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Author Topic: Early menopause and in need of support.  (Read 1119 times)


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Early menopause and in need of support.
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:16:18 PM »

Hi, I'm 40 years old and around 2 years ago I started to experience irregular periods. They became very heavy and more frequent, around every 2 weeks. My GP decided to change my copper coil to a Marina to see if that helped but after 6 months I requested he take it out as I had started to feel really down and associated it with the change in coil. He changed me back to a copper coil and I decided to let my body do what it wanted without any added hormones.
For the last 2 years I have gone from the odd night sweat to experiencing them every single night. I cannot honestly remember the last full nights sleep I had. My periods are now all over the place. Sometimes I go 2 months without one, sometimes I have 2 within a month and sometimes I just bleed for a day sporadically and then nothing. My breasts hurt, I've put on weight, my hair is thinning, I'm exhausted.. like I cannot keep my eyes open after work. Sometimes I go to bed for the day at the week end as I'm just shattered! My sex drive has gone..... I just feel like I have lost myself somewhere over those 2 years. I have days where depression wafts over me and they are becoming more frequent which is extremely worrying. It doesn't last, it just comes and goes but it's very severe when its here and all my symptoms are increasing in severity as time goes on. I have made several visits to my GP who initially put me on Citalopram, 20mg per day. I wasn't feeling down at the time so was confused by this but she said it would help with my night sweats. I'm now on 30mg a day and just feel worse as time goes by. My GP has now mentioned HRT but says she need to take advice due to my age. This could take weeks and I already feel at my wits end. I honestly don't know how I can get through this period of my life. I never thought I would have to deal with anything like this for a long while and am scared that my options are limited due to my age. I am really struggling and am just looking for some advice and support. I am a full time working mum and need to be able to function, Is there anyone who can help me please??


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Re: Early menopause and in need of support.
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 08:30:22 PM »

First of all, have a  :bighug:  Menopause is no fun at any age, and an early one is especially grim! 

I'm puzzled as to why your doctor needs to take advice due to your age before putting you on HRT.  At your age, you NEED it to prevent long-term damage.  And because you are only topping up your hormones to the level a non-menopausal woman your age would have, there is no increased risk.  Unless you have another health issue which would make HRT unwise, it should be automatic for a GP to advise it for a woman your age!

I'd go back to your GP and demand HRT asap, especially as it can take a while to get the right one.  It might also be worth looking at the birth control pill - because it overrides the natural hormone cycle and also provides a 'higher dose', it is regarded as particularly beneficial for younger women dealing with irregular periods.  There is lots of information on the various options on this website - have a read so that you are aware of all the possibilities before you see your GP again.  I've been to 3 different practices since starting an early menopause (aged 35, I'm now 41) and I've only found 1 GP who was any use at dealing with menopausal issues.  With the others, I've had to go in saying what I need and prepared to argue for it!


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Re: Early menopause and in need of support.
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 08:17:34 AM »

It might be because I have had numerous blood tests but they all come back fine??? To be honest I have no idea and no one to discuss this topic with as my friends cannot relate. I'm so grateful for this site! Thank you  for your advice..... I really appreciate it xx


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Re: Early menopause and in need of support.
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2017, 09:30:00 AM »

One of the leading experts in this field , prof John Studd, argues that blood tests can be a waste of time as they don't always show up that you are in need of HRT. Take a look at his website, he has loads of articles you can read up about. I am 39 and just starting HRT my main debilitating symptoms are brain fog and depression.


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Re: Early menopause and in need of support.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2017, 07:51:31 PM »

Hi Keeleyruth

 :welcomemm: !

Although blood tests are not strictly necessary to diagnose menopause in women who are experiencing symptoms, the NICE Guidelines do recommended them in women of your age because if you are likely to experience an early or premature menopause then HRT is absolutely vital and should be prescribed to help protect your general health - in particular heart and bones.

You should not have been given anti-depressants at all. Re the blood tests - I presume by normal you mean normal FSH? However women of your age should have at least 2 blood tests 4-6 weeks apart if your periods are wonky and you are getting symptoms of flushes and sweats. I would pursue this and try to come off the ADs as they won't be doing you any good when you may well need oestrogen or something else.

Have you had thyroid tests re weight gain and fatigue? Also low oestrogen/tesosterone can cause weight gain and fatigue. I would ask for more blood tests and/or referral to an endocrinologist or menopause specialist. It sounds like you are not getting the treatment you deserve at your young age and being that fatigued is not normal. Also get a copy of your blood tests if you can (online or print-out).

I presume you are taking iron re the heavy bleeds and making sure your diet is really good so that you are not deficient in any minerals or vitamins? If your diet does not contain lots of oily fish then you might want to consider taking a Vit D supplement at this time of year too? Even if not every day - a couple of times a week - perhaps cod liver oil?

Let us know how you get on?

Hurdity x