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Author Topic: Hello and wondering what you think  (Read 3502 times)


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Hello and wondering what you think
« on: December 12, 2016, 05:14:41 PM »

Hello everyone
I have spent most of this year falling apart and I was wondering if any of you would kindly throw your hat into the ring and tell me if you think I'm doing the right thing to get back on track.

I am 52 and work full time as a self employed gardener. I love my job and need and want to be fit and mobile enough to do it for a while yet. I have a wonderful husband who is trying his best to be supportive and understand the new high maintenance me, albeit in a "rabbit caught in the headlights" kind of way.

So...Easter 2015 I came off the pill due to my age after a good few years of trouble free use. It all worked like clockwork. In the months following I developed horrible joint pain, mostly hips, knees and sometimes neck, along with fatigue. I tried to ride it out thinking it would settle with OTC painkillers. I finally went to the GP who came up with a Vit D deficiency. This was corrected but the pain didn't truly stop.
Just before Easter 2016, I developed a frozen shoulder, a real nightmare and I've been to Hell and back trying to sort it and keep working. My GP referred me for a scan but the hospital over rode the referral and offered me one session of physio 3.5 months after I'd first asked about it. This was without ever clapping eyes on me I should add!  I cancelled the appointment and saw an osteopath privately(at my expense) who has largely sorted it. I'm nearly there, not quite. I wouldn't have a business left otherwise.

Around this time I fell down a flight of stone steps at work and bruised my coccyx. It's probably not relevant but I don't think it helped matters much :o

Then, just after Easter I had a sudden and dramatic gastric bleed, totally out of the blue. After 3 days in hospital being prodded and poked they decided it was diverticular disease but no one would commit as to why I'd had a flare up. Long term NSAID use was written on my notes making me feel like a drug addict. I had asked my GP several times how much Ibuprofen I could safely take and was told I was fine. forward to now. Over the last few months I have been to-ing and fro-ing to the surgery for various blood tests.  The joint pain is my main concern. I also have a heat issue where I don't seem to be able to get a comfortable temperature. I'm always too hot or too cold. I frequently sit there with hands like ice but with sweat pouring off me. It didn't sound like the conventional flushes I was reading about although I suspect my GP disagrees. I told her that I'd sat in front of the wood burner with 2 fleeces on and a blanket and still couldn't warm up and she said that it was probably the cold weather!!
Other oddities are, a maddening itching, mostly across my forehead but sometimes elsewhere, occasional breathlessness, burning/tingling under one foot only and my feet ache like crazy which is not good for someone that's on them for hours on end. The joint pain extends to most joints at various times. I went to work with awful elbow ache on Friday for goodness sake!

In all honesty I don't know what blood tests I've had. I put in a formal request last week for my medical notes for the last 2 years to try and get a handle on this. I have asked for exact readings. Haven't heard back yet but anti nuclear something or other, inflammatory markers and thyroid test have all apparently been "spot on" (my GP's words). During the course of all this coming and going, 3 separate GP's have all suggested I try HRT.

This came as quite a surprise to be honest. I didn't have it on my radar at all, probably naively. The last (female) GP I saw last week more or less said that I had nothing to lose by trying it for a few months. If it works, well hurrah, if it doesn't we'll think again. She made it quite clear that no more blood tests were going to be happening until I'd tried this.

She gave me Evorel Conti patches because I said I didn't want a bleed. I am 12 months without a period as near as damn it. They did restart after I came off the pill, I had 2 or 3 well behaved ones right on cue and then that was it, nothing since.
I came home and spent days reading everything I could find and working my way through this wonderful forum before taking the plunge and sticking one on. On balance I am OK with giving this a try and I accept that I have menopausal symptoms but mixed up with thyroid symptoms. I think the benefits will outweigh the risk. I live on a main road for goodness sake, frankly I'm probably more likely to get lung cancer.
However, part of me can't help wondering if there's an element of sending me away with this in the hope that it helps and mops up(pardon the pun) any other symptoms I might or might not hatch. If that were the case, would it matter if I felt better?

I'm only 2 patches in and I'm not sure there's a radical change yet understandably but I do feel a heck of a lot better. My mood is upbeat, my knees are not bad today and someone earlier told me I had a very healthy glow. Plus a builder addressed me as 'young lady' so all is not yet lost!

Sorry to ramble on for so long on my first post but I'd be hugely grateful for some feedback. I haven't been told anything by the surgery, just try it and see.

Thank you in anticipation x


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2016, 05:32:08 PM »


As long as you feel better than continue with the regime.  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful.  Saves having to wrack the brain to remember  ::)

Typically, GPs tend to get women off treatment even when it is working  :bang: :bang: :bang: with HRT it is better to continue as long as the patient has been told of any possible side effects/risks.  So when you find something that helps, stick with it.

As oestrogen levels drop muscles can become lax = pain, aches, stiffness, Frozen shoulder, reflux, hiatus hernia etc. etc. etc..!

As oestrogen levels drop the body may dry out: inside and out : skin, deep in the ears, eyes itch, vagina skin thins = the possibility of atrophy which requires a separate form of HRT i.e. localised applications.  For me it felt like razor blades up there  :o, my GP sorted it.  Now I use Ovestin 1mg cream with an applicator, every 3 and every 5/6th night.  It presented like repeated urine infection-type symptoms ……… I needed to sit on the loo so that my bladder ran, I simply couldn't keep the muscles tight enough!

 :welcomemm:  browse round, make notes!


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2016, 05:34:30 PM »

Hi StripeyMaz, welcome to the forum!!

You sound like so many of us on here: whilst we obviously can't blame everything on our hormones, I'm sure many of the things you've mentioned could be related. I really don't think you've got anything to lose, give it a go! If the Evorel Conti patches don't work for you, there are plenty of other options. I'm sure someone with a wider knowledge of HRT will be along to advise.

