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Author Topic: Ovulation and symptons  (Read 1719 times)


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Ovulation and symptons
« on: April 17, 2017, 07:20:26 PM »

Hi ladies
Writing another thread to get thoughts on ovulating. I seem to struggle more around this time than period now.
I am taking mini pill and had no period last month don't know whether it's the pill or just no period.
I have had a camera in to the womb with biopsy swabs and smear all clear just said my womb seems to be lacking oestrogen.

I am suffering with migraines with terrible buzzing and the buzzing gets worse as I get to mid obvulation.
I suffer with pains in my right side abdo always again mid ovulation which can get bad at times. Have been in hospital few times with the pain and anxiety!

My ibs flares up with a bad bout now again mid ovulating
Pins and needles and pains in my legs and arms right side is worse where I seem to have the pains and angry bowels.

Does anyone else suffer like this at ovulation?

It is very strange and sometimes worrying, I have had ultrasound to check ovaries all clear

Thoughts are welcome
I am going to ask my gp to refer to menopausal gyne again as I have been discharged from the one back to gp after camera into womb.

I am taking vagifem off and on for va
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 07:46:10 PM by Mazza27 »


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Re: Ovulation and symptons
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 04:23:23 PM »

Hi sparkle, thanks for reply. Yes it is worse than period pains, I keep thinking that there is something the docs are missing. I suffer health anxiety with all that's going on.

I just want to be normal (whatever that is😂) i have been docs today but not my normal doc but signed me off for week. See my normal doc Monday and going to ask what they plan to investigate next...

How long did your pain last for?
