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Author Topic: The Surgical Menopause Thread  (Read 81610 times)

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2017, 04:58:45 PM »

Hello Hurdity
Yes you have. I have no idea why GP started me on 25mg, my problem is I have no clue about hrt, struggling with it all if I'm honest!
The hospital gave me the iron tablets expecting me to 3 a day for a month but on advice from GP (after sickness) am taking one a day & don't have any problems, still have another months worth with no idea how my iron levels are.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2017, 09:44:42 PM »

Hi, Yorkshire Girl.

If you've been persevering on the 25's and it's just not working to give you relief, it's perfectly fine to go back to the GP and ask for a dose increase now. Estradot patches are good because they are very small and stick well for most ladies - they are changed twice a week. The other good thing about these is that there is a dose inbetween 25 and 50 - 37.5 which means you can increase gradually to minimise side effects. Remember, if you have any questions we're more than happy to help! xxxx



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2017, 06:07:56 PM »

Hi All

An update, visited the GP Friday expecting miracles as this was the GP I was told to see by another practice GP when I asked as per NICE guidelines who was completing my 12 week review of Tibolone (healthcare professional with expertise of menopause) and could I be referred to menopause clinic perhaps

She had not heard of anyone suffering from a hormone crash and I don't really think she took my symptoms and tale of the 'episode' seriously. I began to wonder if she believed I had actually had the op at all, this was not helped by the fact that the surgeon has not liaised with the GP surgery yet! She actually asked to see my wound lol

As for my symptoms she dimissed the balance/ dizziness saying this was not a side effect of Tibolone as far as she was aware, this prompted me to bring the leaflet accompanying the tablets from my bag, with dizziness/vision etc etc highlighted. She actually stated to me that I had had a major op and shouldn't expect to feel the same again!!! I told her I just want to be able to function and leave the house

Needless to say I felt appointment did not go well, she told me to stop taking Tibolone and meds given to treat dizziness and go back in a fortnight if I felt I would like to try something else she was not prepared to prescribe something at this stage.

I haven't plucked up the courage to to cold turkey yet!


Yorkshire Girl

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2017, 07:26:18 PM »

Hello Mer
Omg I've been left speechless reading your post!! Just unbelievable, I wish you had a more helpful GP, maybe it's time to find a menopause clinic to help you. Sorry can't be much more help, but I really do hope you get more helpful help soon, good luck & keep us posted xx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2017, 08:07:30 PM »

I had my surgical menopause 7 years ago at the age of 45years.   All done  laporascopically by a brilliant surgeon. I was sore afterwards but didn't even need to take a paracetamol! 6 weeks later I was fully up and running again.
2 weeks after my operation I was put on estrogen implants which were wonderful. I had them for 5 years. No problems. Not a sausage!

 I never even thought about the menopause because I had no symptoms. None!! Bliss!

I'm now on EVOREL patches 50mcgs which is a very different story. I've tried higher doses but they make me feel awful. Very jittery and angry with fibrocystic breasts. The 50mcg dose doesn't make me feel great at all.

I think I'm extremely sensitive to hormone increases and high levels. My body just seems to tolerate a low dose and no more. Even if I'm craving a slightly higher dose.

I still get hot flushes but I can't tell if that's estrogen or thyroid related.

I felt completely well on the implants. I struggle to feel well on the EVOREL patches. I tried Estrogel but didn't really get along with that.
I'm under the care of an endocrinologist.
I also have secondary hypothyroidism and take levothyroxine and T3.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 08:16:50 PM by Joesmum »


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2017, 09:05:38 PM »

Thank you Yorkshire Girl

That previous post was written Friday but sat on my iPad as it hadn't sent, my error

Well Saturday I felt horrendous and thought it can't get any worse so cold turkey I went...... I needed to rule out Tibolone wasn't the culprit as I believed it couldn't be due to be taking it since op and feeling fab for five weeks post op before episode.

Day four today, I actually feel that my head is beginning to feel like it belongs to me again, dizziness is still here but in the background, can look around without feeling like I am going to faint, the heaviness is going, however replaced by the most horrendous flushes/ night sweats that I did not get on Tibolone. Hips are soooo sore that mobility is a struggle ( where did that come from!!!)and on waking my fingers won't bend but get better as the day goes on.

Down there lol feel slightly weird? Not stinging but weird, that is new?

But hallelujah I left the house today, first time since 4th Jan and walked around the block, it nearly killed me as my hips and thigh/ calf muscles are really sore, I feel like I am 100 years old, not 49 but small steps as they say x



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2017, 09:09:06 PM »

And yes, I really need to find a menopause clinic and quick X


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2017, 08:17:09 PM »

Hi, ladies!

Just catching up here! Mer, that's pretty atrocious of your GP I have to say! Have you used the tab at the head of the forum to search for menopause clinic's near you? Look under the tab 'specialists'. I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better after stopping Tibolone - do keep us posted, won't you? If you need any support or help then we're here for you!!

Yorkshire Girl - have you managed to book to see your GP yet? It's definitely worth it as you are still suffering with flushes! Keep pushing - you need proper treatment especially to help preserve your bone health!

