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Author Topic: The Surgical Menopause Thread  (Read 81645 times)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #225 on: August 19, 2017, 05:49:05 PM »

Hello all, I had a TAH/BSO 7 weeks ago, and have been recovering well. My GP prescribed Evorel 50 patches 2 weeks post op, and directed me to this website. Within a week I was sleeping better and was surprised at how well I felt. However, then I started having very broken sleep again and feeling quite anxious/over thinking things.
My GP suggested increasing to Evorel 75, and when I asked about blood tests to check levels she said that they prefer to go by symptoms rather than tests.
Not convinced, I decided to have a private blood test, and anticipating low levels, planned to increase to Evorel 75 today (I change patches on Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings).
When I got the result I was surprised that my oestradiol reading was 1187. Now I'm wondering if my symptoms were from high oestrogen not low.  Knowing that my GP doesn't favour blood tests, and not having any menopause clinics in Wales, I'm thinking I should find a self referral private clinic.
Does anyone have any advice?  I feel I could just sit and cry today. My daughter is getting married on Thursday and all I wanted to do at her dress fitting today was cry and feel sorry for myself, and then I felt totally selfish because it's her big day.
I feel so horribly awful 😞


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #226 on: August 20, 2017, 08:26:29 AM »

Hi 7 weeks is still really early to feel stable from the operation. Your body will still be up & down with all the hormonal upheaval. Give yourself time to heal & stabilize. That does sound a high level though


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #227 on: August 20, 2017, 05:20:53 PM »

So sorry to hear you are feeling rough carj - but I do agree with paisley - that you will still be recovering from your operation and your hormones will be going haywire. I'm not sure exactly what happens to oestrogen levels immediately following TAH and BSO - whether they plummet almost immediately or still fluctuate as the endocrine system stabilises - but yes that does sound like a high level, if accurate. Where was the blood test taken from (on your body)  in relation to the patch location, and also how long since you had changed your patch? Please can you check the units of measurement for your oestrogen on the test results - was it 1187 pmol/l (definitely not 118.7 or something else?)

I know this will be hard given your hormonal and therefore emotional turmoil, but are you able for your daughter's sake to summon up enough positivity/energy from somewhere just for these next few days for her sake and then concentrate on sorting yourself out after her wedding? Not long now! It will take some time for your hormones to stabilise and to arrive at the right combination for you, so perhaps best to wait a little longer. You are also probably feeling under stress anyway - as mother of the bride - which will be adding to your anxiety.

You shouldn't really need to go to a private clinic - just hang in there if you can and revisit next weekend?

I hope the wedding goes really well and that you are able to enjoy it!!  :foryou:

Hurdity x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #228 on: August 20, 2017, 07:20:59 PM »

I'm feeling less hysterical today, thankfully.
Thanks for your replies. I guess 7 weeks is only a short time really, and I'm probably expecting too much. I checked the blood results again and the figure is definitely correct. The blood was taken from the same side of the body as the patch, which was on my hip, and due to be changed that evening.
I have spent lots of time reading about patches today and didn't realise that I should stick to either abdomen or behind. I've been alternating so probably causing my own problems. Will stick to outer thigh from now on and see how I feel in another few weeks.
Hair (colour) and nails appointments tomorrow so I'm sure I'll feel much better after an afternoon of pampering.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #229 on: September 21, 2017, 08:45:46 PM »

Hi Joe's Mum, did you go back on the implants in the end? What dose were you on when you felt well? Just wondering why they took you off them?

I'm on first implant and think it's run out after a month! Do they take a while?


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #230 on: May 07, 2018, 11:09:13 AM »

Hi I'm really stuck with what to do so was hoping someone might have some ideas!
I had a total hysterectomy in Oct 2014 and had both ovaries removed due to pre cancer cells found in my womb. I wasn't given any choice and had no idea what would happen to me post opp.
Even though I was fit and healthy pre op recovery was incredibly slow. I saw my consultant once after the op but she said she didn't have time to discuss HRT and that was gp department. Gp asked what consultant said to do! She then looked in her book and prescribed oestrogen tablets, I can't remember dose but she said low.
I felt terrible for months. I went back after 4/5 months and asked for patches as I read these might help. The gp agreed but also referred my to mental health. After a 6 month wait I had cbt. To cut a long story a bit shorter basically everytime I go to gp with anything I seem to be fobbed of. I was prescribed SSRI 2 years ago and spend a year feeling sick all the time and I gained 2 stone. Told I must be comfort eating....I wasn't! I stopped taking them a year ago.
My symptom are:
Exhausted all the time, even after I've slept, however also insomnia but the exhaustion is more than just being tired. I literally feel like I can't get up sometimes and this is causing huge problems in my marriage.
Crawling skin
Dry skin
Flacking nails
Very hot overall or very cold but not hot flushes
Achy joints, some very painful
Awful headaches
Queasy feeling
Very thirsty

I've changed my diet so its organic plant based. I make myself walk outside, do resistance training, Pilates although I feel totally exhausted after I've exercise and feel like I need to lay down.

I have my daughter at home full time as there is no suitable school place for her due to her SEN, so I'm responsible for her education. I don't have family support and no local real friends. Therefore this situation can't go on.

