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Author Topic: Starting utrogestan- help please?  (Read 17095 times)


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Starting utrogestan- help please?
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:25:55 PM »

Hi ladies- picked up my prescription today for oestrogel and utrogestan. Not sure when to take the utrogestan. Better at night or in the morning? I see from the leaflet that it can make you drowsy so would make sense to take it at night but does that mean NO food ( including my nightly after eight mint) for at least two hours before taking it. Daft question I know but my addled brain can't take it all in!
Also says in the leaflet to take 2 tablets part way through the cycle but consultant has told me to take one tablet for 25 days. Presumably the leaflet just doesn't mention this as a treatment option.
I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. Because of my negative experience of progesterone in previous regimes, I must admit I'm a bit wary of it...
I can change to vaginal application if required if I don't tolerate the tablets but how long should I give it orally if I'm not coping with it. My consultant wants to see me in 3 months time. Thanks girls- any assistance greatly appreciated  :thankyou:


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 04:33:07 PM »

Hi there Michellemabelle

Are you peri-menopausal? If so you should take it on Days 15-26, Day 1 being the first day of your last bleed. The Days 1-25 is the post-menopausal dose - which is the licensed amount - but in practice many women take it continuously. The 3-day break is to allow a bleed if the dose is insufficient to keep the lining thin so a small bleed might occur. It does of course depend on the oestrogen dose you are taking too and where you are in menopause.

I've never taken it orally as I am a "nil-by-mouth" gal when it comes to HRT. I don't think you need to worry too much about the food thing - the bio-availability of utrogestan is increased when taken with food so that has to be a good thing if you are on a higher dose of oestrogen - although perhaps means more side effects would be possible?

The important thing is to be as consistent as you can to keep the levels as steady as possible. Yes I always take mine at night ( vag) so that peak blood levels occur while I'm asleep!

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2017, 07:27:31 PM »

Thanks Hurdity. I was still having irregular periods when I started HRT at 54. I'm now 56 so I think they're just assuming that I'm post menopausal as they switched me a few months back from sequential to cyclical HRT. X


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2017, 09:46:45 PM »

Yes he did suggest switching to the vaginal version if the oral one didn't work but don't know why he didn't go straight to the vaginal version. Just don't know how long I should give the oral tablets a chance if I'm getting side effects.
and yes, just one but I keep them in the freezer- great with a cup of tea! X


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2017, 12:55:51 PM »

Thanks StellaJane- I'll give it a try.
I did mean one with each cup of tea. so 3/4. Less calorific than a biscuit. And I stay off them with my morning coffees ( well, sometimes)
Don't get me started on Terry's Chocolate oranges! I ate 3 over Christmas and I'm no great chocolate lover! 🍫🍫🍫


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Re: Starting utrogestan more help please?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2017, 01:13:56 PM »

Hi ladies- can you please help. Now on 5th day or oral utrogestan. Sleep hasn't been great, feel very weepy and tired today, lower back pain etc etc. Feels like bad pms and I find the tablets very hard to get down. Also seems to be making IBS worse and my tummy sounds like an old boiler starting up. I felt chirpy yesterday but today I'm not great. How long should I attempt to take it orally before throwing in the towel ? The consultant has advised that I can take it vaginally if I don't tolerate it orally but Mr Google is showing the vaginal version as being available in 200 mg when I'm supposed to be taking 100 mg every day. So not sure where that leaves me. I thought that utrogestan would be the one, and I know that I'm not giving it enough time but after 17 months of trying other regimes, I'm getting pretty near the end of the road. Sorry for bleating on- I'm feeling sorry for myself as justhad some holes punched in my big toenails to treat a fungal infection- happy days :cuss:


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2017, 03:13:05 PM »

Hello Michele

Really sorry to hear you are struggling on Utrogestan. It is almost bioidentical to our own progesterone, but that doesn't mean it is perfect. I use Utrogestan 100mg, from the 1st-7th of each month. This is Prof Studd's regime, recommended for women who are severely progesterone intolerant (like me). Oddly, I find I am absolutely fine on it some months, then other months I feel just as you describe. The one time I tried it vaginally my symptoms were very severe, so I think it was just too strong for me (you get much more of a hit, taking it vaginally, rather than orally).

