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Author Topic: My HRT cant be right..  (Read 4959 times)


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2017, 07:28:58 PM »

So glad you are now feeling some relief, Sparkle. One thing I have noticed after just 2 sessions with my osteopath - my neck no longer crunches like it did.  For the first time since I can remember I can now move it properly.  It may be worth finding yourself a good osteopath - not sure where you live but I would certainly recommend my chap.  Your symptoms do sound just like mine though, so maybe its not all muscles. Thank you though for giving me some hope!   


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2017, 06:45:48 PM »

Hi Sparkle

I'm in North London, so might be a bit of a trek for my osteopath!

I went to see the GP today.  She is very young, and just a locum covering until the surgery closes, but she told me to ditch the progesterone if it is doing nothing and exhaust the herbal routes before going for proper HRT!!   

On the neck front, I got a copy of the report of the X-ray I had done back in 2011- anterior and posterior osteophytes (boney bits to you and I) plus narrowing of all disc spaces between C3 and C7.  If that was 6 years ago, I wonder what has happened since!  I think I may be getting closer to an answer regarding my headaches. I presume the next step will be another x-ray/MRI..

How's it going today?  Guess what - I have a headache!!




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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2017, 09:37:53 PM »

However, most of the doctors I have seen don't even seem to have heard of bio identicals!

Avoid using the term "bio-identicals". It's not a medical term that doctors generally use. Some may even think that you are talking about compounded hormones, because it has become a marketing term that the alternate and compounding industry tends to use.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 09:50:52 PM by Dana »


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2017, 09:41:51 PM »

Not really sure at the moment.  I know I was taking menopace most of last year and felt fine.  Then vits and supps early this year and I felt better than ever until this head thing kicked off.  I think I want to get the neck/head thing resolved first and then I can worry about the hormones.  My husband wants us to go on a romantic train ride through Europe in July whilst our son is away, and I so want to be right by then! If I can get away without HRT then that's good, but lets see. 

Thanks for your support.


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2017, 09:44:00 PM »

Dana, I was new to all of this HRT, bio-identical, compounded etc until a few months ago.  Still not sure I understand the difference!  Learning all the time though.


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2017, 09:59:22 PM »

People can be a bit mislead by MM too because it does tend to get used here a lot. Basically, while there may be some legitimacy in the term bioidentical, it's not really a medical term that doctors use, so that's why they don't understand what you mean. It is more of a marketing term to mean compounded hormones and there are a lot of reasons not to use compounded hormones. This link explains it pretty well.


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2017, 10:02:30 PM »

There are lots of misunderstandings with the terminology.

Bio-identical means plant based and biologically identical to natural hormones.

Compounded medications are the opposite to pre-packaged and are acquired through a compounding pharmacy (like the ones in the olden days!) where the pharmacist puts the ingredients together onsite to make bespoke pharmaceuticals to fit your prescription, rather than taking 2 of them and 3 of the others. I was in Australia where they have them in most towns but there are very few in the U.K. They are especially useful for people who are allergic to certain fillers. You need a doctors prescription for them so are nothing to do with pre-packaged products you can buy online.


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2017, 10:16:47 PM »

Compounded medications do have their place for a miniority of people who can't use pre-packaged prescription medications, but unfortunately when it comes to HRT it has become a multi-billion dollar industry that is designed to scare women away from using conventional HRT. The whole industry purposely skews information, and flat out lies, about conventional HRT so they can market their version of "bioidentical" hormones. As you will see from the link I posted above there are a lot of negativities with using compounded/bioidentical hormones. There was even a comment made here by Dr Currie about it not that long ago. 


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2017, 08:57:32 AM »

Perhaps it's more an issue in Oz and maybe the US but very little compound prescribing of hormones is done in the UK. But yes it's very good advice to be wary of what you invest in.

My doctor uses this pharmacy and as you can see they won't sell to the public as you need a BMA doctors prescription.

It's not possible to regulate the compounded hormones industry (whether it's being prescribed by a top class BMA doctor or someone less reputable, perhaps in other countries where it's allowed) due to them being freshly made each time. I am a hypnotherapist and our industry also cannot be regulated due to its nature, which is deeply frustrating for us (so I have had to also train in psychotherapy to align myself with the UKCP). It isn't so bad now but we used to get a lot of bad press being assumed as charlatans who were conning people. Perhaps if those people had known the high cost and length of our training (which you can only do privately and this would be the same for docs and bespoke hormones) we would have been idiots to have paid out thousands and spent 3 years plus training (and CPD that never stops) so that we could go and rip off the general public for a few quid?!

So my point is that it's wrong to tar a whole industry with the same brush as you will be throwing the baby out with the bath water. People just need to do their research to ensure they are using quality doctors and products. If the NHS, which of course everyone should try first, can provide what a patient needs then that should be explored first. My endo doc actually has the products on her website to ask NHS docs for (oestrogel, Utrogestan etc) if they cannot afford private treatment (and I advise my clients of the NHS CBT service in the same way) and this transparency is what any decent practitioner should be doing.

Marketing companies would throw their hands up at us doing that though, but ethics should come first!


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Re: My HRT cant be right..
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2017, 09:27:29 AM »

Perhaps it's more an issue in Oz and maybe the US but very little compound prescribing of hormones is done in the UK. But yes it's very good advice to be wary of what you invest in.

This was posted on MM in January, so I can only assume that compounded/bioidentical hormones are a problem in the UK as well. Usually by the time a doctor makes a statement like this it is already well on its way to establishment. Women need to be aware of this, and the pitfalls of compounded/bioidentical hormones, highlighted in the below link and also the AMS link I posted above.

From the Winter 2016 issue of the Menopause Matters Magazine, an article on  Bio Identicals Bio identicals 2017.pdf
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 09:36:05 AM by Dana »
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