I've been to gp lots of times and was referred however the referral last year went to someone who knew nothing about surgical menopause and again just looked in a book for HRT ideas. She did blood tests for thyroid, vit d etc which all came back fine. Refused to test hormone levels as said these fluctuate so no point. She mainly discussed my mental health and basically made out again it was depression.

I have suffered with depression but this is not depression, have have days where I feel depressed but that because I can't see a solution.

I really want my HRT sorting but gp not prepared to discuss as basically they don't know enough about it and in my area a gp appointment is minimum 6 weeks wait (unless emergency). I feel like I need testosterone but no one will consider that. I also feel the joint issue should be taken more seriously, like with a bone density scan. The gp said it'll be a bit of fibromyalgia.

I was going to try and self refer (and pay) Dr Ayres at Leeds Nuffield but just read she's against testosterone for women.


Mary G

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #231 on: May 07, 2018, 11:23:21 AM »

Sorry you have been left to sort this out for yourself although it's not unusual.

I would go straight to Professor Studd.   He will definitely prescribe testosterone and Oestrogel (you rub it on your skin) which is very dose flexible giving you maximum control over your HRT regime.   Ring his office tomorrow and try and arrange a telephone consultation, it will be much quicker -  tell his secretary it's urgent.   He will write to you doctor and you should be able to get your HRT on the NHS thereafter.

I definitely wouldn't be prepared to wait 6 weeks and it's a disgrace that you have been left with those debilitating symptoms by people who clearly don't know what they are doing.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #232 on: May 07, 2018, 12:28:43 PM »

Thank you so much for replying. I feel so alone in this!
I will do as you suggest x

Mary G

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #233 on: May 07, 2018, 01:19:38 PM »

Charlotte, you are not alone, my doctor more or less told me to sod off.   With hindsight, I'm glad I didn't persevere with them because they knew nothing about HRT so I bought it myself in Spain.   I then went to Professor Studd and I'm very glad I did because he introduced me to Oestrogel and testosterone.

I forgot to mention that Professor Studd has two other specialists working with him now, namely, Dr Mike Savvas and Mr Neale Watson, both of whom are excellent so you might be able to get a telephone consultation more quickly if you are prepared to see one or other of them.

I really hope you can get this resolved very soon, hopefully this week.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #234 on: May 07, 2018, 01:41:32 PM »

Hi Charlotte, what an appalling situation, in this day and age it's even more disgraceful

I had your symptoms and was forever fobbed off.  Then I was prescribed testosterone along with oestrogen and it turned my life around, I'll never be quite who I was but I'll happily settle for the new me.  I moved home and town and the new gp has wiped my testosterone off my list until he gets the say so from a gynae he chooses.  I was gutted and am on a private consult waiting list to hopefully get it reinstated.  It's disgusting we have to pay but unfortunately it's not rare

Good luck x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #235 on: May 07, 2018, 01:47:04 PM »

That terrible. I hate that gp can kind of play God with our lives. If it was working for you what right do they have to stop you having it?
After 3 1/2 years of feeling terrible I really think I need to try testosterone too! X


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #236 on: May 07, 2018, 01:55:43 PM »

There are a list of menopause clinics in the menus on this page.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #237 on: November 07, 2018, 03:14:10 PM »

I've been warned not to post on here because it's so old - but hopefully one of your guys will still be able to help me and if not? Well I tried  ;)

I had both my ovaries and my remaining fallopian tube removed on 12th October & then the hospital abandoned me!  My wonderful GP is dealing with several crisies in my body but asked me tocome on here and find out what HRT I need and want. 

I had started peri in the 18m before my op went to the GP with a change in bowel habits and indegstion and ended up with an ovarian cyst being diagnosed

So I want a Dexa scan as I am dairy free - & I think I am heading more to gels - I don't always absorb tablets and capsules and I am often allergic to plasters/adhesives.

I am in Ipswich so I think my nearest clinic is in Bury - should I ask to see them or see how it goes with the GP?



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #238 on: November 07, 2018, 05:39:29 PM »

Hi Katy, Just seen your post on this old thread. I was in the same position as you 2 years ago and was also 'abandoned' by my gynaecologist. After a couple of weeks I had what I can only describe as a hormone crash, you can read the details on this thread very early on. It must have thrown out Cortisol, serotonin and all the rest of my hormones. The gynae would not accept that it was due to removal of oestrogen from my system, he reluctantly gave me Femoston, I gradually got back to normal BUT then major headaches which obviously hit once my levels had built back up, think it was the synthetic prog. The gynae would not respond to my messages. I was desperate and went private to a meno specialist who was fantastic, I went on to the oestrdot patches (I appreciate you may not be able to use these, but you could try the gel?) and took around 8 weeks to sort the right dose. I then introduced the prog, utrogestan 100mg once I was completely comfortable with the oestrogen dose.

Hope this helps a little,


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #239 on: November 07, 2018, 08:19:34 PM »

Thanks so much for replying - everyone has been so helpful

My GP is being great but the idea that I can work out what I need or want to take is a bit daunting

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