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Author Topic: Any thoughts on Homeopathy  (Read 19878 times)


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2017, 01:50:09 AM »

People are entitled to try and use whatever they want. It is also up to them to spend whatever money they think is appropriate.

What I have an issue with is the often incorrect "scientifically proven" information a lot of these products post on their websites. Sometimes practitioners actively discourage people from using medications and seeking medical advice, even when they have a serious health condition and they really need to be using something that has proven effectiveness.

So many people these days have this conspiracy theory mentality towards doctors and "big pharma", yet without big pharma we wouldn't be enjoying the high standard of health and longevity we have now.

From my point view, having spent thousands of dollars on alternative remedies for menopause, and only being worse off, I will support doctors and big pharma over alternate stuff any day of the week, but each to their own.


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2017, 12:45:07 PM »

Betty boo said her doctor had prescribed it so it is coming from a reputable source. It is interesting that homeopathy is more popular in France. Over here it is quite rare to find a nhs gp who does both.



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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2017, 06:38:07 PM »

My old GP was wonderful and was also a well respected, practising homeopathist so he would always offer homeopathy to patients. However, he always said that once I hit menopause then he felt that only HRT would help as he had no success with prescribing homeopathic treatments to combat flushes, VA etc.

Taz x


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2017, 11:12:18 PM »

Well - how would that work: would need to be tracked throughout menstruating life-span and as many ladies become unstable during peri  ::) - my Gran was 'put away' due to what I believe was post natal depression  :-\ but I don't know how she coped with menopause  :-\.  My mood swings would have been difficult to 'assess' and my constitution varies depending on my mood  ::)


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2017, 09:26:07 PM »

There really is something in all this.

I took a 30c Arnica this morning as I bruised my hand (hormones have definitely made me mis-judge my spatial awareness!) and, exactly like the last 2 times, I went all flu-like by the afternoon, sneezing, temp up, inflamed sinuses. i've put this down to Arnica ramping up the immune system, as I'm one of those mad people who think germs are around us all the time and colds only happen when our immune system has been suppressed and it then gets the energy back to deal with the germs.

Anyway, as one of my clients swears by homeopathy for all medical issues, and a homeopathic doctor actually un-breached her baby in a couple of minutes with a special remedy, I thought I would give it some proper research for my hormonal imbalance.

I'm doing so much better with progesterone for part of the cycle but I still have a constant nausea/dizziness migraine (since 18 months ago) that waxes and wanes, depending on how high my oestrogen is surging.

I came across Sepia (which I had in my Ainsworth first-aid kit) and took that this afternoon as it mentioned hormone imbalance and a full paragraph on my sluggishness that I could have written myself. Since early evening I have felt strangely chirpy and energised. The usual low-ebb anxiety has completely vanished and I feel a sense of balance and lightness that hasn't accompanied my wonderful moments of motivation I've had since being on the prog cream. It feels a bit like a depression has lifted even though my anxiety felt too strong, even now toned down, for me to fall into a low of a depression.

I've since done some more reading and have seen that Sepia is, indeed, a good remedy for depression, particularly with women and when linked to hormones. I've also checked out the Sepia personality which is strangely very 'me' (fiercely independent, creative, free spirit etc.) and then the bad stuff that comes out when we aren't allowed to be ourselves, anti-social, frozen to the spot laziness, irritable etc. I have no idea yet if this is placebo as it will, of course, play a part of the response, however, this state of mind is very different to what I expected (if anything) and only time and more Sepia will tell!

I also got to reading about how menopause, like PMT, is meant to disturb us into taking action and making drastic changes in our lives which I've always enjoyed thinking about. It was interesting that I went through a period of trying to escape from my last job and after I 'escaped', I was ecstatic for a few months and then got struck down with the hormonal migraines that devastated my life for a few months (bed bound pretty much due to extreme nausea and docs mis-diagnoses) until I worked out they were in sync with my cycle. The pill was my saviour in suppressing my cycle and since coming off to try other options the severity has only re-occurred for a day or two at ovulation.

Anyway, forgive the ramble, but just wanted to share about the homeopathy. I shall report back to say if was short-lived or something life-changing. You never know!


