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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Existing Antidepressants combined with HRT - Can anyone offer advice please?  (Read 14651 times)


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I am new here. I have been reading a lot of the posts which have helped me.
I have had anxiety and depression since 13 years old, and I am now 51.  I had Severe Pre Menstrual Syndrome and Post Natal Depression.
I last had a period about 17 months ago. I thought that after the menopause things would settle down, but they are worsening now :(
I have been on Venlafaxine (antidepressant) 225mg for a few years. My GP over the phone prescribed me Elleste Duet Conti for the first time.  He told me to take both together. The prescription was collected and I have been taking the HRT for 2 weeks.
I feel so utterly down, and unwell, much more than usual, even than when just having bad days on Venlafaxine alone.  I dont know if this is to be expected to begin with or ? 
I cannot get a doctors appointment for nearly 2 weeks.
Please can anyone who is taking both together, share their own experience, because I have searched all over the net, but cannot seem to find any posts on taking Elleste Duet Conti and Venlafaxine together.
Thank you in advance.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2017, 12:23:17 PM by misme7 »


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Re: Please can anyone help. Venlafaxine combined with Elleste Duet Conti
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 06:29:46 PM »

Welcome.  How did you feel B4 you began HRT?

I have taken ADs since 1988.  I never worry about taking any other medications if they are necessary.  If you can't get a GP appt., do you have a Practice Nurse, or perhaps ring/visit with a Pharmacist in your town, they have private rooms for personal discussions.

HRT can take a while for the body to adjust to.  Have you done a search on here, putting in Elleste Duet Conti to see what pops up?


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Re: Please can anyone help. Venlafaxine combined with Elleste Duet Conti
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 08:32:21 PM »

Hello :)
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.
I was not so bad before taking HRT. The menopause did make my mental health issues a LOT worse, but I understood that. I had such high hopes for the HRT and my Doctor never once told me that one of the side effects of this particular HRT can be a worsening of the mood.
I will do a search for Elleste Duet Conti on here.
I am happy to take other prescribed meds with my anti depressants, but the HRT is making me so unwell with depression that I am getting scared. I will give the health centre a call tomorrow. I was not too bad before, and the only change is the HRT.
I really cannot afford for me to get worse. Maybe another type of HRT would help. but I shall give this one a few more weeks.
I thought that after the menopause that I would feel so much better but this is not happening :(
Sorry to sound so miserable.
Thank you again for your reply.  I hope that you are well

« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 08:35:28 PM by misme7 »


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hello misme7-I'll respond tomorrow. it's o.k. and its fairly normal but just want you to know that you'll get great support in here.It's been a godsend x


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Thank you.  I feel a little more reassured now. It does seem like a very good website.  Night.  :)


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Hi Misme7 I tried elleste and didn't get on with it at all, it made me feel very flat. It's only my opinion of course but I'd change it pdq if I were you.  The patches and gel are new generation hrt and should help you to feel better x


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Hiya, I take HRT (Elleste Duet sequi) with Escitalapram - no issues whatsoever  ;D

Hope this helps



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I have no experience of your hrt at all but it could be progesterone in it flattening your mood.

There's other alternatives and hopefully the ladies who know more options for you will be along

Just because others have managed on taking both doesn't mean it will suit you.  I was on elleste solo for years and felt great on it so went to patch form of elleste (oestrogen only) and felt dreadful, 4 day horrendous migraine and in A&E twice before I was eventually sick , others feel great on it

It might be better for you to use separate oestrogen and progesterone x


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hello. Elleste Duet contains a synthetic progesterone that is notorious for side effects in some women. This can include depression and low mood so you may be sensitive/ intolerant to any preparation containing this type of progesterone. Have a read on the site about HRT preps and book a double appointment with your doc to discuss. You may react better to a different regime or delivery method such as a gel or patch. However, even the better tolerated progesterones can cause issues in sensitive women. it's trial and error I'm afraid and you really should give each regime 3 months to work. HOWEVER , if you are feeling absolutely dreadful then you really should wait. Book that appointment and hopefully you can have a sensible discussion with your GP. Ask for a referral to a menopause clinic if you have one in your area. Unfortunately a lot of GPs aren't really clued up and many of us spend a lot of time ( and what little energy we have) wasting our time before going private. Don't know if this is an option for you.
Obviously lots of women get on with HRT but there are also lots who struggle to find a combination that works and we can tolerate. I'm still working through it all nearly 3 years after initially approaching GP practice and now have gone to a private gyny.

