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Author Topic: weight Gain  (Read 14801 times)


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weight Gain
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:33:47 AM »

Hi,  How has anyone who is experienced this managing it?  I'm unsure if it's the estrogel or utrogestan causing it, or just HRT in general.  I've been on it 10 days now and despite cutting my calories in almost half I'm gaining roughly half a pound a day.  I feel like a bloated balloon and  all my clothes are tight  :( I've just turning into this weight gaining machine.  It was fine for the first couple of days and then wham.  Does it settle down?  How long does it take?  Or, should I look at changing the HRT?  Any ones that are less likely to put weight on?  I took the pill and had no weight gain and changed to HRT. so I was expecting a loss with the HRT as it's has less hormones. 


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 08:40:35 AM »

Could i also ask have ladies who do cyclical hrt had less weight gain than the continuous?  Thank you  :)


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2017, 09:27:09 AM »

I'm bloating on oestrogel, without changing how much I eat.  I gained weight on Tibolone and switched straight over to oestrogel and the first few days I felt much less bloated but it didn't last long.  I've started probiotics which I think are helping but I've blimming forgot to bring them away with me camping x


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2017, 10:01:02 AM »

I've always put it down to being menopausal, rather than any HRT. My mum started putting on weight around that age & she never took HRT.


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2017, 10:15:34 AM »

I put on 7lbs in three days the week I started HRT  :o

I put in down to all my dried out cells plumping back up again with fluid - I do try and follow a diet group's healthy eating plan which seems to have stopped the weight increasing further. If I cut out the crisps/chocolate I add to the plan I'd probably even lose weight  :)


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2017, 10:30:30 AM »

It's definitely menopause that causes the weight gain. HRT causes more in the way of water weight, at least initially. Testosterone can help in that it regulates metabolism and fat storage (I hope to get to the point of using it eventually, if I manage to raise my patch dose)! xxxxx


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2017, 11:20:39 AM »

Might be worth keeping an eye on % body fat rather than weight as it does sound like it might be fluid retention. All I can think to advise is drinking loads of water.


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2017, 12:24:32 PM »

Tempest, for me, I think it's the HRT not menopause.  It probably is water weight.  Although strange how the pill didn't do it and I see to be running to the loo more.  Tempest why can you not use testosterone without raising your patch dose?

It happened just like Salad within a couple of days of starting the HRT.

Annie0710 I too was fine for a couple of days and then blew up like a fat balloon.  I might try some probiotics.  I can't really change how I eat.  I have always eaten really, really healthy and don't drink.  Now I've cut the calories to try to stop more weight, so I'm basically just having veg, salad, a few nuts and a smoothie for breakfast and still not losing weight.  I wish I had the chocolate and crisps to cut  :'(

The consultant says the evidence base says HRT won't gain weight unlike the pill.  For me it's the opposite.   I hope it comes off, nothing fits.  I don't know what is worse dealing with weight gain, or night sweats. 


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2017, 01:20:57 PM »

I've just been reading that utrogestan can cause bloating.  I wonder if this is what has made me balloon?  I'm so bloated and uncomfortable.


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2017, 01:54:45 PM »

I don't use progesterone so could be water retention in my case


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2017, 02:59:25 PM »

I, too, had weight gain on HRT.  I did cyclical and it still happened.  Unfortunately, that has never resolved for me. I have read many times that our bodies do not produce a steady state (set, even amount) of these hormones every day. Estradiol varies from day to day, even hour to hour in our bodies.  We can never mimic what our bodies do with the delicate balance of hormones, so no wonder we have some side effects.  But for most, any side effects are well worth it to feel better!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 03:13:02 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2017, 03:10:46 PM »

To speak to the testosterone issue, I have been made to understand that testosterone needs to be in proper ratio to estradiol to work properly (??).  Some of it will convert into estradiol (how much, is probably individual to each woman). I was on a relatively low-dose patch of estradiol and used testosterone for approx 6 months and it did not help me for the intended purpose and did nothing for my bloating or water retention.  :(  But each person's experience will be unqiue. 

I personally am wary of using yet another hormone in the mix (beyond estradiol/progesterone) when I can't even be sure the estradiol/progesterone part is in proper ratio!!  :o   I know I may sound contrary, but my sense is that our bodies are very sensitive and they have an innate intelligence that guides the specific levels of each hormone.  Whether those particular hormones are coming from the pituitary, the thyroid, ovaries (if you have them), adrenal glands, etc.  When we add in hormones, we disrupt the body's own process.  I'm NOT against hormones at all!  I've used HRT and may continue to for a while if I can't deal with symptoms.  I just went for my annual and the doctor encouraged me to stay on my patch through the summer heat (we have very hot, humid summers so heat+hot flashes=no sleep!) to avoid misery.   I have to give it a think-through. 

I am very happy for those who have used HRT and had good effects!!  Katia, you will find what works for you!!  ;)  It is VERY much a trial and error/tweaking and re-tweaking process.  All I hope is for everyone to feel well!!   :)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 03:14:45 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2017, 03:32:48 PM »

Tovahfell I think you're right about finding the balance and I don't think I have found it yet with this combination.    I may have my 3 days without the progesterone to see if that is what is causing the problem.  At least then I know and can speak to the consultant about it.  If not, I'll reduce the gel slightly and see if it's that.  The consultant seems to be of the impression that because weight gain isn't proven, it can't happen.  I did read somewhere that bio identical were more inclinded to weight than synthetic.  I was on Femodene and had no symptoms or weight gain.  I do need to figure out which is causing it and change to something more weight friendly  :)


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2017, 07:10:32 AM »

I reduced the estrogel yesterday and decided to take the 3 day progesterone break. The bloating and fluid retention had got so uncomfortable. It's a tiny bit better today, but not a lot. I do have a headache, probably from the drop in estrogen so that may need to go back up.

Annie0710 if you do not take progesterone and my bloating hasn't gone by tomorrow, the. It must be the estrogen, or a combination. Just so strange how the pill which is much stronger doesn't do it. I have read that transdermal is more likely to cause bloating than tablets so I may look at changing to tablets.


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Re: weight Gain
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2017, 08:40:01 PM »

I found that lower volume bio-identical hormones were more potent than higher volume artificial hormones (as in the pill) because they are more effective, so quality over quantity.

I had immediate bloating on estradiol,  and progesterone cream (strong uptake one) has made me gain weight. I've read that oestrogen lays down more fat cells in general. I didn't have any weight gain when my hormone imbalance was untreated, apart from through cravings causing me to eat more at certain times and then a huge loss when too nauseous to eat properly.

I think the core of weight management is managing insulin levels. Intermittent fasting and/or low sugar/GI can trigger more fat burning than fat storing. It's definitely not a simple case of calories in/calories out when hormones (particularly insulin) are imbalanced.
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