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2017, 05:29:35 PM »

Oh waw, Dangermouse! So interesting! Please keep posting updates please!

I was once evaluated as a Sepia-type personality by a homeopatic practitioner, but never tried the remedy :(

She also described Sepia like fair complection but dark brown hair, blue eyes - that's me to a dot! Who knows, might try Sepia as well. Homeopatic remedies are very widely used here where I live and also readily available in most, if not all pharmacies.

Good luck and thanks for sharing you experience!


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2017, 05:47:03 PM »

Ooh I didn't know about the physical traits. I have blue eyes, pale skin and mousy hair!

Still doing well thanks! Once I've been through a whole cycle I'll have more idea of any consistency in improvement so will report back then.

I'm actually thinking of studying for a Licentiate, which I was going to many years ago but found it too expensive (as undergrad fee equivalent) but may be able to do now as professional track (as already alternative practitioner).

I did a similar thing with clinical hypnosis after London Zoo's hypnotherapist cured my spider phobia instantly (and it was REALLY bad!). Once I know something works I'm too curious and have to study it properly!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 05:48:40 PM by dangermouse »


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2017, 06:23:32 PM »

I only know sepia as a reddish brown pigment in old photographs.  Can you explain for me more about what it is in the context of homeopathy please?  :)


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2017, 06:59:55 PM »

I'm very late to this topic but I'm a user and obviously a believer in homeopathy.
I used it when I was pregnant for morning sickness and it worked.

Many years later my daughter, as a young child, had a lot of teeth problems. She was prone to abscesses. The dentist who practiced homeopathy was not happy giving such a young child ABs so often. Neither did she want to pull teeth as the gap then fills and the mouth becomes crowded.
She gave us a homeopathic treatment ( the name escapes me at the moment) and it worked. Time after time over quite a few years.
I've used it myself on the few occasions I've had an abscess and in all but one occasion I avoided ABs.

How it works....not got a clue....but for my family it really does.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2017, 07:36:50 PM »

I only know sepia as a reddish brown pigment in old photographs.  Can you explain for me more about what it is in the context of homeopathy please?  :)

It's the ink from a cuttlefish. I also have no idea how it works as there is no direct action that can be scientifically measured but it's about treating like with like. A little poison (and I mean a little!) to trigger the immune system into a specific action.

I suspect the specific way an immune reaction will target one poison is matched to a similar illness and a specific temperament, where the latter is a reflection of our psychoimmunology.

In modern medicine it's concept is similar to immunisation, treating the flu with a little of the flu. However, homeopathic poison is diluted to the point that the molecule can no longer be measured and apparently the more diluted, the stronger the action.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 07:41:31 PM by dangermouse »


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2017, 10:52:38 PM »

I used it over the years - since my granddaughter was born I have used chamomile granules for colic and teething.

Tonne it was always a gentle approach - and sometimes I just want the Calvary!

That said i took it years ago for a cold - which quickly became a bad infection! Def not the reaction I was hoping for :-\ 
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 07:23:42 AM by DaisyB »


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2017, 04:05:23 PM »

Hey dangermouse,
When you take Sepia, do you dilute in water or you use sublingual pearls? I have also heard that if diluted, the effect is stonger!

Also the practitioner I once visited said that coffee and anything with mint is a big no-no if you use homeopaty . Too bad as I love my morning (and only) coffee and I also tend to chew mints throughout the day! So was never able to completely not have mints or coffee while trialing homeopaty.

In retrospect, I have often used various preparations for my daughters when they were young to cure stuffed noses, sinus infections and throat inflamations. Every time with success - seems that children are very suseptive.


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2017, 08:34:38 PM »

I have the little pearls so I didn't do any diluting myself. I spoke to a homeopath in Ainsworths and she said to stick to 30c and not go stronger with 200c if it's working but to up it around ovulation to twice a day if need to. She also said that Sepia regulates progesterone.

I think you only have to avoid the mints etc for 30 mins or so after taking the sublingual as they'll have absorbed by then.


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2017, 06:09:11 PM »

Sepia arrived  :)  giving it a whirl :)


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Re: Any thoughts on Homeopathy
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2017, 08:27:42 PM »

Ooh, let us know how you get on!
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