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Author Topic: Really struggling....  (Read 11834 times)


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2017, 02:55:07 PM »

Diet-aside, what symptoms did you have that made you want to try HRT?

Perhaps you don't need it if your hormones are balanced but just in smaller amounts now (from adrenal glands etc).


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2017, 01:19:34 PM »

hi Dangermouse
I have had a total hysterectomy and ovary removal so am advised to take HRT for the reason I am not producing my own oestrogen or testosterone anymore

My symptoms were and are: massive hair loss, weight gain, insomnia, some hot flushes.. both in Peri and also now in surgical meno



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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2017, 03:02:08 PM »

Hair loss can be stress related or there may be no known cause.  Does thyroid mis-function affect the hair follicles?


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2017, 04:13:25 PM »

Yes, lots of co-morbidity with low thyroid (or even over active thryoid)
I'm currently taking 1.5 grains of Naturethroid, going to increase to 2 shortly and then 3 to see if that might be the missing link, not being medicated enough..


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2017, 04:38:48 PM »

Do you keep a note of what you take and how you are feeling; sorry, I can't remember


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2017, 06:08:04 PM »

 But how can I make it any healthier? here is my sample menu  (from today)
Breakfast. Coffee with almond milk. Porridge oats with: blueberries, flax seeds, pumpkin seeks
lunch, vegan cheese sourdough sandwich, soya milk flat white
dinner: veggie burger, salad (including green leaves beetroot and tomato)

water... about 4 glasses..

Sorry to hear about your weight issues and problems with hRT.

Sounds like you defo need to work out a way to take in oestrogen but you need an endocrine overhaul too from endocrinologist re thryoid and you other hormones and especially given your Total hyster + BSO. I would try this and then get onto a 25 mcg patch as soon as you can and build up from there.....

I have only skimmed the posts as this thread is long but my first observation on your diet is too many carbs! You are eating extra carbs at every meal! I eat them at one at  the most and often none! My son directed me to this when i was having the same problem - continuing to gain weight despite exercise and what I thought was a good diet - with TSH easily within normal range ( though not having measured the others).

I would replace carbs (as in the oats, sourdough and  the burger bun)  with veg, fruit, protein if you can. You should not need to measure calories - I have never done so but have always lost weight whenever I have needed to - on various diets over the years - and have always eaten when I'm hungry!

I would maintain a low fat low carb diet for some time and see how you get on - by low fat I mean low fat from protein ie in your case limit cheese severely, and keep fried foods to minimum except a little olive oil. Initially cut down on coconut milk/cream but take in most of your fat from nuts and things like avocados. If you are non dairy then that makes things a bit tricky re breakfast - I have oat type/muesli breks about once or twice a week and then no added carbs at other meals - but do eat normal unprocessed foods that contain carbs eg beans, pulses, root veggies except spuds. I usually eat eggs, yogurt and fruit for brek so not sure what you would have that is satisfying but low carb ( I'm sure there are ideas online....). I eat tons of veg based soup - always at lunchtime - big filling bowl of it - take in flask if you go out to work! Lots of unsweetened stewed apple ( but not excessive fruit).

Hope this helps a bit....

Hurdity x


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2017, 08:21:45 PM »

Thanks Hurdity.. (the veg burger was without a bun just FYI..)
 eating a largely veg/vegan diet .. so protein coming from beans and pulses

but will look at the overall carb ratio... xx



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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2017, 08:23:51 PM »

Just to be clear. Not eating cheese at all!
veggies, fruit, almond milk on porridge in am, fruits, beans, lentils, rice (brown)
tofu - some
green veg all the time.. kale, pak choi etc
no potatoes, celeriac, parsnips or sweet potatoes

tons of real whole food nothing processed, barely any sugar


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2017, 04:38:16 PM »

Hi again AbbyH

Sorry - yes I know you eat a really healthy diet and I was just really trying to look for something you could do differently and because although I am not in the same position ( I have not put on weight through HRT except boob size, and still have my female bits) I do struggle with weight and have to be on a permanent fairly low carb diet just to stay the same weight. If I take my eye off the ball ( eg Christmas!) it all goes to pot.

