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Author Topic: Question about what happens when you come off HRT  (Read 1367 times)


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Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« on: March 11, 2017, 03:36:41 PM »

From what I read on the forums and on the internet that if you come off HRT after years on it, that the symptoms will come back and stay forever so does anyone just stay on HRT (any form of it) until they pass away or something like that?
Sorry to be crude but I don't understand.

I am 32 yrs old and I am in early menopause, I am on HRT obviously but I am wondering if when I come to stop taking it when i am in my 50's will i suffer from symptoms again and still suffering until I pass away in my 90's (for example) or will the symptoms stop when your body adjust to having no HRT in the system?

As everything I am reading is all those people saying they have to take some form of HRT for years cos symptoms just dont go away at all. I thought Menopause do end in one way or other?

Excuse my lack of knowledge :)

Thanks in advance


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Re: Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 06:09:58 PM »

Nobody can tell you what will happen when you stop HRT. We are all different and how quickly meno symptoms settle when you come off HRT will vary. Don't worry about all this now - if the HRT is suiting you, then that's great. You can stay on HRT till at least 60 provided you stay fit and healthy and many women now choose to continue HRT beyond this. You could find that the meno symptoms are mild when you do stop. Cross the bridge when you get there. DGX


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Re: Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 09:03:59 PM »

Good advice from Dancinggirl and who knows what might have been invented by the time you get to 60 in 28 years time sparkleyweirdo? Menopause never ends as it means the end of menstruation but the symptoms caused by fluctuating hormones in the earlier stages do get better. Everyone is different so there is no way of knowing how you will react when you do stop HRT.

 I've just realised that I'll be 91 by the time you reach 60!!  :o

Taz x


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Re: Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2017, 11:17:34 AM »

I can only answer for myself.  I came off my HRT just before Christmas having been on it around 5 years.  I had been doing ok but for the last month or so I have felt some of my old symptoms starting to return.  Very emotional, bad sleeping, lack of concentration, lack of appetite and general feeling a bit rubbish.  I've got an appointment next Monday with my meno nurse as she had said when I came off it that if I felt that I needed it I could go back on it again - watch this space.......


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Re: Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2017, 02:03:03 PM »

Hello sparklyweirdo.

I think it's a good question. My trusty meno book says that it is unfair to expect women to live the last part of their lives in a hormone reduced state ( the author is a female doctor and is pro HRT btw ).

I can understand that cells atrophy without oestrogen and that creates problems but what happens in the cells of those women who ‘ sail through the menopause '? Do their cells not complain at all? Do they have so much oestrogen stored in fat for example that they don't notice the decline ? Did they have very little hormone anyway and that's why the change is barely noticed? It is amazing to me that a whole endocrine system can fail and some ladies don't even have a flush! I assume older post meno women have replaced their oestrogen receptor cells with non receptor ones but that still means they are living without female hormones so how do they manage?

Sorry to go on but I would love to know the answers and by the way my book says we should all be using HRT until our dying day.

Wishing you well.



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Re: Question about what happens when you come off HRT
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 12:10:31 PM »

thank you very much for all your answers!!

I will just enjoy life as it comes and deal with this later on haha.
I just find it interesting how it really affect some women and not others so bad. Bodies are a weird thing!!

