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Author Topic: First missed period ???  (Read 12735 times)


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2017, 01:11:01 PM »

Thanks so much ..I haven't had a well day in 2 years I feel off and ill literally everyday but I'm sure thats lack of sleep continually. I had a breakdown 4 years ago and looking back I swear it was peri and never been right since . I've kept on  a low dose of AD as when I came off I was much worse. My other health tests are ovarian cysts they found 2 about 3 years ago they said they were just under the size to be worried but no follow up suggested but my gp locum I saw once said get them rechecked before starting hrt and I'm back to consultant this Wednesday regarding 3 lumps in my neck getting bigger albeit slowly. Last appt 3 months ago said reactuve glands nothung else but without biopsy they won't know. They have grown now and all other symptoms that could be peri or lymph problems need looking into further. I don't think it's lymphoma but consultant wants a biopsy to check as the drenching sweats fever itchy skin and constant colds and infections and swollen lymph glands for 5 years all point to lymphoma or peri. So the tests will take in total 4 weeks ish they said and if I've had no period by then I'll start hrt once I'm in the clear for lymphoma . I know I seem so negative but every day is another crap day of being exhausted feeling sick achy and no promise of sleep to help feel better. I'll stop being a little miss misery guts I promise


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2017, 03:33:43 PM »

You don't seem negative at all Peroxideblader, you just sound at your wits end which is completely understandable. I think once you get these tests done it will be easier to have a plan of action, and with any luck HRT will sort things out for you.

Are you finding it hard to fall asleep or are you walking up and can't get back to sleep? Maybe you could do a search for sleep, for me I fall asleep no problem and then wake up with an adrenaline rush, and am unable to fall asleep again. Some women find eating snacks helps - loads of help on these boards on anything you're worried about, so please don't think you're being a misery, we've all reached out for help on here and got it.


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2017, 05:05:09 PM »

Thank you..I can't fall asleep it used to be 2 or 3 nights a week until 3 years ago now it's EVERY name it I've tried it..cbt hypnotherapy sleep dvds yoga exercise diet etc nothing helps..I wait til I'm so so tired then once in bed I get adrenalin rush heart racing and mentally I've wide awake..this is usually around 2am but then I wait half hour get up read back to bed and repeat til around 4am when finally sleeo then I could sleep forever..but I have to get up for 830 luckily I work from home now since life went downhill but 830 is latest for my 4 hours sleep and I'm up at least 5 times to wee in that 4 hours ( I've had an overactive bladder since a girl just got worse in peri) I have zopiclone prescribed but only enough to get 2 sleeps a week if I take a tablet I can get to sleep by 2am...I hold out so much hope for hrt to sort my sleep out but I can't see it helping as it's not tied in with my monthly or I would have good sleep and bad..


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2017, 05:10:51 PM »

Maybe it's time for your family to step in a wee bit here, not sure of the ages of your boys but could someone else not take the dog out in the morning? Or can you catch some sleep in the afternoon/weekend? I'd be tempted to book myself into a Premier Inn one weekend and just sleep :)


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2017, 09:55:13 PM »

I'm sorry to hear about your other health issues - the cysts and the various lumps and wishing you well with the results of these tests. I can understand your wanting to wait until the outcome of the these before starting HRT but it must be so frustrating for you. Fingers crossed that all is well and you will soon be able to try it to see if it helps with your much-needed sleep.

Hurdity x


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2017, 10:17:13 PM »

Hi Peroxidebladder,
                              I love the name! I have been peri for a couple of years when I look back now- the odd missed period and then a really heavy one last summer- I mean flooding. Since March, I have had more scary flushes than hot dinners- racing heartbeat which had me calling A& E four times in one month and sleep probs- not getting off to sleep til 4 in the morn  :( and generally very distracted and anxious. My daughter said I was suffering from health anxiety. Eventually, after beta blockers and menopace and gallons of soya and sage tea, all to little avail, I got a full blood count and hormone check done. It came back that I was fine, touch wood, but very low in oestradiol, the main oestrogen which determines one's fertility. I was just about getting a period every month but they were quite light and over in two days. I noticed that they were coming closer together, averaging 26/7 days between periods. Short luteal phase probably. Anyway, my symptoms were getting more intense, including raised veins in hands and weird little twinges in my neck and arms. I asked to be put on HRT and three weeks later, I'm considerably better. Interestingly, I haven't had a period yet, am taking cyclical progesterone on days 12-25 of the cycle. Don't know if this is because I wouldn't have had one anyway because I am rapidly trasitioning into menopause or just that it's taking a bit longer for some reason. time will tell I guess. I hope this is helpful- sorry you are going through a bad time- I know how you feel.  :) Keep the faith- there is help out there x Roseycheeks x


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2017, 10:24:14 PM »

Thanks hurdity I'm fingers crossed they're nothing grim but with my luck who knows. I'm not worried if it's something bad I am worried that I'm in no fit state to fight anything I'm running on empty.
Nearly50 my sons are grown lads both work from 8am leave home 730 so no help there. I'm lucky I've got a very lazy dog but she will only do her business on a walk not in the garden so even if I walked her I'd never go back to sleep I'm one of those people thst once I get up I'm awake..also I worry if I tried to get 7 hours sleep so getting up 11am ish my day would be half gone . When i had my breakdown I couldn't get out of bed or the house for months and I'm scared I'd end up bsck there very low and a hermit. As it is I'm out as much as I can to keep my spirits up and sadly I can't sleep during the day or on the sofa it's as if my body has no off switch. I already get sarcastic comments from locals and some neighbours who are all retired and elderly about my curtains shut til late..their late is anything past 6am they go to bed at 9sm and sleep they don't see my bedroom light on til 4am. My partner has had to move to another room as I wreck his sleep and it's spoilt the rare nights away we used to have as I don't go knowing I'll be awake all night in a strange hotel room and we can't plan anything for an early start.  My consultant appt is 9.15 this week meaning up at 7 to get sorted dog sorted and allow 30 minutes travel so he'll get a very emotional ratty mess after 3 hours know I've just moaned on and on again so sorry..can't you tell I don't have any friends  ( lost them after my breakdown and change from  up for anything bouncy lively woman to half dead very reclusive anti social me) thanks for listening I won't rant or moan anymore..I'll let you know about my first lot of tests Wednesday but NO MORE MOANING 😊😊


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2017, 10:31:07 PM »

Thanks roseycheeks you have the same sleep problem as me it seems rare to have it our way it's usually waking up early rather than unable to sleep. Your findings with hrt give me hope gp won't test my hormone levels as she says they're too unreliable but maybe I should push more. I've been given femoston as I was recommended it on here with having the most friendly progesterone..can I ask which hrt you're on and has he helped getting to sleep..thank you


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2017, 11:46:33 PM »

Hi Peroxide- As we move through peri we stop ovulating, therefore we stop making progesterone which is known to have a sophorific effect on our body & mind-  I reckon I have stopped ovulating in the last three or four months & the lack of sleep in the early months          bears this out. I took the      occasional zopiclone & now  take magnesium & sometimes  5HTP which you can get in H&B     - it sent me off to dreamy land every time 😊 I am taking micronised utrogestan 100 mg  14 days a month in second half of cycle, so not taking any at the mo- sleep is a wickle bit   tricky @the mo, & oestrogel -  usually two squirts- sometimes    I require a third but less so now I have built it up a bit- the gel is better as it doesn't go through the liver as it absorbs   into the skin- avoiding toxins building up in liver as a result & they are  bioidentical hormones from the yam plant so my body is synthesising it well -I am finding it extremely effective at relieving symptoms🙏🏽😊👍 I urge you to return to your doc & get tested for oestradiol for a start - mine was 44 on day 12 of a recent cycle- have I said this already? Best to get tested for oestradiol when you are in mid cycle so that you know where the high water mark for your oestrogen is & take it from there. I read a great book called The Oestrogen Storms,I think, which was extremely informative on Peri etc - Good Luck PB x


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2017, 05:45:25 AM »

Not sure if this will help but I too have ovarian cysts that have been monitored for the last 3 years-mostly asymptomatic so choose to not have treatment. My gynaecologist consultant said absolutely fine for me to start hrt and had a scan 6 months later with no further growth seen. Good luck peroxide HRT defo helped me with the mood swings etc (although just started having other concerns which I'll post on another thread to ask advice) thank god for this forum 😊


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2017, 01:48:13 PM »

Thank you for your reassurance on the cysts it just annoyed me that they never even mentioned keeping an eye on them but it's good to know hrt is fine with them.
I actually came on today hurrah I'm 10 weeks overdue since my last period so I'll see how regular I am from now on. I can't start my hrt til next month as I've said or I won't start til next month I should say until I've got this biopsy lymphoma suspicion out of the way ...but next period I'm starting on the femoston I prefer the ease of a tablet at first see how I get on.
Nearly 50 thanks for your help too but sadly I took magnesium citrate and the spray and it actually woke me up rather than sleepy I tried it for 5 weeks and I was worse..typical me.and I can't take l5tp with being on escitalopram I checked..I'm doomed with sleep anything I read I try but where others find success I fail..I just hope this period is normal as I've read it could be lighter alot heavier or normal.
Sorry to sound gross but it's not heavy yet but it's a dark brown not usual red not sure if this is normal too..???


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2017, 01:51:36 PM »

Sorry roseycheeks it was your reply I'm saying thanks for not nearly 50  sorry...I rang my gp they won't do a blood test for hormones as I'm over 45 missed a period and have all the symptoms so they said that is enough to confirm it and that hormone test would not be reliable or conclusive..helpful as ever NOT !!@


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2017, 05:33:49 PM »

Sorry roseycheeks it was your reply I'm saying thanks for not nearly 50  sorry...I rang my gp they won't do a blood test for hormones as I'm over 45 missed a period and have all the symptoms so they said that is enough to confirm it and that hormone test would not be reliable or conclusive..helpful as ever NOT !!@

to be fair, your doctor is following normal protocol in not offering a hormone test as it really isn't reliable or conclusive - as he says, you know you're perimenopausal now without having to have blood tests done. Hopefully having your bleed will reassure you that nothing else is amiss :)



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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2017, 06:24:28 PM »

Sparkle..yeh I guess everything will change now there's no predictable monthlies anymore....just weird when for 30 plus years you get used to a pattern then it's blown out of the water.
Nearly50 ...I was wanting book test when I thought my period might have stopped but as it's started again it more than likely is peri..only other causes of erratic periods are thyroid which although levels are a bit suspect they say jo action just to check every 12 months do it's not that..and mum is type 1 and I'm pre so they say but I'm praying it's only peri as awful as I'm feeling with it at least it's natural not an illness much as it feels like one....


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Re: First missed period ???
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2017, 01:47:47 PM »

Well yet another change during the change.
Went 9 weeks without a period and now since I came on Tuesday I'm flooded I've never has a period so bad and with such stomach cramps they've knocked me for six. The last 2 years they've been heavy ish but only 2 days then light with mild pmt bit this started early hours Tuesday and seems to be getting this the cycle now..miss a few then flooding...aarrgghhhhhhh lol
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