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Author Topic: Help I'm going crazy.  (Read 3414 times)


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Help I'm going crazy.
« on: June 01, 2017, 10:24:45 AM »

Hi all as you maybe aware I had a PMB and went straight to GP usual story 2 week referal had scan showed polyp and slightly thickened lining. She said looked like it was a hormonal blip. Nothing sinister at all. Did biopsy to be sure and tried to remove the polyp but couldnt.
Anyway results back biopsy normal sample taken of polyp benign.
So today they say come in for a hysteroscopy  (not to remove  polyp)
I questioned this as everything has come back normal.
Not wanting anymore tests etc as very stressful ( I also have two sons getting married shortly) and dont need this too
Cancer has been 99% ruled out.
feel like I am being just a number.
Seriously thinking about not having this as I am on waiting list for hysterectomy due to prolapse anyway.
Any views am I nuts?


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 10:31:47 AM »

Hi Lynanne I would ask why they think it is necessary - I'm as puzzled as you!


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 10:46:27 AM »

Same as Jenna. You must already have had a hystersocopy for them to do the biopsy. i am wondering if they feel they need to remove the polyp - they do normally remove them to prevent them turning cancerous many years hence but as you are waiting for hysterectomy then this seems unecessary.  Are they aware you are due hysterectomy as in are they the same medical team?
I would def phone the consultants secretary and explain your situation.


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 12:16:21 PM »

Yes - I'm not sure why you need a second hysteroscopy given that they couldn't remove it the first time around? It's unusual not to be able to remove a polyp. Hope you get your hysterectomy date soon!

Taz x


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2017, 04:15:34 PM »

Hi all had biopsy done at the same time as vaginal scan.
Polyp couldnt be removed at that time but they did get a sample.
Have not had a hysteroscopy as of yet as I am questioning the need for this due to results.
And as yet have not really had an explanation. They are aware I am awaiting a hysterectomy but yes it is with a different department.
So pulling my hair out trying to understand the reasons for this.


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2017, 07:26:55 PM »

Ah it makes sense now.  am I right in thinking they did a "blind" biopsy so no camera was inserted just the biopsy equipment?  If so then they could want to do a proper hysteroscopy with the camera so they can  actually see inside all of your womb.  If they did the biopsy with a camera then it does not make sense!


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2017, 08:00:03 PM »

Yes it sounds like a blind biopsy.
Anyway spoke to a Nurse in the PMB clinic and discussed my hysterectomy.
Have decided to cancel hysteroscopy in light of the fact that I am having this done. As seems unnecessary under the circumstances.
Seems info was not getting through from one department to another and right now with 2 sons getting married within weeks of each other i cant deal with all this right now.
She agreed that right now was not a good time and has cancelled.
Just waiting for a date now. Cant wait will put all my troubles behind me.


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Re: Help I'm going crazy.
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2017, 12:56:01 PM »

Oh dear Lynanne - what happened? Did you delete your account by mistake? Do hope you're OK?

If you see this I do hope all goes well and you get your hysterectomy date soon, and all the best for your sons' weddings! :)

Hurdity x