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Author Topic: Which is it: VA, UTI, Vagina just recovering from Thrush?  (Read 1668 times)


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Which is it: VA, UTI, Vagina just recovering from Thrush?
« on: April 13, 2017, 06:29:57 PM »

I posted last week under The Burning Club but thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm 54. Had my last period in Jan, missed 3 last year and 2 the year before. Had quite a few peri-meno symptoms but none that troubled me too much and felt life was going well. Then had my first UTI ever, followed by thrush and life went down hill immediately  :(
Won't bore you with details but had vulvadynia and pudendal sensitivity/throb plus nagging bladder and ended up in A&E with pain I couldn't handle and big first anxiety attack with it. Have now overcome anxiety and vulvadynia is gone with time and cold packs, physio, acupuncture to name a few avenues of help.
However, still weird discomfort in and around vulva/vagina. Not pain. Just feels unsettled. Looks moist. Sex good when we take time and hubby doesn't take toooo long :jiggy: My bladder still nags and tells me I need to go even though I don't. So my question is: shall I wait a bit longer to see if it settles further or go back to doctors and ask for vagifem? Some of them suggested HRT but the specialists I saw i.e. The gynaecologists didn't think I did need it?! Could it really take 3 months to get over a UTI and thrush if it was all ok. Having said that I never had a moments problem before all this and had sex regularly, sometimes days in a row and all ok? But now my periods seem to have stopped so could my oestrogen have plunged. I had one test and doc said as a snapshot it would suggest post menopausal?
So do I go on feeling uncomfortable and obsessed with bladder? I have cut out all caffeine, citrus drinks and toms and take cranberry capsule and probiotic. Any advice as I have read on threads here that UTIs seem linked to hormone issues. I'm dithering.


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Re: Which is it: VA, UTI, Vagina just recovering from Thrush?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 09:51:29 PM »

Hi tinaoptemist
These bladder symptoms are quite common when meno hits. Local oestrogen will help. Do stop the cranberry as this will make the urethra burn and give uti type symptoms. Try stopping caffeine and fruit juices as well - anything acidic will make things burn.
It might be worth seeing a urologist if the burning continues but you may only get the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis and this isn't very helpful as there isn't much they can do to treat this - however the urologist told me to keep using local Oestrogen.
I'm afraid what you are experiencing is all part of the joy of the menopause.
Full systemic HRT is often needed to treat the more extreme urogenital symptoms. Get the Vagifem and use plenty of vaginal moisturiser for sex. Make sure you pee after sex as well. DG x


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Re: Which is it: VA, UTI, Vagina just recovering from Thrush?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2017, 09:12:48 AM »

Hi Dancinggirl and Sparkle,
Thanks so much for your advice. I have been reading The Burning Club for a while and finally posted on there last week. I'm starting to feel part of the group now  :) It has been so helpful reading everyone's comments over the past few months.
I have already cut out caffeine and citrus drinks as well as tomatoes. I struggle to stay strong with chocolate though  :( I have the occasional Choccy bar every now and again. I pee before and after sex and also wash with water as soon as is practical. I don't get burning anymore just a desire to pee frequently. I don't keep going as I would be sitting on the loo all the time! It's more the desire to go rather than anything else. My brain just gets tired of ignoring the message, if you know what I mean.
I am hesitating over Vagifem but think it's inevitable if I want to get rid of this annoying symptom.
Will keep reading people's posts. Thank you so much  :)