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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?  (Read 4222 times)


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Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« on: March 17, 2017, 04:53:59 PM »

I have had an examination for fibroyds today and been told that I have them and a Polyp but that I have to wait for a week and speak to my GP about the results.

Can any one tell me what they are?

The Meno clinic lady is recommending a Mirena  coil but said if the fibroyds are larger that 3cm she cant fit it. The lady who did the scan would not give me any info about the size or the number of fibroyds or the location of the polyp.

Can anyone give me any ideas of treatments or direct to any info sites please?



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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 05:06:12 PM »

Gosh, 3cm is the limit, I didn't know that. I have multiple fibroids and the biggest was 6x4cm last year, probably bigger now. Just waiting to see if they shrink after menopause which they should with any luck. Most women have them, if they aren't causing you any symptoms then probably worth just keeping an eye on. Your GP will have a better idea, maybe you'll be sent for an ultrasound?

Have a look here

Don't know much about polyps though


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 06:57:56 PM »

I don't think they really understand why we get fibroids. Estrogen feeds them and in peri estrogen levels can be pretty high at times. Obesity, genes and eating red meat are thought to increase the link. I'm slim and a vegetarian but my sister had to have a hysterectomy due to her fibroids not shrinking after menopause so looks like genetic for me.


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2017, 12:09:51 PM »

doesn't say anything about the size of fibroids - maybe your doctor could fit it if bigger than 3cm? Lots of good info on that site I think


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2017, 05:06:54 PM »

I have a small fibroid ( less than 1 cm) found 3 years ago and a couple of years later it had shrunk despite being on medium dose HRT - so HRT is not necessarily precluded. However I can see that you might want to deal with one of 3 cm. Mirena does sound like a good option if it can be fitted and then you can continue with oestrogen if you want it.

Hurdity x


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2017, 05:06:44 PM »

Hello, I had a polyps removed yesterday and my womb scraped (ugh) and the mirena coil fitted under general. I was bleeding a lot under my previous hrt (femseven conti patches). I think it would be barbaric to have this done without being under anaesthetic. I have heard mainly good things about the coil which is why I went for it. The doc spoke to me about going to my gp and getting an oestrogen patch but I was a bit spaced out at the time. They think the polyps had been there a long time but I really needed to get it removed as it was pressing against my bladder. it all depends on what you're prepared to live with.

Sandra Snow

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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2017, 05:29:32 PM »

Having a prolapse operation, the surgeon found a polyp and removed it as a matter of course.  It was not found to be malignant.  End of story.  I had no idea that I even had one?


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2017, 06:09:54 PM »

Hi, I too  had heavy bleeding on Femseven conti, for 6 months on and off, now on Femseven sequin and bleeding stopped. Had a scan yesterday and have thickened lining and polyps, now going for further investigations. 🤔 


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2017, 09:07:16 AM »

Hi Glitterface and Mrsjam


Mrsjam - if you are on sequential HRT your lining will range from thick to thin depending on where in the cycle you are. The best time for a scan is just after a bleed - and if it is still thick then, steps need to be taken to thin it. I can see that polyps will need to be removed.

Glitterface - I hope your bleeding is sorted now. Yes an oestrogen patch will help with any menopausal symptoms you were experiencing - and the dose will depend on your age and where in menopause.

Hurdity x


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2017, 10:08:54 AM »

Hi hurdity I am 54 and about 18 months into the meno. I had been trying various herbal remedies from holland and Barrett but after a year of little sleep I turned to hrt in desperation. I felt so well after taking made me realise what utter crap I'd been putting up with. However.....side effects were bleeding and the polyps was discovered. Having read the forum I think I will need evoral 50 patches? I will see what the gp says. Thank for your comments


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2017, 08:00:03 PM »

Yes 50 mcg patches is the same type that you had before - with the Femseven - and this is the standard medium post-meno oestrogen dose. There are several varieties. Personally I prefer Estradot as they are so small but apparently there have been some supply problems. They are all listed here ( scroll down for patches):

Hurdity x


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Re: Fibroyds and Polyp Implications - Any advice please?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2017, 07:19:04 AM »

Hi Glitterface and Mrsjam


Mrsjam - if you are on sequential HRT your lining will range from thick to thin depending on where in the cycle you are. The best time for a scan is just after a bleed - and if it is still thick then, steps need to be taken to thin it. I can see that polyps will need to be removed.

Glitterface - I hope your bleeding is sorted now. Yes an oestrogen patch will help with any menopausal symptoms you were experiencing - and the dose will depend on your age and where in menopause.

Hurdity x

Thanks Hurdity,   I did wonder about my cycle, I am due for a bleed.    Next appointment I'll plan around it . 😀 