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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil  (Read 135686 times)


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #135 on: January 17, 2017, 07:39:15 PM »

Warwick, thank you for your caring advice! :) Unfortunately, I had both ovaries removed - I wish that I had kept one now but I don't think my surgeon would have approved of that idea in any case as everything was such a mess! But still......I do have regrets, especially now that I'm struggling so much with finding an HRT that works for me. :'( I'm positive you'll have great relief and peace of mind after your procedure, though!  :)

Today has progressed rather strangely, and I am a little worried. I have no dizziness or foggy head today as the day has progressed, nor feeling of calm but I have been feeling progressively more depressed and a little agitated, with bouts of anxiety thrown in for good measure. It actually doesn't feel like I've even taken my tablet today at all! I have noticed the depressive feelings the last 2 days - and strangely they peak about 3pm. I'm eating regularly and sensibly to maintain blood sugar, so it's not this. This is a new one on me as the timing has been the same both days but I'm trying not to be too hypervigilant (a big downfall of mine)!

I know it's very early days indeed.......I just need to be patient as this is, as you say Annie, is  probably my best chance of achieving anything close to balance.

On a happy note, that's BRILLIANT and encouraging news about you ear, Annie - yayyy!  :) :) :)



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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #136 on: January 17, 2017, 07:48:41 PM »

Aw Tempest keep your chin up honey.  Keep talking or doing whatever you do that you enjoy.  This may be your withdrawal, does Tib need to build up for us ? I'm embarrassed I don't know these things but I'm guessing if the good doesn't usually appear til about week 4/5 it must do ?

Ear was kind of short lived, still better than it was but feeling blocked again, I'll carry on with nose drops anyway as right ear still blocked

We're here for you 😘 Xx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #137 on: January 17, 2017, 08:43:47 PM »

Thank you so much, Annie! You and Warwick have been so very, very kind!!! I feel such a wimp....... :-\

Yeah, I'm sure it does have to build up like other HRT's, even though it technically isn't one! The same rules seem to apply on reviews I've read - about 4 - 6 weeks to see a real difference. I absolutely need to persevere as this is my best chance, and I'm comfortable with the idea of this treatment. I think it's because transdermals have been such a total let down for me and I suffered for months on them. I limped along on the gel, despite not absorbing properly - I was getting very little from them, hence why I was never feeling 'stable' - just skimming the edge of hormonal meltdown every day.

Oh gosh!! I was so hoping the 'pop' with your ear was a permanent improvement! So it's all fuzzy again? But at least you know it CAN return to normal, right? Good grief......The human body is so complex, for sure! Healing is never linear, is it? You really are a wee soul, and have been so patient with all this! xxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #138 on: January 17, 2017, 09:01:53 PM »

Don't worry about my ear Tempest, it's just time now I think, I won't go popping it again until I've had a good weeks worth of the nasal steroids

There's every chance this WILL work for you, as long as we can help you through the rough patch that so many on here have described, you are aware of these changes and we know how sensitive you are to these changes.....I just bloody wish this would be plain sailing for you

Just imagine how already your body's getting the first drippings of energising testosterone and the calming progesterone and not to mention the invigorating oestrogen.  Try to imagine skipping this horrible settling in period and living a relatively normal happy life again enjoying the things we used to love

Just imagine Tempest, we could be at that point soon xxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #139 on: January 17, 2017, 09:05:23 PM »

Excellent post Annie 👏 ☺


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #140 on: January 17, 2017, 09:31:19 PM »

Oh my goodness!!!!! Annie - thank you, thank you!!! I've never known such kindness - you really are a remarkable lady. I really needed to hear this right now......Your words are just perfect.

You've been through the wringer with your health over Christmas - serious infection, major allergic reaction and you took the time out to find these kind words of encouragement for ME. I really am blown away......Shedding a wee tear right now (and no - it's not hormonal)! xxxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #141 on: January 17, 2017, 09:34:41 PM »

Oh my goodness!!!!! Annie - thank you, thank you!!! I've never known such kindness - you really are a remarkable lady. I really needed to hear this right now......Your words are just perfect.

