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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Scared To Try HRT Again  (Read 21397 times)


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #90 on: May 06, 2017, 12:13:53 PM »

I know that feeling, Edelweiss!  :o

Thank you, you're so very kind! Just packing Hubby off now and then I'll be on messaging later. Sending so many hugs your way - I'll message you later! xxxxx

 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #91 on: May 06, 2017, 12:45:14 PM »

Yes please do that. I'll keep an eye out for your messages. xxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #92 on: May 06, 2017, 12:59:05 PM »

 :) :) :) :) :) :) xxxxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2017, 02:34:59 PM »

I've not been on for ages and feel for you that you are going through this hormone upheaval again. It seems strange that you are classed as too young to be off HRT and my specialist reckoned I would be fine without it and I think I'm only a few months older than you. . I must say for the most part she's not been wrong. Moods have stabilised and after a year of no hormones at all the worst symptoms I have are sore joints and a bit of VA.
since my GP reluctantly gave me Estriol cream (which I use half the dose of every 4th or 5th night) even the hot flushes are much reduced.
I do eat edamame beans, pulses and chick peas almost every day and have cut out caffeine.
Hope you find something that suits.


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #94 on: May 06, 2017, 03:20:24 PM »

Hi, Stickinsect!

I'm so glad that you're doing so well. It's early days for me back on HRT and I'm using low dose, so I'll see how it goes.

In the year trialling different  HRT's I never found balance as I chopped and changed a lot and I'm hoping that's been the problem to a degree, but I can say that by 2 years post surgery having been off HRT for well over 2 months I noticed that things were drastically different for me than they were one year post op. Much more joint and muscle pain and atrophy and drastically thinner skin which occurred very quickly once I stopped. Very dry mouth and sore throat all the time. Very low energy levels. My mood was fine, but I was literally falling apart so I hope I can make this low dose work for me.

I'm not trying to scare you and I hope you are one of the lucky ladies who has little or no problems - you really do sound like you're doing so well. For me as I say it took longer out post surgery for things to deteriorate so that I was dealing with issues that you would expect to see in someone much older than 48, so I must at least try to see if estrogen helps along with continuing with a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Wishing you all the best!


Tempest xxxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2017, 05:05:00 PM »

Hi Tempest
Yes post tonight as I too will look out for your posts.
I'm okay - just looking for a bit of consistency- sometimes I have very good days, some days spikey days where certain words make me anxious, some days, I feel guilty or foggy, then others exhausted.
The worse is being in my head going round and round having the inability to stop thinking.
I take AD's that the side effects are nervousness! And patches causes me surges. So some days I have no idea what to expect.
Anyway for now I'm managing it by drinking 2l of water, eating seeds and oatcakes, Highland, of course, cutting out caffeine, milk and sugar.
I also go to work where it's common knowledge what's happened to me. Also I try and keep busy and hope one day, it'll be easier.
Thinking of starting fish oils too and have a reiki appointment booked.
Sorry for the essay!
What time is Hubby back? Have you got any Comedies that you can watch on television tonight? X


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #96 on: May 06, 2017, 07:04:01 PM »

Hi Marchone! You're doing great so far, the early months post surgery are so hard as everything is settling and I know the ladies over at Hystersisters say finding balance early post op. is a challenge. You may need a tweak again a few months down the line but as you were in menopause already you may just be fine! I wish I had started the HRT as soon as I could post surgery instead of leaving it a whole year. I think that's why I'm having so many problems now!

You're doing all the good things you can right now. It's awful when you have an AD that can also cause nervousness! Sheesh! I'd love to try Reiki by the way, never given it a go but I should. Let me know what you think when you've had your session. :)

Hubby is back tomorrow lunchtime. I've been quite busy today so far anyway cooking and spent a good while chatting to my son on the phone who is working in England now that he's finished his degree so that's killed a good amount of time. Thank you for being so kind! xxxxx

Just a shout out to Edelweiss - how are you today? I've been thinking of you but Hubby has whisked my I pad away with him to Wild Night so I can't access messaging! I had to lend it to him as he needs it for visuals ahead of the bat walk tonight. It's a very warm night tonight for Scotland (!) so there will be plenty of insects and bats feeding on the wing. The children always love the bat walks but the bats aren't always co-operative in our uncertain weather! I just wanted you to know that I've not forgotten you and we'll catch up as soon as I have something better than my phone for access to the forum. I can't even get into my messages on this, it's hopeless! xxxxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #97 on: May 06, 2017, 07:51:10 PM »

Tempest, a thought just crossed my mind regards your situation. Some ladies on here report a definite systemic uptake of  Vagifem as well from minimal effects to quite noticeable. Can this route be a possible starting point for you as the dosage is so low etc?


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #98 on: May 06, 2017, 08:18:12 PM »

Oh Tempest THANK YOU how incredibly kind and thoughtful of you. I am glad you are doing OK - well done on the cooking that's an achievement. Your hubby's night out sounds like an adventure, I bet the children love it! Hope you have a good night lovely and know I am thinking of you... and any other lady who's having a tough time. Great to read about Abby - I think she was having an awful time too and then saw Prof Lumsden who diagnosed insulin resistance, is that right? I hope I'm not getting different ladies mixed up here. Probably am apols if so xxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #99 on: May 06, 2017, 09:31:24 PM »

Hi, matildamouse! I've given that idea a thought if the estrogel doesn't work out. My Gynae. confirmed that he has patients who receive systemic absorption from Vagifem too so in practice it does indeed happen.Thank you so very much for thinking of me! xxxxx

Dear Edelweiss! You are so very kind and thoughtful to all of us here, even though you have so many troubles of your own! What a truly gracious spirit you are. Thank you!

I think Abby saw another lady Consultant who her father kindly paid for her to see as she was so desperate. It has worked out very well for her (Abby is the yoga lady, if that rings a bell). I hope she pops back in from time to time to let us know how she's doing, as she mentioned she is going to blog about her menopause experience as she travels to help other women. That would be good!

How are you feeling today? Have you had any further thoughts of any other avenues you might like to try? I'm wracking my brains so hard here! The only one that keeps niggling my brain is the mention I read of the body adapting receptors to Premarin - I know it's far from bio identical but I'm wondering if you would consider it to see if this unique avenue might work? I know you would need a progestin too separately or maybe Prempro? We have to be able to help you! I so want for one of us to have an 'aha' moment and come up with an avenue that might work for you.

Please keep posting on the thread you created - the more voices and opinions you have, the more chance that there may be that wee nugget of information that someone happens upon that could start the ball rolling for you.

Sending you biggest hugs! xxxxx


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Re: Scared To Try HRT Again
« Reply #100 on: May 06, 2017, 10:13:15 PM »

Ah yes I remember Abby was a yoga lady - I got confused about her consultant. It was Miss Whitcroft. But yes I remember her Dad paid. He must be so relieved Abby is better, all that matters is that she is feeling well and happy. Such good news.

Thanks for your thoughts about me - it's so kind of you to make suggestions. I would take ANYTHING, literally anything. I'd sell my house and everything I own.

I hope you are doing OK tonight. Want you to be well. All the ladies here.

With loads of love xxx
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 10:42:24 PM by edelweiss »
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