So it is worth persevering through to another month, as you might feel totally different next month. Prof Studd is also very relaxed about you not taking Utrogestan some months, if you need a break from the symptoms. I have also seen a specialist meno GP who recommended I went 'long cycle' on Utrogestan, and only take it every third month. I haven't tried that yet.

I hope you feel better really soon x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2017, 06:20:32 PM »

Thanks GRL- I've been to see consultant privately and he's recommended cyclical  utrogestan starting orally and perhaps changing to vaginally if I don't tolerate. I got put on cyclical Elleste Duet previously and Everol conti patches but felt so awful on both. Have also tried Elleste Duet. I'm now convinced that I have a problem with the progesterone and hoped that I would be able to tolerate the utrogestan better- it's early days I know but by heck, I feel awful.

I did consider Studd but I live in Scotland so that would just add to the cost. I know that his regime is a bit off the wall in terms of the progesterone part if you're particularly sensitive to it, so not sure how my consultant here would feel about this. I guess I'll preserve for a while and see how it goes. Thanks for your feedback- it's really appreciated x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2017, 06:23:26 PM »

And my spelling/ spellchecker is  :(


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2017, 07:45:16 PM »

Hi there - I also made comments on the other thread by different member (can't remember her name as she's new!). Just to point out that the "official" vaginal version is prescribed for fertility ie the 200 mg. For HRT there used to be a 200 mg dose as well but now only 100 mg - I have no idea why because they are exactly the same product - just a different leaflet! So - now you end up having to poke up 2 x 100 mg tiny balls instead of 1 x 200 mg slightly larger ovoid capsule which was much easier. Some women manage to get their (enlightened) doc to prescribe the fertility version if they want the 200 mg. However some research has shown that if used vaginally - with low or medium oestrogen doses - 100 mg vaginally for 12 days may be sufficient for endometrial protection. However this is such an individual thing it is important to start with the licensed dose - see how you react and see how the bleed is for a few cycles and then discuss with your doc or meno specialist if you can reduce this safely and under supervision.

There are several eminent specialists in Scotland!!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2017, 09:21:03 PM »

Thanks Hurdity   :foryou:
You are very helpful x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2017, 03:23:47 PM »

You're welcome Michele x

can I ask, have you suffered with PMS or PND? Because if you have, then it's almost guaranteed that you are severely progesterone intolerant (as explained to me at a meno clinic). Also some brands of progesterone heavy BCP might send you up the wall. At university I started on a BCP and within 4 weeks had sunk into a horrible low mood and despondency that only lifted for about 5 days each month (suspicious, eh?). After 6 months I stopped taking the BCP and within a week felt back to normal.


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2017, 03:37:12 PM »

Hi Gypsy- I have always had quite bad pms but haven't really suffered with PND although I only managed one successful full time pregnancy. They didn't ever get to the bottom of why I miscarried.
When I was younger, the GP did change my pill one time and I reacted very badly to the new one. crying, rocking back and forth, totally miserable. It was changed and I tolerated the new one well enough. When I started joining the dots a few weeks ago, I thought that progesterone was the culprit but I'll just need to give the new regime a try and see how I get on.
When I started halving the Everol conti patches, I did feel more like my old self but the flushes came back as I wasn't getting enough oestrogen and when I was on KLiovance cyclical version before that I was so low and so tearful. I'm not sleeping with the Utrogestan but feel sedated. I'm not sure a daily progesterone regime suits me but as I said, I need to give the new stuff a chance to work. Bet your sorry you asked!
Anyhoo, how are you doing?
Feeling any better? X


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2017, 03:51:59 PM »

Hmmm, well it certainly sounds to me like you are progesterone intolerant considering your previous history. I bet you felt pretty good and stable during your pregnancy, too?

I would certainly give Utrogestan a good go, because it is the best progesterone out there. But, if you don't feel the low mood abating at all, then I would seriously consider swapping to a regime that doesn't have you taking progesterone virtually every day.

I am feeling much better, thanks x


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Re: Starting utrogestan- help please?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2017, 04:04:49 PM »

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I was a bit of a psycho during pregnancy. maybe I'm just a nutter and it's nothing to do with hormones... :foryou: :bounce: