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Author Topic: Work related concerns  (Read 1918 times)


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Work related concerns
« on: December 07, 2016, 09:51:50 PM »

Hello! I'm still new to all this. Been having irregular periods for about a year and at the same time. Before as well, when I think back, having periods of low mood with anxiety and periods when mood more elated, difficulty sleeping etc. Physical symptoms largely manageable unlike what some if you are experiencing.

I gradually realised that the psychological aspects were probably at least in part hormone related and decided in consultation with GP to start HRT in October.

I've seen some reduction in sweats but I still feel very low and anxious. On femiston 10.

I know it's early days and I need to be patient. I know many of you have tried a whole range of meds and treatment options along the journey!

Have also cut out coffee and alcohol. I exercise regularly  and practice mindfulness.

My concerns are largely centred around impact on my work. It's a challenging place to work but have security and good Ts and Cs although restructuring going on. But I Just don't want to be there, lack motivation, less productive,  tearful, etc. I've always had positive feedback and high motivation but frightened I'll get "found out" as not delivering. So bad at times I feel like being off but frightened about how that will be seen - tight management triggers etc and the restructure  - there would be options for me but not sure if I want them. Looked at other options - alternative jobs, lower pay grade, thought about reduction in hours but very uncertain about what to do for best. May consider having some unpaid leave to take some time out. Just feel very uncertain about the future. Relationship with partner not great either - he says I need to be more positive. I know I have lots of things to be grateful for. I'm trying to be kind to myself. I'm hoping meds will kick in and lighten my mood a bit to help me see my way more clearly.

Love to you all, I'm so heartened by your strength and courage! Not really looking for answers, just appreciate place to share and hear from anyone else has or is experiencing things along these lines..


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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2016, 10:06:15 PM »

Hi can't just scroll past just want you to know you are not alone and I also found work difficult but have some great colleagues to help me through. You may find others are feeling the same but no one discusses the issue x


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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2016, 10:22:13 PM »


I think you're right about more women struggling than we think. It's still a bit of a taboo, isn't it or just seen as what's all the fuss about by others. x


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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2016, 10:20:16 AM »

I could have written this myself springer.  JUST don't want to be there at work at all. Just cruising along tbh only a matter of time before I screw up and  my manager would just love that.  I was off for 6momths and didnt even get a back to work Interview so didn't get to explain anything and feel I am really struggling dont know the answer just wanted to say hi. I am looking for other jobs too xx


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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2016, 10:58:11 AM »

Hi Springer

I know exactly how you feel. I used to be able for the 12 hour days, with the energy and focus to match, but that stopped.

Sometimes, though, I look at that as a blessing. I choose to work part time now, and spend afternoons going to the pool or for a walk. Or I did before the bladder problems kicked in - should be back to normal soon I hope!  I think it's important to be kind to yourself. There's a biological reason why you feel this way, and it won't always be the case. Give the HRT some time to kick in, and look after yourself  :bighug:


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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2016, 11:27:47 AM »

At the start of meno I was working full time as a bookkeeper for a small company plus driving to/from work clocked up an extra 10hrs per week.  I loved that job and had been there 7.5 years

When meno started I realised I wasn't on the ball.  Forgetting things, not understanding parts of it I knew so well before.  I started losing my confidence and looking back now realise I was having anxiety moments driving to work for fear of feeling ill at work (I had horrendous lightheadedness back then). I woke up for work one Dec morning and burst out crying saying I can't go back.  OH was supportive and said that morning to hand my notice in which I did

I took 5 months out.  My head was all over the place then I started looking for work again.  I'm in my 2nd job now since leaving full time hours and I've been here almost 2 years

If finances allow, be kind to yourself.  Re-evaluate your situation.  You have to be comfortable with your environment, hours and type of role in order to be your best.  Sometimes some time out can work wonders as long as you don't get in a rut



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Re: Work related concerns
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2016, 11:55:15 AM »

Thank you all so much!! Although any kindness is making me cry just now.. Yes, I was up for long hours too - that sounds SO familiar. I don't recognise myself. Of course I had ups and downs but nothing like this! I know there are other options and it's so helpful to hear the different ways you have responded. I'll be patient with the hrt and as kind as I can be to myself meanwhile. Partner tries to be understanding but relationship was strained before all this and we have separate accounts etc so that's another consideration.

Also worried I'm too open about it - I'm naturally an open person and in many ways I don't think this should be something people don't talk about but I realise being open could lead to me being perceived in a negative way at work and maybe by some others socially. I'm not talking to everyone about detail but have mentioned to a few colleagues and manager about struggling with this. It's