And welcome to our 'corner', Joesmum! It's good to see you here. :) I'm extremely sensitive to increases and high levels of estrogen too - hence why I'm now trying Tibolone but it's very early days yet. I'll keep you posted but I'm hoping upon hope it doesn't go the way of the other HRT's I've tried....... :o

Sending hugs to you all - please keep in touch! xxxxx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2017, 08:27:36 PM »

Oh, and Mer - you mention your symptoms 'down below'. It's a must to speak to your GP about a good vaginal lubricant such as Sylk, and vaginal estrogen such as Ovestin or Vagifem as you don't want vaginal atrophy to take a hold! If they are unable/unwilling to help then explain that your estrogen levels which were pre-menopause pre surgery have plummeted, and you need suitable replacement - it is your right to receive this and if they cannot assist you, then insist that they must refer you at least to a gynaecologist who can help with hormone replacement.

If you run into problems, please consider changing your GP or contacting PALS again - it's really not acceptable to not receive help with hormone replacement after this surgery! There is also always NHS complaints - my Hubby and I had to resort to this route in order to get a referral to a menopause consultant. If I can advise you further, please just ask or drop me a PM if you're more comfortable with that. xxxxx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2017, 09:08:42 PM »

Hello ladies,  hope you're all coping with today's challenges.  I thought I would update you on my situation.  I decided to stop my hrt which was kliovance 1mg/50mcg after nearly 3 weeks on alternate days. This was for me to see if the headaches/ear/sinus pain/tinnitus could be a side effect. It's been a week since I took my last one and unfortunately the symptoms are ongoing if not worse,  despite taking lansoprazole. Went back to GP yesterday who's referred me to ENT and given me a steroid nasal spray.  I read somewhere on here although I can't find it now,  about tinnitus being due to lack of oestrogen?  Having a few hot flushes and night sweats,  but can cope with them, well so far.  Menopause clinic appointment is 12 days away, and now looking for information to take with me to that appointment.  Still no surgery appointment as yet,  but carrying on with vagifem and and scared about next surgery anyway,  so hey ho!  This site is a breath of fresh air! Thank you :)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2017, 04:02:33 PM »

Hi All

After stopping Tibolone cold turkey and feeling that symtoms in regards to balance/dizziness were slowly improving .......I was wrong 😪 I bent down to pick something up and bingo, balance went - everything spun for a couple of seconds and now dizziness seems to be back in the background and balance issue has happened a few times, no where near as bad however.

I eventually got to see the consultant who completed the op and prescribed Tibolone, again, discussed the issue of what i referred to as a hormone crash, which initiated the balance/dizziness and again he stated that he was not aware of hormones crashes, he believes what happened is related to an ear problem and has referred me to a colleague (this appointment hopefully may come through quicker than my June appointment at dizzy clinic)

Anyway, he changed HRT fromTibolone to Premerin 0.625 stating that this is the most basic and oldest HRT which may suit better, he stated that all ladies my age or younger having a TAH/BSO should be on some form of HRT.

Wish me luck as starting tonight.....dizziness being a reported side effect.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2017, 06:37:22 PM »

Hi Joe's mum!
I'm also BSO TVH and Hypothyroid.. currently taking 3 grains Nature throid and 25mg patch once weekly which is the most I can tolerate

I'm waiting to get go ahead for Tibolone.. although that is taking forever!

hope I can report good things once I'm on it



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2017, 11:27:06 PM »

Hello all,
I posted recently saying that I cut my 100 patches in half when I ran out of 50 mcg patches and my estradiol levels plummeted to 90 pmol. My endocrinologist told me off but I had run out of the correct patches!
Well since then I switched back to a proper 50 mcg patch and am going to get my blood levels checked this week to see if they are any higher. I'll keep you posted on that one.
I'm feeling really strange at the moment. Depressed with very negative thoughts or crying all the time.
It's a very profound feeling and awful. I also feel ever so slightly anxious but it's very much in the background and not interfering. The depression is the hardest thing to deal with.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2017, 12:40:54 PM »

Joe's I'm I've been there totally relate, its. It depression it's your hormones going bonkers!
I quit my job and felt so bad I wanted to top myself before Xmas, once I'd dropped the patch right down to 25 (once a week) I felt better

You could try dropping e dose to where you feel right, that's the real point of it all isn't it?

Hope your ok
Abby xx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2017, 05:11:46 PM »

Bless your heart, Joesmum!

I had a period like this that lasted from October last year to pretty much about now. I wonder what it's all about? Could it be seasonal partly? Or a further progress of our post menopausal state? Due to a shift in our HRT or our hormonal  needs? It's all so bewildering and rather frightening, isn't it? Please check in with us to let us know how you're doing, and so that we can offer you words of support at least. Also let us know what the blood test reveals - I hope this may shed some light on things. Take care, and biggest hugs. xxxx

Abby, is the 25mcg weekly taking care of the more obvious symptoms such as flushes etc. for you? It's interesting, isn't it? I don't do well at all on high doses either as you know! I think you're also using the same dose weekly as Cubagirl - she has had problems in the past too with anything higher. How is your mood and energy levels at the moment? xxxxx
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