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Author Topic: New to Forum  (Read 2497 times)


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New to Forum
« on: October 06, 2016, 02:39:47 PM »

I'm really hoping someone can help me and I can learn how to cope with this way I am feeling, I have been in the menopause for about 15 months now, I think I have coped quite well, I have changed my diet, and lost weight, don't smoke or drink but about 6 weeks ago my body decided to almost seize up, my muscles where very painful and to walk, sit or bend was agony, I constantly feel like I have flu and could sleep all day, I have seen a rheumatologist who has done extensive blood tests and says no arthritis and has put it down to change of oestrogen levels causing it, I totally disagree but really would like to hear if anyone else has symptoms like this. Thank you


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 03:20:02 PM »

Hi and welcome
The doctor is right, oestrogen deficiency can really effect the joints and muscles - it's horrid.
However, low grade viruses can also have the symptoms you are describing and sometimes leave you with this type of post viral fatigue.
Do look again at your diet - if you have cut things out you may be deficient in certain vital minerals and vitamins.  I thought I was eating well but when I really broke things down I realised I was low of magnesium and one or two other things. Vitamin D is particularly crucial - lack of this vitamin will result in fatigue, joint pains and many other problems!!!
I always take Omega 3, Vitamin D and occasionally other supplements just to ensure I'm getting what I need.  DG x


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 03:31:21 PM »

Thank you so much


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 04:39:00 PM »

Why do you disagree  :-\.   At least the Consultant seems to know what may be causing your problems.

As oestrogen levels drop apparently muscles become lax = aches and pains.  Also the body becomes dry; skin, nostrils, deep in the ears, vagina …….

Maybe take an over-the-counter pain relief as necessary.


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2016, 04:46:30 PM »

I disagree as it came on almost overnight, surely it would have been a more gradual thing, I had horses and had to sell them as can't ride anymore, I can't have HRT as I had breast cancer, thank you for taking time to answer me


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2016, 05:04:33 PM »

Hi Jane,
Did the Rheumatologist test your pressure points or test you for fibromyalgia? Have you looked that up?...I think it's easy to sometimes put every ache and pain down to menopause when it can be due to other health issues. From what I have read of fibromyalgia, it's very hard to get a diagnosis even by Rheumatologists.



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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2016, 05:07:52 PM »

When I begin to ache it can come on suddenly.  Your GP was correct to refer you to a rheumatologist who seems certain that this is hormonally activated.  I can get out of bed and yelp  ::).  I can get off the sofa and yelp ……. yesterday I looked like a 90 year old …….

The guidelines for HRT prescribing has altered in recent months so it may be worth while speaking with your GP.  Some breast disease isn't oestrogen dominant and certainly, I would ask for treatment if necessary, working on Quality of Life.  I had a lump removed in the 1990s and fortunately haven't required HRT other than for VA. 

Have a good think about which symptom/s you would like to sort first.


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2016, 06:33:35 PM »

Hi JaneB, yes I too get those symptoms when my estrogen levels get too low. I tried weaning myself off a full 50mg patch to a quarter patch recently,  but after a month I seized up virtually overnight. Once I upped my estrogen again the aches and pains lessened.
I did read somewhere recently that some medics think Fibromyalgia could actually be caused by low estrogen and that many sufferers could be helped by estrogen therapy. I don't know how true that is though.


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2016, 07:43:01 PM »

Yes linz57 - I have read that fibromyalgia is a syndrome ie collection of (often debilitating) symptoms but as far as is known not a disease as such. As well as low oestrogen, there appears to be evidence that low testosterone and underactive thyroid (or other related endocrine problems) is associated with the syndrome, and there are probably some unknown causes too. Unfortunately since doctors rarely test for testosterone deficiency,  and women can be symptomatic with thyroid levels within the normal range, and also few doctors will link menopause and oestrogen deficiency with joint/muscle problems - so women are sent to rheumatologists etc without full endocrine tests - it is no wonder that the most common group being diagnosed with fibromyalgia is women of peri-menopausal age through to post-menopause.

I think it is shocking as such a diagnosis (along with many cases of CFS and ME) means that many women are left to get on with it and may be signed off work as invalids, perhaps given treatments or physio for symptoms - without ever having the sort of testing and subsequent treatment that could make such a difference to their quality of life!!! I have said before on here when I went to my (not good) female GP ( the other one is brilliant!) with muscle pains and exhaustion - and I suggested testosterone deficiency whereupon she said we can't go around testing this for all women who say they're tired!!!!! When I went back some months later still complaining and asking for reasons - she shrugged and said she could refer me for fibromyalgia. No way I thought! I had to go privately (at the time) for treatment with testosterone  and also though I still suffer morning tiredness and could sleep for hours, the muscle aches and pains have mostly gone. Also my thyroid measurement although within the normal range was higher than optimal so could also be contributing (still).

Sorry for the rant but I do feel strongly that women do not get the best treatment they deserve and tend to be fobbed off too much!!!

JaneB So sorry to hear you had breast cancer and can understand why you do not want/are not able to take HRT.

Unfortunately oestrogen levels continue to fall sharply for the first two years following menopause and then stabilise although there is some hormonal activity for a while longer.

It would be odd to come on almost overnight though if it has a hormonal cause. Have you had full blood tests, vitamins etc - as Dancinggirl suggests deficiencies can cause symptoms.

Sorry I can't help any further but good luck with trying to find a cause and treatment - if it turns out to be oestrogen deficiency then ask to be referred to a specialist to see what treatment you can be given?

Hurdity x  :welcomemm:


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2016, 11:32:25 AM »

Interesting point there about testosterone and thyroid. Even though I have upped my estrogen I am still getting some stiffness, aches and discomfort. It may be worth me looking into both, thanks for the heads up Hurdity :)


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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 05:21:29 PM »

Thank you all so much for your input, I have some serious thinking to do