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Author Topic: Anxiety or something else?  (Read 9397 times)


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2016, 08:05:51 PM »

I don't know about you sparkle, but it really bugs me that one of my few pleasures is being taken away. As if meno isn't punishment enough we now can't even enjoy a glass of something at Christmas. Bland food, no drinkies, might as well hibernate until spring haha


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2016, 10:42:49 PM »

Oh I had a hot chocolate yesterday and felt nauseous about five minutes afterwards.....damn! This just gets worse and worse.....


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2016, 10:52:51 PM »

I make decaff then tip it down the sink, missing out the middle woman  ;D.



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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2016, 08:39:52 AM »

Haha, best place for it  CLKD and sparkle, I could do with losing a few pounds so it might do me some good.
Right now I'm sat here waiting to ring my dentist at 9am, I was in agony all yesterday and last night, it feels like an abcess is forming . Great, antibiotics, that will just about put the icing on the cake.
I often wonder if I was a total swine in another life , I can't go a month without a doctors or dentist visit . This is my punishment 😬😄


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2016, 11:02:39 AM »

Thank you, just got home and yes, I have an infection under my tooth so it's a course of antibiotics ..... Then probably swiftly followed by antifungals ( they always give me thrush) and all this plus two extractions on Monday morning! All this and I can't have a proper drink argh!! Need wine!!😄
Yes, it does sounds as though most of us on here spend more time at the medics than at home sparkle. I was thinking of donating my body to medical science but I can imagine no one will want it, they'll say " ugh, take it away NOW!!" 😂😂
« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 11:52:49 AM by linz57 »


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2016, 03:31:02 PM »

Bless you chick and thank you x


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2016, 06:17:44 PM »

Just a quick update. Today I have eaten no fat, drunk no milky coffees or hot choccy  and I haven't had the gnawing hunger pangs and nausea. Just had fresh salmon, broccoli and new potatoes for dinner so we shall see what happens.
Still doesn't pin point what is going on I know but it's made me decide to keep a food diary. I know CLKD suggests this and it's a great idea.


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2016, 07:48:46 PM »

Yes I do still have my gallbladder sparkle. Funny thing is, when I had my bloods done recently they were all fine except the liver enzymes were slightly raised. I've been thinking this could have been due to the Ibuprofen and gin or it could also indicate gallbladder trouble looming. Now I've found that leaving out fat helps me I've got alarm bells ringing. Hmmm, it could still be gastritis but I think I'll try and get to see my GP next week. I have read that hrt can cause gallbladder troubles so it may well be connected.


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2016, 08:48:20 PM »

I will do and thank you for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.
Have you have yours removed since starting peri?


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2016, 10:11:39 PM »

Hello again....gallbladder expert here!

As Sparkle said not all gb problems are caused by stones, it can be sludgy bile, inflammation which causes the wall to thicken and therefore not squeeze the bile out so well.  A lot of lady gb problems are caused by hormones, it's very common in pregnancy. Hrt does also play a part.

When mine started playing up I drastically cut my fat and then after a massive attack I cut it down to 5-6grms per meal. It's a sliver of avocado, a third of a salmon portion (it's good for you but fat content is high even if you don't eat the skin), a small fillet steak. I still had coffee but always had a small skinny one. I measured out everything to exactly how much yoghurt I could have on my brekki. The massive attack came from a restaurant meal which had some hidden very naughty stuff in it. I had asked the waiter which dish to choose but there was something on the plate which I thought was innocent and turns out not...

See how you go with cutting fat down but it's all fat whether good or bad. I thought I'd be ok with good fats but my gastroman said all fat is fat and cut it out!  When we eat fat a hormone is triggered which sets off the digestion process in the duodenum and alterts the gb to get squirting.

Maybe you could try and get an ultrasound to see the state of the gb, it can tell whether the walls are thickened but won't show stones under a certain size. I had one huge one but it got some friends which only showed up on an MRI. If you don't have stones there is another test they can do to measure the gb function.

Trouble is a dodgy gb can affect your overall health so it maybe causing other issues as well. Don't laugh (well you can!) but just before my first attack I started getting an itchy behind (blushes) and went on for months until they removed the offending organ! As soon as it had gone no more itching, I had read it was one of the symptoms!

Hope this info helps but I had an awful 6 months until it came out so I just hope my experience can help others try and prevent an attack. I haven't had kids but a lot of ladies on forums reckon it was worse than childbirth! The funny thing is I had no other indications apart from the attacks other than I found in the months leading up to the first one I felt very sick if I had a big meal or something rich and then of course there was the wine thing but I don't know if that was connected  :'(

Emotional upset can also add to the problems. I did look up the gallbladder in Chinese medicine and a lot of what was going on at the time mine started playing up fitted the description!

Let us know how you go with cutting down on the fat.



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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2016, 10:41:41 PM »

Yes thank you wombat, it's an excellent, informative post and I will take heed of what you have said.
I think at the moment I'm feeling like I'm flailing about somewhat as I haven't  had any tests and don't even really know what route to start going down. It all feels so overwhelming and exhausting just thinking about it all right now. Maybe an ultrasound would be a good place to start and then take it from there. I just need to sort these damned teeth out next week first 😢

Glad you like the avatar, it's just a bit of much needed light hearted fun will probably change on a daily basis though!



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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2016, 11:17:59 PM »

Re the caffeine.

This is my friend right now as it calms my migraines as caffeine constricts blood vessels (like progesterone does) as my high oestrogen levels are dilating them too much. (My positive reaction to caffeine was one of the ways my migraines were diagnosed).

So if you have low oestrogen the veins are already too constricted so it makes sense that it will make you much worse.

Wine still makes me feel good and relaxes me but if I have too much my heart pounds the whole of the next day.


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2016, 08:25:17 AM »

That's interesting about the caffeine dangermouse, I had never thought about its connection to estrogen levels before. It's just a shame this kind of knowledge isn't more widespread, a lot of suffering could be alleviated if it was. I'm glad you can enjoy a glass of wine too, a few simple pleasures can make things more bearable.
Sadly the antibiotics haven't kicked in yet sparkle but I've only taken one says supply as yet. I'm allergic to penicillin and the one I take is a bit slower acting but I'm hoping it starts to work today.
I did have an abdominal scan a couple of years back and I remember the radiographer saying about not been able to see the stomach. Things couldn't be that simple for us  could they?


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2016, 11:15:59 AM »

Wow, how do the medics find it then? It sounds painful too.  God, our bodies certainly know how to complicate matters :(


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Re: Anxiety or something else?
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2016, 02:49:23 PM »

Re the caffeine.

This is my friend right now as it calms my migraines as caffeine constricts blood vessels (like progesterone does) as my high oestrogen levels are dilating them too much. (My positive reaction to caffeine was one of the ways my migraines were diagnosed).

So if you have low oestrogen the veins are already too constricted so it makes sense that it will make you much worse.

Wine still makes me feel good and relaxes me but if I have too much my heart pounds the whole of the next day.

Not sure I quite understand what you are saying?

Caffeine is a component of a lot of pain medication because it seems to enhance their effects (eg with paracetamol) and especially for migraines. However progestogens including progesterone also cause headaches and migraines in some women, as does low oestrogen (as well as the changing levels of either/both hormones). I understood that increasing oestrogen, provided it is stable, can alleviate and prevent too many headaches (notwithstanding the effect of surges and fluctuations).

Hurdity x
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