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Author Topic: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?  (Read 12250 times)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2017, 08:31:39 AM »

Hi TovahFell- I'm really interested in your story as I too am thinking of coming off it as I've been struggling on it for nearly 2 years now and getting nowhere with GP practice, reluctantly went private. I'm now on oestrogel and utrogestan but it's just not agreeing with me and I'm going to see consultant again on Saturday- my mood is very low and I've no doubt that I'm progesterone intolerant. I've always been anxious so maybe I have a predisposition towards depression anyway but my body is now telling me that it's not doing me any good whatsoever.

Given that the consultant has said that I will go through the menopause anyway when I do decide to come off it, I reckon I need to try it now. I'm dreading it but I also dread staying on it. So, like you, I'll just need to wait and see how it goes. I may need to go back on it but all my instincts are telling me that it's not working and I need to try and get my life back. I have also gone down the herbal route before starting HRT with limited and short lived success.

Truth is, HRT just doesn't work for some women.

Do keep posting and I will too. Best of luck

M x


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2017, 09:05:07 AM »

Ladies, take heart.  I tried HRT many years ago (tried twice) and I just didn't take to it at all so I decided to go through without if I could manage.  I won't lie, it was a bumpy ride at times but it does not last forever and I am now out of the worst of it.

You need a few things in place to help you through and they are this forum and the ladies here who really know and understand, a supportive partner/family if at all possible or a really good friend, cans of Magicool spray, a 4.5 tog duvet, St John's Wort if it is not contraindicated with any other meds you take and a sense of humour if you can muster it plus cotton clothing in layers that can be shed easily.

I do use Vagifem topical oestrogen for VA and that is essential treatment but no systemic HRT at all.

I realise it will be harder to manager if you have to go to work, I was fortunate in that I did not have to work any more than I wanted to.


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2017, 02:50:41 PM »

baby and Stella janes- thanks for the tips. I'm virtually sleeping just with a sheet and that's me on HRT!
Never heard of Magicool- am going to google it now x


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2017, 04:28:51 PM »

Hi again Tovahfell

I haven't really read through all of this thread since going away but just to say ( hope I haven't already!) that I came off HRT completely 6 years ago and by the time 3 months had elapsed all the symptoms had returned as badly as before ( flushes and sweats) as well as a pelvic ache/dragging feeling which meant I had to sit down and put my feet up in the evening - it was most uncomfortable - and I have been back on it ever since.

I did try reducing to 37.5 mcg also about 3 years ago but flushes started to come back on this dose so went back up to my usual dose of 50 mcg.

Re the VA - it is best not to wait until you get VA before starting on vaginal oestrogen as it takes some women some time to achieve symptoms relief. If you have stopped systemic HRT then your oestrogen levels will be dropping and it is very likely that you will experience some bladder/vaginal symptoms as a consequence. I would urge you to start local oestrogen straight away so that this does not occur.

I am also a great believer in exercise ( well obviously don't run a marathon if you've never run!!) as being vital for our continued good health in later years - and it is never too late to start  ::). It goes without saying that this should be built up slowly until you are fit but no need at all to "slow down" as one ages!

Anyway do let us know how you continue to feel and hope that this is good :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2017, 05:57:38 PM »

Michelemabelle - best of luck to you, whatever you decide!   I think we just need to listen to our bodies and do what feels best/right for each of us.  I will keep you updated.  Please update us as well.    :)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2017, 03:34:16 PM »

Hi, I have been on this journey for 4 years without hrt and it has been horrendous at times, the anxiety, dizzy head feeling, day flashes, night flushes, joint aches etc etc, I could go on and on, last summer I was at a very low and just hid away from the world and cried and nearly caved in to hrt but I didn't. I want to get through this as naturally as I can and if that means me being a moody bitch now and again I don't care. My hubby is very supportive bless him, I'm not surprised he hasn't packed up and gone lol. I'm mentally a strong woman and will get through, hope you find the best plan for you, I walk and read my way through it I think, best of luck flower xxxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2017, 04:10:34 PM »