You can take the ADs with your HRT but I'd definitely be discussing with the doc changing your HRT- your past history would indicate that your depression is in part caused by a hormonal imbalance and you may get on better with an oestrogen gel/ utrogestan or Femeston. Let us know how you get on. X


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I am so grateful for all your helpful advice. I never knew some of what I have just read. 
I am going to ask about being referred to a menopause clinic. That does sound like a good idea.
I woke today and for the first time in a long time. I seriously thought about ending my life, so I am going to call the Doctor and ask for an appt as soon as is available.  My life to a large extent has been ruined by hormones, and their effect on me,  because I have severe anxiety, depression. and that led to me becoming agoraphobic. 
I realise there are others who have it far worse in the world, so please do not see me as being self absorbed and selfish,  but as I am 51 now, I cannot honestly see a future, in fact I don't want a future feeling like I have done for years. 
Sorry to sound so miserable, but this has been going on since I was 13/14. I truly thought HRT may be of some help.
Will call the Doctors.
I will read all your replies again, because they are such a huge help to me, Hopefully I may be able to help others on here when I feel a little more positive.
Sorry for sounding so miserable. xx



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How did you get on?  You can moan, whinge, wallow as much as you like on here  ;).

When did you last see a Psychiatrist?  Maybe it's time, as hormones interfere with your mental health, to have an appt. to discuss medication?  ADs have come on in leaps and bounds over the years. 

I take 5mg Escitalopram [I think] in the morning and 10mg at night.  When I added the 5mg 12 months ago due to reasons out of my control, it helped ease the anxiety a LOT! so double benefit.  Those scary thoughts in my head drag me down  :-\, even knowing that they will pass, doesn't help at the time.  There is Samaritans 24/7 as well as some Branches of MIND Charity have walk-in centres.  When I felt so ill 12 months ago I sent an e-mail to find out their opening hours and received a very reassuring reply.  Might be worth you contacting them 'in case'?

I too was agoraphobic for 4 months in the 1990s.  I thought that I would never leave the house! but eventually as medication eased symptoms, I managed .......

Rescue Remedy can help too.  I use a mouth spray B4 events that I think will trigger anxiety.  I also have an emergency tablet when anxiety floors me and I feel that I can't go on ........

You are NOT alone!


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Bless you,, don't use it if it's giving you those feelings.  You will get to a better place in all this x


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missed- get to your docs pronto and discuss how you feel. Don't delay, get that appointment. post to your hearts content on here. You are not alone chica x


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Hello all
Hope that you are all feeling as good as can be.
Sorry for not posting sooner, but since I last posted, I have been in a meltdown, and not felt good at all. I feel better today.
Thank you to all those that have replied  :)  I am just going to catch up on the replies.
My GP over the phone prescribed FEMSEVEN CONTI patches. I was then told when my partner went to collect the prescription at the pharmacy that they have been discontinued. He then tried other chemists and they all said the same.
Today I phone my GP and he has now prescribed EVOREL CONTI patches.  I have been reading reviews and I cannot see how these are going to be any different to the ELLESTE DUET.  Sorrry to sound so negative, but I have read that one of the possible side effects is depression and anxiety, which is what I have suffered from for most of my life, so Great.
I thought after the menopause ended 17 months ago, at 50 that maybe I would feel better, but the side effects still continue.  My GP said that they could go on for years, as they do in some women  :'(
Has anyone tried EVOREL CONTI patches? It would great to hear if so.


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hello. I was on both Elleste Duet and Evorel Conti ( the former on a sequential basis and the latter on a conti basis)
I did not get on with them at all. I also tried Kliovance between these and both Kliovance and Everol made me climb the walls. I've never felt so wretched and was crying all of them time. I halved the Everol patches and I started to feel more like myself.

All 3 contain the same synthetic progesterone and I believe this was making me ill. Consultant has switched me to Utrogestan which is bio- identical and apparently a bit kinder but I'm also struggling a bit with this taking it on a daily basis. I'm also on Oestrogel. Go back to your doc and ask them to review your prescription. x
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