I can see with a vegan diet it is more difficult to get the right protein without also eating quite a lot of carbs although your fat intake is likely to be pretty low. In fact I'm not sure how you would do it without grains if you don't eat eggs or any dairy?

Mostly people on vegan diets are very slim so it really does sound like something hormonal as it's not as though your diet needs changing drastically. I don't know if this has been said but with your exercise I presume some is muscle strengthening rather than just cardio - as muscle used more calories at rest so you would put on less weight with the same amount of food.

We have discussed thyroid function before - is it possible to pursue this further in your case?

Somewhere on the thread there was a comment about metabolism. Basal metabolic rate is a function of age, gender, diet, fat content of body, lean muscle mass, genetics, endocrine factors etc. Fast metabolism simply means you have a higher BMR! They are the every day word for the same thing.

Hurdity x


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2017, 07:04:26 PM »

No fish
No eggs

abbyH - What is your body *feeding* on  ??? ......... we aren't designed not to eat meat, look at your jaw/teeth formation!  The body needs calories to burn off calories  ::) .......


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2017, 08:35:24 PM »

green veg
a whole heap of things

I don't really want to get into the whole veggie/vegan vs meat eating
I'm basically a vegetarian whose trying to limit animal produce in her diet
I know I miss eating fish - and like it so will probably re-introduce
I don't want to eat farmed meat or dairy - and for reasons that are probably not suitable to discuss on this forum

The issues are about my hormonal imbalances which I suspect I can't really correct while I'm without ovaries and not able to function on oestrogen only therapy - which was my original question

I do have a thyroid issue - adn am treating that.. after I've stabilised my thyroid meds I wil try the 25mg patch again

it just feels like an uphill struggle



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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2017, 09:03:03 PM »


I think your whole issue is bloody hormones and thyroid NOT diet

You seem to know what you're doing re diet (damn sight better than what I know) and everyone could pick at all sorts trying to work out the why's of your symptoms but all said and done you have no ovaries and a dodgy thyroid !

I REALLY hope you get the help you deserve xxxx


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2017, 09:12:11 PM »

I'm not picking at your wanting to be a non-meat eater but maybe your body is 'missing' something?  A few years ago, well, probably 15 by now, a friend who had been vegetarian since aged 11: suddenly at peri craved meat.  She began with chicken, added more fish to her diet, ate red meat twice a week and within months, felt different and certainly better.  She was at one and same time horrified  :D ......... that her body had on the one hand, 'told' her that she was missing something and on the other, she had to eat meat in order to feel well.  She went through The Change without too many problems and once she felt OK stopped eating meat and has been OK since.

Food for thought (sorry  ::) )



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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2017, 10:26:09 PM »

last year I was eating loads of meat
After having low iron levels in peri

I decided this year (2017) I wanted less animal produce in my body - that's not to say I won't eat fish again or even a really good (organic) steak once in a while.. but I thought I'd try at least to go veggie/vegan for a while

I feel fine
but really is is, as Annie says, my hormones and thyroid
both of which I'm trying to balance!

after not having any oestrogen for a week or so my hair has got noticeably worse - which means there is definitely a correlation

I'm going to go back to doc next week and ask for Tibolone and see if that makes any difference, I've read good things I just don't think I'm cut out for the oestrogen only route

Thanks for all your input tho!


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Re: Really struggling....
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2017, 10:42:48 PM »

Oestrogen only doesn't do me any favours either, it did for years when I still had a cycle of sorts but no once that packed in I needed something else adding in the mix

Hair loss- in my experience, its bad whatever I take, so could well be genetic for me, who knows ? No one medically cares and I'm not a dr so sod it, I'll try and get myself well with or without loads of hair

Tell your GP to research Tibolone or better still print off reputable websites where it says it's for post menopause AND ladies without a uterus xxx
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