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Author Topic: The Surgical Menopause Thread  (Read 81657 times)


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #165 on: May 08, 2017, 05:11:57 PM »

Hi sassy - the progesterone in Evorel can give rise to pmt type symptoms including low mood, panic attacks etc. I think that if you try an HRT with a different progesterone you may find that you feel much better. Some women (me included) do get continuous bleeding on the conti HRT's especially younger women such as yourself. Did you have continuous bleeding on the sequi HRT or "just" heavy bleeds at the end of each cycle and how long did you try it for?

Taz x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #166 on: May 08, 2017, 05:18:59 PM »

Hi, yes just towards the end on the sequi. but doc said cause I have no ovaries I didn't need the sequi so on the cont now for a month so far a bled since. Oh the joys lol. Have been feelin down and very aggy but feeling on the up last few days it's the panic attacks I don't like.i can't swallow and feel like I have a massive tongue! Very strange. Waiting to see doc again ref levels. Than you taz x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #167 on: May 08, 2017, 08:03:53 PM »

I'd definitely ask for a different HRT as norethisterone can make you feel really anxious. If you wanted a patch then FemSeven is ok but some women do have problems with them sticking.

It is correct that you don't need a sequi due to having your ovaries removed but some women still choose to stay on a sequi HRT if they get problematic bleeding on the conti one as then the bleed is predictable (usually) so is easier to manage rather than on/off breakthrough bleeding throughout the month. I think it's especially difficult to settle on conti without bleeding problems if you are still in early meno. You usually have to be in your early fifties before conti HRT is prescribed.

Taz x

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #168 on: May 08, 2017, 08:56:20 PM »

Thought I was doing better now that my GP has put me on everol 50mg patches. Looks like I've seen the last of the hot flushes, which is great. On the other hand woke up at 5.20am on Thursday morning having severe palpitations thought my heart was going to burst through my chest, it was frightening, had another bout while swimming this morning. I'm just hoping they aren't going to become a frequent part of my life. My thumb nail has split at the culticle don't know why. On top of that my son is having a few problems with anxiety, which I'm trying to help him with but at same time struggling with. Hope everyone else is doing ok x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #169 on: May 08, 2017, 09:53:32 PM »

Dear Yorkshiregirl! I'm going to cover something specifically to do with palpitatons/anxiety whilst on estrogen only HRT over the next couple of days - specifically us TAH/BSO ladies, so watch this space! Don't be frightened - it's not you, it's due to the stimulating effects of unapposed estrogen. I'll share more later, promise!

I don't have any explanation for the nail splitting though,  I'm afraid! xxxxx

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #170 on: May 09, 2017, 09:10:52 PM »

Thanks Tempest, look forward to reading it. I've never suffered before so it's all new. I think I've had anxiety for a while but it's so mild symptoms t hadn't registered x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #171 on: May 12, 2017, 06:57:22 PM »

Hello ladies.  I have recently had surgery for slight anterior and larger posterior prolapse.  During the surgery they found a couple more spots of endo and adhesions.  I was just getting into the swing of evorel 50 for a month before the surgery,  but had to remove the patch prior my op. I'm 5 weeks on now, and have been given evorel conti patches,  which I'm looking at starting tomorrow.  I have tried a combined HRT in the past Elleste duet conti and Kliovance,  but felt dreadful on them.  Any information regarding Evorel conti would be greatly appreciated.  Thanking you in advance.


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #172 on: May 12, 2017, 07:25:29 PM »

Bless your heart, Doolou!  I have no advice on this I'm afraid, but so it doesn't get lost you could start a new thread as it might get a better response.

How are you recovering after your surgery?


Tempest xxxx


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #173 on: May 12, 2017, 07:50:29 PM »

Hi Tempest, and thank you for replying.  I may start a new thread then, thanks.  I'm doing ok I think?   :-\ Some days I feel better than others,  taking it really steady,  with the support of amazing friends and my other half who are my rocks.  With the surgery and no hormones again,  I think I've done quite well so far. Going to leave the vagifem for a while though, not keen on going anywhere near yet lol! I'm just hoping that the patches will help all round  and am trying to be positive about them,  even though I had a bad time on the tablet form.Thanks again,  and hope you are well x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #174 on: May 12, 2017, 09:01:06 PM »

You're doing remarkably well,  Doolou! Thank goodness for great friends and partners. :)

Be sure to have plenty of rest, 'me time' and spoil yourself too. That's an order!  ;)

Hugs! xxxxx



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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #175 on: May 14, 2017, 08:33:54 AM »

Thank you Tempest, you are so kind  :) I put the patch on yesterday morning, thinking that if it's awful, then I can always take it off! So far so good I think? I have a bit more energy this morning, maybe that's because I'm finally shaking off a throat infection too? Problem is  I want to do more! Mmm.....Lol. Done a little bit of ironing, can't wait til my other half is home from working away. But having lunch out today with the girls. Trying to remain positive about feeling a bit different each day, some good, some not so good. Anyway.....forward and onward. Wishing all you lovely ladies well x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #176 on: May 19, 2017, 08:35:49 AM »


Thanks so much for setting up this thread. I also was rather uninformed and not guided as to what could happen after removing ovaries!