You've been through the wringer with your health over Christmas - serious infection, major allergic reaction and you took the time out to find these kind words of encouragement for ME. I really am blown away......Shedding a wee tear right now (and no - it's not hormonal)! xxxxxx

I've got tears too... you deserve so much and more.  We all love you so much and want the best for you xxxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #142 on: January 17, 2017, 10:33:49 PM »

Ditto - agree with Annie

it's tough the first few weeks but once Tib gets into your system you will feel so much better. I know I have reported the negative symptoms but after 4 weeks there are some positives and a glimpse of the old me from seven years ago.

Once you get over the first 2 weeks, you will also have some positives (Convinced of it) your not alone and please feel free to pm me if you need any one 2 one support.

I'm looking forward to going out without feeling anxious and panicky. Not rushing out of shops, not feeling agitated, not making excuses to avoid social situations.

My plan is to make a bucket list of all the places I want to go and things I want to do when I get my life back ;)

Take care and be kind to yourself




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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #143 on: January 17, 2017, 11:00:56 PM »

Lovely Warwick :-)

I can't wait to not be afraid to walk into a local shop alone or no panic when I'm invited out for an evening

Let's hope it's good times ahead for all of us xx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #144 on: January 17, 2017, 11:19:01 PM »

Hello ladies

Just been reading through all the posts

Just a little hello

Please try your hardest to keep positive I'm into week 13 and as you all know I was horrendous

I'm so sad reading all your posts 😰 As I KNOW how you all feel

I'm by no means bouncing about but soooooo much better

Just a little message with massive hugs lots of love and happy hormones in the making xxxx keep going 💗💗💗💗💗


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #145 on: January 17, 2017, 11:29:49 PM »

AW Suzanne thankyou for popping in with more encouragement.  Our Tempest needs the hugs and encouragement as she settles in this xxxxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #146 on: January 17, 2017, 11:44:27 PM »

Warwick and Suzanne! Thank you so much for the encouragement! I love your idea if the bucket list, Warwick. What a brilliantly positive thing to do!  I'm so glad the sunshine is starting to break through a wee bit for you.  :)

Suzanne, I must admit that I've read over your diary more than a few times these past few days. I hope you realise how much your sharing your experience helps us who follow after you. I wish you very happy things as you move forward! :)

And Annie - always, ALWAYS thank you. You have reached out to me so many times over the months and have made a REAL difference in my life. Without your encouragement, I could never have kept on trying. It really does mean so very much. :)


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #147 on: January 18, 2017, 12:09:32 AM »

You deserve all the help and encouragement, if this works for you (which I feel positive it will) what an amazing story you will have to share ?

We're all climbing this steep mountain together xxxx


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #148 on: January 18, 2017, 09:49:48 AM »

Somewhere in the thread (haven't read it in detail - just the biol stuff!) - something was mentioned about accumulation of Tibolone. As far as I understand - it does not accumulate in the same way that estradiol does not - the latter builds up to steady state quickly. However I presume it takes some time for the biological changes to take place at cellular level. I don't know exactly how Tibolone works ( apart from breaking down into the 3 products two of which act like oestrogen and the other one acts like progestogen and/or testosterone) but there will be complex changes, genes switched on, enzymes activated, protein synthesis etc - the usual cellular stuff - which will gradually make changes - hence the time delay. I don't think I'm explaining very well - but it is not the hormone itself but its complex metabolic effects if you see what I mean!

However it works - it's good to hear some of you doing well - the most important thing!

Hurdity x


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Re: Tibilone 2.5 and testosterone and Pv Estroil
« Reply #149 on: January 18, 2017, 09:56:33 AM »


Thank you for the update. Your posts always give me the encouragement I need. As they say you've been there got the TT Tshirt :D Like Tempest I have read your updates daily especially on my bad days.

I must say mornings continue to be challenging. Went in Aldi at 9:00am this morning with jelly legs, trembling body and rushed round to get out quickly  >:( 

Oh well just taken my Tib last day of my first pack tomorrow :)


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