I really wish you well and that the HRT makes you feel much improved. I love your sense of humour, I'm a firm believer that it keeps us sane  through all this madness!! x


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2016, 11:07:13 AM »

Thank you for the reassuring words and thank you Elizabethrose for tuning in to my sense of humour.  Fortunately I am able to find the funny side of all this nonsense, I know others are not so lucky.

I also see that some people are not even getting the offer of HRT from their doctors, I have a friend whose surgery just doesn't seem to have it on their radar for whatever reason so I'm lucky in that respect.

I am definitely going to carry on with the Evorel. If the joint pain is manageable then hopefully I can better cope with anything else that may or may not happen!



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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2016, 12:49:35 PM »

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2016, 06:35:34 PM »

Hi StripeyMaz

 :welcomemm: from me too!

Do hope the HRT works for you. As you weren't quite 12 months without a period you may get the odd but of breakthrough bleeding, and also many women do get some bleeding or spotting within the first few months of conti HRT until their body acclimatises to oestrogen again - but this should settle.

Glad you are already feeling well and long may it continue :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2016, 01:49:30 PM »

Hello again

Well here I am with an update and I think I spoke too soon when I said I'd started off well.

It's only been 3 weeks since I started Evorel Conti but I am very hacked off at the moment. The sole reason I was given it was for joint pain. I have few if any other menopausal symptoms and my surgery adopted a 'give this a whirl' attitude despite my reservations.

So far I have been bleeding constantly since Christmas Eve, my joint pain is horrible and I'm currently in the worst mood possible. Bodes well for a jolly New Year's Eve apart from anything else!!

My question I suppose is I being unrealistic to expect any improvement so soon and will it actually do anything for joint pain. My GP said I'd have no bleeding which I know is not true and I feel really fobbed off.

I popped into the local chemist earlier to ask for some advice and she told me to keep on with the patches and go back to my GP after the holidays. Stopping it now won't stop the bleeding straight off anyway.  It's manageable currently and I guess I'd be prepared to stick with it if I thought it would stop the pain but I'm not a happy bunny.

Thanks for your thoughts and a Happy New Year to you all x


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2016, 03:52:13 PM »

Hi StripeyMaz.

Not everyone does get bleeding on conti  HRT so your GP wasn't entirely wrong to say you would have no bleeding but it is very annoying. It can take up to six months for the bleeding to settle down but it is always advisable to try an HRT for at least three months as it can take this long for your body to adjust.  I was one of the women who get constant bleeding on conti though and I opted to go back onto sequi as this gave me a three day very light predictable bleed (after the initial two bleeds which were heavy and painful while things were settling down).

One thing I would say is that Evorel contains the progesterone Norethisterone and this is known to cause PMT type symptoms in susceptible women. There are other HRT's available which have a different progesterone component and if after a few months you still feel the same then it would be worth giving a different one a try.

I'm not sure about the joint pain as I have always had an increase in joint pain while on the progesterone part of HRT - while on conti the pain was continuous but once back on sequi I only had the pain for a week each month.  Apparently I am not typical as most women get relief from joint pain when taking the progesterone part of the cycle but there must be others out there like me!  ::) I've not heard of HRT being prescribed solely for joint pain to be honest but maybe others on here are in the same boat as you and will give their experiences?

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2017, 07:57:03 PM »

Hi stripey maz, I can't really comment on the bleeding as I've missed a bleed since switching to patches (tried Femseven, not good) now on everol sequi and much better but strangely have had joint pain returning on and off since being on the patches whereas the tablets stopped it completely!! (Started on elleste duet but couldn't get on with the progesterone in tablet form). I wholeheartedly agree with the other ladies comments of give it 3 months before trying another as I made the mistake of switching too soon I would say, felt a bit like a druggy "chasing the dragon" looking for a quick fix to make all feel right. Hopeful I'm settling on this patch and my mood has been so much better. Give it a chance to get into your system...good luck to you and keep posting updates...this forum is the one thing that has kept me sane 😉 Xx


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 05:17:05 PM »

Thank you for your replies.

I think I'll take your advice and stick with it for a while.  I can totally see that chopping and changing so soon is really not going to give me chance to decide if it's going to work or not.

I also have crossover thyroid symptoms which my GP is trying his best to ignore. I've just had some Blue Horizon blood tests done because my surgery would only do the TSH test. I'm waiting for the results and have made a GP appt for next week.  If anything of note shows up on the results I shall tackle him about that and if it doesn't then I shall attempt to find out if it's just expected breakthrough bleeding.

It really is all peaks and troughs and I agree Optimist, I am only keeping my sanity because there is so much to learn from this forum. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't found it.

Thank you all xx


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2017, 07:12:43 PM »

Hopefully someone with thyroid knowledge will be along, I believe that a particular Specialist Appt. would be recommended but I can't remember which speciality  :-X - endo - something?


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Re: Hello and wondering what you think
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2017, 08:18:59 AM »

Yes I think it's an endocrinologist and they specialise in hormones from what I understand.  I've long wondered if I should be referred to one. From what I've read it can be difficult to unpick thyroid and menopause symptoms which is why I wonder if my surgery have just packed me off with HRT patches as a 'one size fits all' remedy.

It's all very frustrating as I've had the joint pain for 2 years. Surely it's not beyond someone to work out whether it's one thing or another!

I'm going to pop into the surgery today on my way by and just see if I can get an answer as to whether to keep on with the patches. Not sure whether this is breakthrough bleeding or not. It's been constant since xmas eve. I assumed it would be a bit more hit and miss but as I'm only 4 weeks in hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along to comment.

Thanks for your thoughts x