Will keep as brief as possible...history of period problems, endometriosis, awful cycles, ill 3 weeks out of 4 as got older, infertility, IVF (which I'm sure has messed me up hormonally). 2013 went on pill - awful, tried mireno coil and patch to try and stop cycle - awful, Sandrena gel - worse and was really unwell on it, then 6 months of Zoladex and 2mg Elleste Solo which was very hit and miss too. This let up to total hysterectomy and BSO in June 2015.

I thought I was going to be a new woman and all the bad times would be behind me. Well, the op did get rid of most issues....however, I have not found a hrt that works consistently. Briefly tried the dot patch and went downhill and up to November last year I was on Premarin at varying strengths as this seemed (on the whole) to suit me better. But still no consistency. Flare ups of feeling rough and joint pains and stiffness all the time. Worse at end of week or after some light exercise (attemps at yoga, nothing intense!). Did trial of Tibolone for 3 months - helped with hair loss but quickly gained a stone and the joint pains remained and I didn't feel right.

I know what it feels like to feel good as I get occasional days where I feel great but it never lasts. For two weeks I have been on 3mg Progynova (E2)  2mg morning and 1mg night. This was at the recommendation of a specialist in Birmingham Women's hospital as she said I need more E. This has given me acid reflux, bloating, feeling sick and rough, headaches, sore breasts. And still the joint pain!

My gut feeling is that even though I keep being told I need more E, maybe it's side effects of hrt and I would be better on a low dose.

Just wondering if any of you have had similar issues, particularly with joint pains and have felt better reducing rather than increasing? Oh and I also take 20mg Citalopram and Vagifem twice per week. I don't have issues with hot sweats.

My hair is also falling out rapidly, no libido or energy which I thought more E was supposed to help?!

At the point of giving up on hrt and trying supplements of some kind.

Thanks for reading and I hope you are all starting to get some relief.




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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #177 on: May 19, 2017, 08:59:17 AM »

I didn't have ovaries removed during my hysterectomy when I was 32 but they failed within months and I sailed along merrily on max dose elleste solo for 13 years when suddenly everything crashed.  A scan revealed my failed ovaries had disintegrated and vanished.  So I'm in the same situation re womb and ovaries

Have you tried testosterone ? Drs and gynaes think the answer is throwing high dose oestrogen at us and for some (inc me those 13 years) lap it up and enjoy it but for a minority (now me inc) high oestrogen feels like poison.  Look at our threads on testosterone and see if you feel it could benefit.  Hair loss can be a sign of low testosterone but medics say high oestrogen grows hair, not in my experience it doesn't.  I'm on Tibolone at the moment and it stopped my hair loss continuing, but if you don't get on with it there's no point causing misery just for hair.  X


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #178 on: May 19, 2017, 11:42:33 AM »

Hi Lou44

If you have digestive issues on tablet oestrogen I would definitely have another try with transdermal products - either patches or gel - until you find one to suit you. yes you may have to play around with the dose somewhat.

I also agree with Annie0710 that the addition of testosterone may well help - and this is particularly important after surgical menopause.  You need to make sure your oestrogen replacement is adequate so as not to tip the balance towards tesosterone. Here is what is says on this website:

Role of testosterone after hysterectomy

If the ovaries are removed at the time of hysterectomy, as well as the estrogen level falling, there is also a 50% decrease in testosterone production. Some doctors recommend testosterone replacement along with estrogen replacement; testosterone helping energy levels, mood and libido. However testosterone replacement does not seem to be required by all and the ideal route and dose of testosterone for women is still being researched. It is therefore not routinely recommended following removal of the ovaries but can be considered for some women who do not fully benefit from estrogen replacement alone.

Can you ask for a referral to a gynaecologist as T replacement is off licence. Also have you had thyroid function tested , and are you having a good diet - so that vitamin and mineral levels are not sub-optimal or deficient?

Hurdity x


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Re: The Surgical Menopause Thread
« Reply #179 on: May 24, 2017, 08:10:32 PM »

Thanks Annie 0710.

Sounds like you're doing well on Tibolone?  It really improved my hair loss too but I piled on weight quickly, felt all puffed up and still felt unwell with joint pains.

I've actually now reduced the Progynova to 1mg morning and 1mg evening and feel better so far, still tired etc. but early days, joints seem to have been better so I think I may be on to something taking less rather than more as I was told to. I think you're right about taking higher oestrogen not necessarily improving hair. It also makes me wonder if its the hrt causing the joint pains rather than not enough E!

Has Tiboloen turned things around for you?
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