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Author Topic: Do you feel like this?  (Read 19058 times)


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2017, 07:02:43 PM »

Of course I will, Annie! :) I'm busy having a 'meeting' with Hubby this evening and preparing our notes for tomorrow but I'll jot you a PM as soon as I possibly can! Hugs!!! xxxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2017, 08:33:59 PM »

Yes you need to prepare for tomorrow, that is definitely the priority. 

You'll get there girlie, you might get knocked down but my god you get up again for the next round xxxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2017, 09:43:57 PM »

Thank you Dangermouse, yes I know exactly what you mean and I would book in for a long sleep DEFINITELY if they'd wake me up when they can fix me/when it's all over. Does your HRT help you now? xxx

Yes it does thank you. I am too over stimulated by my surging oestrogen causing migraines so only take progesterone cream. It's still about getting the dose right though as hormone replacement is so complex.

Glad you're all being helped by this fantastic therapist and I love her 'pay what you can' strategy. When I'm in a more financially secure place I would love to offer the same terms for my clients.


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2017, 08:55:43 PM »

Do any of you lovely ladies have any experience with Prof John Studd? He appears to be the best in his field and I wondered if anyone can recommend him and his treatments?

Love to all Alesia xx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2017, 07:52:23 AM »

Alesia I would suggest a new thread so that your question doesn't get lost here :-\ sorry I can't be if anymore help!

DaisyB x


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2017, 04:39:40 PM »

Hi Alesia, yes there are a lot of us who have been his patients, myself included. xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2017, 09:41:39 PM »

Hi Edelweiss

Thank you for your reply, I'm a newbie here and haven't quite figured out how to use this site properly yet (brain doesn't function most days so it could take a while!)

Would you be kind enough to tell me your experience and/or point me in the right direction for the right thread and any other ladies who could shed some light on him please?

Thank you too DaisyB :)

Love & hugs Alesia xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2017, 06:43:14 AM »

Would you be kind enough to tell me your experience and/or point me in the right direction for the right thread and any other ladies who could shed some light on him please?

Hi ALESIA - here is a thread about Prof Studd:,32602.msg522858.html#msg522858


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2017, 07:18:22 AM »

Hi Alesia, sure I can PM you. xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #39 on: May 11, 2017, 09:13:07 PM »

Hi Edelweiss

Thank you so much for your lovely message! I'm sorry I can't pm you back it says I'm not allowed??

I am shocked but not surprised by your dealings with JS, I have come across similar myself in the private medical profession.

The kinesiologist I'm seeing is Clare Snowdon Darling her clinic is called Balanced wellness, she has a great website with lots of info and blogs, she has helped with my eating as I had been unable to eat much at all for months, lots of supplements to build me back up which has improved skin, hair etc and magnesium which has really helped with the insomnia and adrenal support which helps with the shaking/anxiety.

I still feel dreadful most of the time, been feeling very tearful, depressed just lately and not coping with that too well. I can't seem to get to the bottom of why my Oestrogel just stopped working after 21 years. I've asked my GP to refer me to Nick Panay so fingers crossed she will be able to.

Actually your info was very helpful as I had my suspicions about JS and I'm so sorry for you being treated with such disrespect and at a time when you are so low! Disgraceful!

Are you feeling better now? Did you manage to get the right HRT regime to help you?

I will have a look at Louise too :) thank you so much!

Alesia xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #40 on: May 11, 2017, 09:13:59 PM »

Thank you Jenna  :) xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #41 on: May 11, 2017, 10:49:34 PM »

Hi Alesia,

I'm so sorry to read your story and all of your symptoms. What's happened to you has happened to me too.

I was 52 when it happened, but had been on estrogel 4 years. I don't believe it's a 2nd meno tho, I think it was just masked before by the estrogel, which has now stopped working for us.

Anyway, no need to thank me, you are so welcome. Anything I can do to help.

I believe Nick Panay is booked up until at least August/September probably longer. He does have associates but I think most women would rather see him. He has a good reputation of course, but he doesn't have access to medications that any other specialist doesn't.

I thought Louise seemed dedicated and caring. She has the 'human touch' that others lack. She will do phone consultations if you're not near her (Solihull).

I hope you find an answer to your problem, after 21 years that is such a long time isn't it? I know how upsetting and shocking it is when it happens, you just can't believe it can you? And, as you say, you'd never think in a million years it was meno. It took me months to realise (to my horror) what it was. While GPs psychys and gynaes told me I was wrong. Turns out I wasn't - tho I am not glad to be right.

Wishing you the very best and hope for a solution for you soon.
Love, xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2017, 10:38:21 AM »

Hi Edelweiss

I'm so so sorry to hear the same has happened to you! It really is the most awful thing and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

Mine started last September just out of the blue aged 51 and to say I haven't had a life since then is an understatement :(

I'm hoping by seeing Nick Panay he will have some answers, being an expert I'm hoping he will have come across this phenomenon before? There doesn't seem to be any meno experts in my area at all.

I've been reading that women who have had Hysterectomy and lost ovaries need testosterone too? I've always only had Oestrogel so am wondering if that might help.

Was Louise able to help you at all? Have you tried any other type of Estrogen apart from the gel? Sorry I haven't had time yet to read through your other posts so I don't know much about your journey, did you have a Hysterectomy/ have you still got ovaries etc?

My Gastro consultant has been wonderful and is trying his hardest to find someone who knows about these things and will refer me so fingers crossed on that too!

Technically it's supposedly not possible to have a 2nd meno, my GP says it's a case of we've fooled your body for 21 years into thinking everything is ok and it's now realised it's not. But it seems a bit of a coincidence this should happen to us at the exact age that Menopause would naturally occur??

Someone else mentioned that the receptors can stop working ... There must be an expert out there who knows about these things surely?  :-\

Love & hugs xxx



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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2017, 10:44:18 AM »

Hi Alesia, my story is in my profile signature. I haven't found a solution yet. Lots of love and hugs xxx


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Re: Do you feel like this?
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2017, 11:08:24 AM »

Oh my goodness! So here we have 2 ladies, both with the same thing happening! Is this a coincidence? NO!!! There are numerous reports of this very thing over at Hystersisters.

I have a couple of theories of my own. Firstly, that estradiol becomes unrecognizable in some women over time as the body exclusively produces estrone only from peripheral conversion as we age, and this is what the receptors are 'expecting' - they simply can't cope with the much stronger estradiol any more (I think this is my problem, but I'll go into that later). Quite a few women over at Hystersisters can only tolerate estriol, which is weaker.

The role of the adrenopause, which I've posted about before.

This phenomena needs posting about more! For those who haven't lived it and poo poo it - well, they have no idea! Even Dr. Currie has confirmed that estrogen receptors can become non receptive but no one can explain WHY.

Much love to both of you! xxxxxx
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