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Author Topic: New Member today  (Read 3163 times)


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New Member today
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:46:27 PM »

Hi All

Just realised I should have introduced myself here before starting my thread on vaginal moisturisers.  I'm 50 years old, was peri for about 5 years and last period August 2015 so now firmly post.  Suffered the usual hot flushes, night sweats etc but they didn't bother me too much as transitory and not horribly debilitating (at least not in my case).

Dry Vagina and VA however are a whole other level of misery and horror and so wasn't expecting it (not unusual judging by the post I've been reading).  I was put on Vagifem by my GP in May (just before we were due to drive up to the Cotswolds for a romantic weekend.  Mother Nature will have her little joke).  I *thought* I was just suffering from a particularly stubborn bout of thrush and I now know that the medication I was taking for that would have made the dryness worse.

Unfortunately I've now had to come off the Vagifem because of headaches.  Heading back to my GP in just over 2 weeks where she may or may not put me back onto Vagifem depending on the battery of blood tests she sent me to get.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised the Vagifem isn't ideal for me - I had to come off the pill in my early 20's because it had given me a massive erosion.  Clearly my body doesn't like synthetic oestrogen.

I've now started to use Yes moisturiser which is great for the dryness but am sitting here needing to pee all the time and then when I do, there's that slightly uncomfortable feeling after which was always a marker of impending cystitis for me (when I was suffering from the erosion mentioned above).  So, there you go, my potted life story.


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 05:25:47 PM »

Welcome  to MM - again from me.
I have responded to you on your other thread. Just to repeat, I doubt very much it was the Vagifem causing the headaches as it contains bio identical(natural) oestrogen, so very different from the synthetic oestrogen in The Pill, and will do nothing but good for your ‘lady bits' and bladder. I'm not surprised your Urogenital atrophy symptoms are returning - do start the Vagifem again a.s.a.p. - stop drinking the cranberry juice.  Do try drinking a glass of water with half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda ( add some cordial if you wish) as soon as you feel any burning - this will neutralise your urine.

Do look up threads about UTI symptoms on this site.  There is also a thread ‘The Burning club' that may be of help.

 I can really understand what you are going through - Atrophy is truly horrid so treatment may well have to be for the rest of our lives. I tried the YES products but they have aloe vera which doesn't agree with me - made me itch.  I prefer Sylk but we are all different and have to find the product that works for us.  Good luck and keep us posted.
DG x


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 07:31:42 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl (again)

If I were to start the vagifem again, (it's been almost 2 weeks since my last one), would I do the 1 every day for 2 weeks again or just pick up where I left off?


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 10:10:31 PM »

You could do another 2 week daily load to really gets things back on track again or you could do maybe 5-6 days of everyday and then do every other day for a week and then go back to 2-3 times a week. Some women do a 2 week daily load every so often just to re plump everything up again as Vagifem is such a low in dose.

I think the idea of the initial 2 week daily dose is too plump up the whole area and then less oestrogen is absorbed systemically. You are still young so the oestrogen will do far more good than harm.  Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2016, 10:18:00 AM »

Hi Amethyst

 :welcomemm: from me too!

I agree with Dancinggirl - you will definitely benefit from local oestrogen for a good long time yet!

Also to add that there is estriol cream which some women prefer to Vagifem, or you could ask for some of this as well to apply to external areas around the vaginal entrance. Some women also need more than 2-3 times a week so don't be afraid to use more often if necessary (doc will need to approve as you will use them up quicker!). Also there is the Estring which is like a ring that slowly releases estradiol and it last for 3 months (you can take it out yourself) - and this gives as much estradiol as the former higher dose of Vagifem. All the products are listed here:

Finally some women with severe atrophy need to have systemic HRT as well as local oestrogen to keep symptoms at bay. Look at posts by Maryjane as well.

Headaches can be caused by all sorts of things, including low oestrogen as well - and your oestrogen levels will be gradually falling from the date of your last period to a low level after about two years.

I hope you see an improvement soon :)

Hurdity  x


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2016, 06:00:17 PM »

Thanks. I''m in so much pain right now from the bladder issue, I despair. I''m thinking my seating position aggravates it as I woke up this morning in a lot less pain. However, despite being off work today, I was also answering emails occasionally and sitting forward in our little study. Now in pain again. Got emergency scrip from my GP for antibiotics in case it turns infectious over the weekend. Seeing my GP for follow up next Fri.