I keep hearing that once you get through it, things even out. I work with at least a half a dozen post-meno women (in their late 50's and their 60's). None have used HRT and their lives are busier, fuller, and more active than mine! LOL! I think some women just do not have as hard a time with it, and that's just one of the mysteries of life. I'm sorry it's been rough for you. 😞 I try best as I can to be upbeat, and not focus on negatives or symptoms. It's a journey for sure!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2017, 09:38:05 PM »

Some women have very little symptoms. My mum barely noticed it, just felt slightly hot a few times and is fine now in her 70s, not on any medication or has had VA.

After oestrogen starts to fall, I've accepted a natural menopause will be better for me as I have migraines from high oestrogen but all we can do is test it and see.

Good luck!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2017, 11:45:16 PM »

dangermouse, most of the women I know in my life have managed fine post-meno and none used HRT. My mother-in-law has a far busier and active life than I do, and and she's nearing 80!  Where are you at with menopause? That's part of my wanting to stop. I started HRT before I'd been 12 months without a period....started 2 years ago at age 48, so I don't yet know if I'm fully in menopause.  I turn 51 in a few months.  I'm guessing I'm post.  I wish, in some ways, I'd never started because at least I'd know!  Now I have to wait and see.....


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2017, 07:57:50 AM »

I try best as I can to be upbeat, and not focus on negatives or symptoms. It's a journey for sure!

That's great to hear Tovahfell and the best way to be if you can - what's the point of examining every niggle and wondering what is the cause? My main aim (with HRT and menopause) is to feel the best I can for most of the time, do what I can to improve my health generally, ignore side effects etc that I can cope with - and ride through them, and then get on with making the most out of life :). Sadly life experiences and events do not permit this for some people.

Hurdity x


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2017, 10:50:40 AM »

Hurdity, very well said!  :)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2017, 05:08:59 PM »

dangermouse, most of the women I know in my life have managed fine post-meno and none used HRT. My mother-in-law has a far busier and active life than I do, and and she's nearing 80!  Where are you at with menopause? That's part of my wanting to stop. I started HRT before I'd been 12 months without a period....started 2 years ago at age 48, so I don't yet know if I'm fully in menopause.  I turn 51 in a few months.  I'm guessing I'm post.  I wish, in some ways, I'd never started because at least I'd know!  Now I have to wait and see.....

I'm at some kind of perimenopause stage where I'm having oestrogen surges, causing nausea type migraines around ovulation, and am hoping they calm down as I near meno. However, I may go the opposite at menopause but all the info here means I'll be well armed if I do decide to start oestrogen therapy.

Don't regret trying it, your natural cycle (or non-cycle!) will show its face soon enough and you can assess how it feels then.


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2017, 05:13:50 PM »

dangermouse, I hope that it settles down for you soon, as I can imagine how difficult that is with the surges. :( I got those surges up until around 2015, then they stopped late that year. They were not fun. I didn't have migraines, but had other associated high-estrogen type misery.   :(

Here's hoping for the best for us both going forward! I plan to keep this post updated. I hope others will too!  ;)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 05:15:21 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2017, 06:34:03 PM »

Dangermouse, as you know my migraines were horrendous through peri. Everything was tried, saw utterly brilliant specialists across a number of disciplines and eventually all agreed that I just had to go cold turkey into a natural menopause. They were all convinced the migraines would stop. Over the last few months they really have, which is nothing short of miraculous. I've gone from at least 4-5 days in bed a week to only one migraine that responded to meds last month.

My oestrogen surges through peri were off the Richter scale, all was measured regularly. The plummets caused as many problems though. As I was frequently told, I needed the hormones to plateau which is where I have been since September.

You'll get there ladies, hang on in! x


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2017, 08:52:59 PM »

Thanks both, and am always encouraged by your posts Elizabethrose about how yours have calmed down and all your really helpful posts about migraines.
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