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Author Topic: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?  (Read 9248 times)


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2016, 08:32:39 PM »

Will do, thank you.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2016, 08:13:40 PM »

Quick update - coil fitted yesterday, less than 10 mins, bit twingy but really no probs at all. Feel great so far. Consultant said systemic absorption is approx 2 mini pill equivalent per week. So far, so good - feel great just hope it continues.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2016, 08:20:58 PM »

That's good it went well, I have had mine 8 months now.
Nice to know it is only equivalent to two pills!


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2016, 08:42:36 PM »

Hope it works for you Dawncam keep us posted.  I've always been scared of having one as I could never tolerate the pill.  However, I have an appointment at the menopause clinic next week because I'm fed up of having periods and the up and down that goes with it every month.  I suspect they'll suggest the mirena but was going to ask about the jaydess because it has less progesterone, we'll see x


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2016, 10:28:56 PM »

Thank you Tinkerbell - good to hear you're still going strong after 8 months, hope I'm the same.

Peri - Thank you too. I asked for Jaydess but I knew they'd refuse for HRT as it's not licensed for that. I've got an email from prof studd sanctioning the use of Jaydess but couldn't be bothered arguing the case and consultant said there really wasn't much difference in terms of systemic absorption. I'm sure if you argue your case re. The pill etc they'd do the Jaydess for you. I always suspected I needed a (very small) amount of P as I always felt great after 2 days on utro but awful after more so really hoping it stays as it is just now. Like you, I was tired of periods especially as I'm post meno and just found Utro too much hassle. I'm sleeping really well and feel relaxed but not drugged. Fingers crossed there's little change.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2016, 08:45:41 AM »

Hi Dawncam

I'm exactly the same I initially feel good when I start the utro then a few days in it's like a switch has been flicked and I feel terrible (sometimes I don't finish the whole course) and it doesn't come out of my system until at least a week later. My main worry is the mirena won't work for me and I'll have difficulty getting anyone to agree to remove it.  I'm currently going through a difficult time at work (facing redundancy) and can't afford any additional stress.  But like you I'm also recently post meno so would really like a long term solution that works.

Your post gives me hope, fingers crossed for a good result.


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2016, 11:41:43 AM »

Thanks Peri - I can't believe how well I feel and I know it's early days so don't want to gloat too much! This lovely relaxed happy feeling is what a lot of women get with U and I could never understand after day 2! Like you, I'd often only manage 5 days on U - sleep disturbances were also common on U but I'm sleeping like a baby just now.

It may be the very thing you need Peri to help you feel a bit more relaxed through your difficult work situation. If you have it fitted next week, you'd have some of the holidays to let it settle in so that may work out well. In terms of having it removed, your GP can do that so don't worry about having to suffer with something you don't want. I understand that any unwanted symptoms disappear within 24/48 hours of removal.

Good luck with your decision and keep me posted.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2016, 12:46:46 PM »

I am so pleased to hear it went well, Dawn.

It's made me look forward to mine in Jan.

I didn't tolerate the pill either, but I wonder if that's because I always had quite healthy levels of progesterone? That it was too much for me. Now I'm at rock bottom, the coil might be what I need.

After a crappy morning and a huge sob at my desk for no real reason, I'm willing to give it a go now! x


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2016, 01:04:13 PM »

I think you've hit the nail on the head noheroicsplease - we're not dealing with the same levels as we were and need to try and get the right balance for now. I used to get teary on low and high oestrogen but I'm really hoping that the key is 'just' the right amount of P to balance everything- I know that too much is a no no for me so will have this one out and a Jaydess in if it becomes too much. But the P levels are very low with this so hopefully the good feelings will continue.

I've also stopped T as I have a bit of hairloss and the mirena P can cause androgenic effects so just want to cover all bases. TBH I don't think I need T anymore and I've always found low level P has a favourable effect on my libido anyway - sorry if TMI but it's good to get everyone's experience when you're about to start something new. I'll re-start T if I feel it's necessary but I also think that may have had an impact on bad sleeping. We'll see. Hope everything stays as is. Very happy so far.

Good luck with yours, keep us posted.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2016, 08:55:53 PM »

Eek. I didn't know coil can cause androgenic effects. Is this common?

I had hair loss through terrible ferritin levels some years ago and it was awful. Would hate to have hair loss again.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2016, 04:50:56 PM »

I didn't get androgenic effects with the Mirena and I've never been aware that this is common
 - Noheroicsplease, do stop picking up on the negatives or you won't get anywhere.  Give the Mirena a try and there is a very good chance you will be fine.  Be bold, be brave.  DG x


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2016, 07:49:18 PM »

My hair hasn't fallen out with the Mirena, he fact it seems to be thicker, maybe that's the oestrogen though!
Agree with DG, just go for it, you can always get it removed.


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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2016, 09:38:18 PM »

Noheroicsplease - I completely agree with dancinggirl and tinkerbell - you need to not look at the negatives and focus on positives. All synthetic progestins have a possible androgenic effect - they may or may not but the drugs companies HAVE to be honest about any reported side effects. Some of these SE reported by women could be due to a variety of other factors and not the mirena. All I can say is that in my previous mirena experience and so far this time round I feel so good and sleep so well that I'm delighted I made the decision to have one. I'm also relieved I don't have the hassle and AWFUL SE of Utro. Please focus on the positives in your decision making and the fact that this could be a solution to any problems you're having just now- it is for me. I didn't lose hair last time I had a mirena and have only lost a little due to low E and possibly imbalanced T.



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2017, 07:25:07 PM »

Hi all

Happy New Year!

Had my coil fitted this morning. Wasn't nice but not too bad.

Will start using eostrogen gel on Thursday.

When can I start to see if it makes any difference, good or bad?!



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Re: Do lots of women have a bad time with the mirena coil?
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2017, 08:34:50 PM »

Happy New Year to you too and well done.  I'm having mine fitted Friday (dreading it) will probably start a post.  Sorry I can't answer your question but I think absence of any side effects would be a result for me. I'm particularly worried about low mood and low libido.  Wonder what happened to Dawncam if I remember correctly she had one fitted but seems to have disappeared I hope she's ok, I was following her progress x
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