I'm interested why so many of you are convinced it couldn't be the Vagifem causing the headaches. It's listed as a poss side effect on the info leaflet. Just asking.


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2016, 06:31:56 PM »

It is highly unlikely to get headaches from Vagifem because so little, if any, oestrogen is absorbed around the body.
The leaflets for Vagifem are the same as for systemic HRT so the side effects don't actually apply to Vagifem.  I think you really need to do the 2 week load of Vagifem to get things back on track.  The YES moisturiser did make me burn a bit, so perhaps try some Sylk instead.

Also, here is the section from the NICE guidelines about using alternative remedies :

Complementary therapies and unregulated preparations

1.4.15 Explain to women that the efficacy and safety of unregulated compounded bioidentical hormones are unknown.

1.4.16 Explain to women who wish to try complementary therapies that the quality, purity and constituents of products may be unknown.

1.4.17 Advise women with a history of, or at high risk of, breast cancer that, although there is some evidence that St John's wort may be of benefit in the relief of vasomotor symptoms, there is uncertainty about:

appropriate doses

persistence of effect

variation in the nature and potency of preparations

potential serious interactions with other drugs (including tamoxifen, anticoagulants and anticonvulsants).

In other words - be very careful about the so called natural remedies for meno symptoms. When I looked into St John's wort for treating meno symptoms, headaches was one of the side effects!!!

The horrible burning pain is typical of atrophy and I also find that sitting can make it worse - I think the urethra gets squashed and the whole area gets hotter and the combination results in more burning.

Do drink a glass of water with bicarb and put your feet up right now. Take paracetamol if need be and perhaps some frozen peas in a plastic bag, then wrapped with a tea towel and then placed on your ‘lady bit's may also help. Drink a glass of water with bicarb morning and evening till the burning stops and also drink small glasses of water regularly through the day - don't drink to much though - no more than 1.5 litres per day. 

At one point a couple of years ago, I was peeing blood but when my urine was tested there was no infection - it was simply bleeding due to atrophy!!!  Even now, whenever my urine is tested, there is blood present!!!
I wouldn't take ABs unless you are certain it's an infection - AB resistant UTI infections are on the rise and ABs unbalance the gut flora which in turn can give you thrush and this can then case another UTI infection. If you get a temperature or get lower abdominal pain then start the ABs.

Here is the section from the NICE guidelines about treating atrophy:

Urogenital atrophy

1.4.9 Offer vaginal oestrogen to women with urogenital atrophy (including those on systemic HRT) and continue treatment for as long as needed to relieve symptoms.

1.4.10 Consider vaginal oestrogen for women with urogenital atrophy in whom systemic HRT is contraindicated, after seeking advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause.

1.4.11 If vaginal oestrogen does not relieve symptoms of urogenital atrophy, consider increasing the dose after seeking advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause.

1.4.12 Explain to women with urogenital atrophy that:

symptoms often come back when treatment is stopped

adverse effects from vaginal oestrogen are very rare

they should report unscheduled vaginal bleeding to their GP.

1.4.13 Advise women with vaginal dryness that moisturisers and lubricants can be used alone or in addition to vaginal oestrogen.

1.4.14 Do not offer routine monitoring of endometrial thickness during treatment for urogenital atrophy.

I do hope you feel better tomorrow.  DG x


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2016, 07:03:30 PM »

thanks both Hurdi and Dancinggirl. I took a paracetamol and a nurofen about an hour ago and I've just taken some water and bicarb. Is peppermint tea okay? I suffer from IBS so drink that fairly regularly.


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2016, 09:47:33 PM »

Peppermint tea is ideal.  Caffein can case problems but herbal teas are usually OK.  Do try Fennel Tea as it's great for digestive problems - very soothing.
Hope you feel better in the morning.  Dg x


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Re: New Member today
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2016, 08:05:47 AM »

Dancinggirl - I want to thank you so much. Your advice about water with bicarb worked a treat last night. Feeling so much more comfortable. Have had more this morning.

I normally only have 1 coffee in the morning but will now start to slowly cut down (experience has taught me i'all get a caffeine withdrawal headache otherwise). Not a big fan of fennel - but may give it a go.

Thanks again.