Last year I was worried about everything in the heart dept but I spent a day cycling around an island, up hills etc and didn't keel over so doc said nothing to worry about! Stupid thing was I'd only had an EGC a few months before and all was fine. If you walked 15 miles and up an incline with no ill effects I don't think you've got too much to worry about!

I've got the Alta HR which also measures Vox2 or something, so it calculates how much oxygen you are using efficiently when you exercise. The higher reading you get the fitter you are. It keeps telling me mine's excellent for a woman of my age (I think that's a compliment!)

Maybe have a check up at the docs but if you've always had low blood pressure and pulse the chances are it's just normal. I think they worry when it suddenly goes low or high. Take care!


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2017, 11:00:18 PM »

My friend who is not especially fit (she walks her dog) had a pulse of 46 when last at the doctors.
Mine on the other hand is high at 96  :o


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Re: Low resting pulse rate
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2017, 11:05:03 PM »

Mine is always around 56 and has always been, for as long as I remember. I do not fit into the fit slim mould!!
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