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Author Topic: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.  (Read 5143 times)


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Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« on: October 05, 2016, 01:36:52 PM »

Hi. I'm 60 and went through the menopause a long time ago. I've just gone back on HRT after a gap of many years.  This due to being fed up with lack of libido, energy and vaginal atrophy.  I've been on 80g of oestrogel (Oestrodose) and 100 progesterone (Utrogestan capsules) for a week now.  I'm hoping to read other peoples experiences with these products, also anything else that helps get some life back!


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2016, 04:54:12 PM »

Hi Kikie


So pleased that you have managed to be prescribed HRT despite having been off it for many years. I hope it works for you - unfortunately there seem to be some women for whom menopausal symptoms last a long time and of course there is no knowing whether we will be one of them!

As a matter of interest how long have you been off HRT, and how long were you on it before and what type? Hope you don't mind the questions but there are several of us around or over 60 who are on HRT - some have had short breaks and gone back on it, but some intend to stay on it for some time (hopefully including me!).

I would be interested to see how you feel on the Utrogestan - are you taking it orally? Also did you get this on NHS? I hope so - as it would be another great example of enlightened doctors!

I haven't come across Oestrodose and it's not listed on this site under HRT preparations so I am now thinking you may be outside UK.

Anyway - good to have you with us and do let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2016, 08:40:57 AM »

Time off HRT - possibly 4 to 6 years.  Before that I was on it probably 10 years or so. Different types, with increasing difficulty as I got older. I finally gave up when I started random severe flooding out of the blue. Inconvenient to say the least! 

I tried going back with just vagifem pessaries, due to vaginal atrophy, but they didnt do anything. Neither did Replens in fact it burned.  I also tried soy based products  (doc in Cyprus was horrified at my request for HRT and said they didnt deal with such stuff!)

I started on this regime (2 pumps of the gel, 1 tablet, in the evening) on the 23rd September, here in the UK. Re feeling good... I've been having pelvic pain when I cough, sit on a hard seat or go to the loo. Also a painful lower back.  I'm hoping this is a side effect of returning to HRT and that it will pass. A doctor has ruled out a bladder infection. I'm also more emotional, again I'm hoping that will settle. 

I'm in the UK at the moment but will leave again this weekend.


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2016, 07:55:06 PM »

Thanks for the info Stellajane!

Kikie - thanks for the info also! Hope the side effects settle and you begin to feel better again soon. Hopefully you won't get any breakthrough bleeding on continuous progesterone? Do also continue to use vaginal oestrogen - to help keep VA at bay - many of us need both.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2016, 09:48:03 AM »

Hmm.  Feeling much less dry down below but no improvement in well being.  I had bad fluid retention and pelvic pain so a gynae friend suggested I cut the gel to one pump a day, which fixed that within days.  Other than that I'm still constantly tired and achey, still foggy headed, still no libido. Though getting the occasional interesting dream!  Wondering if I should up the oestrogen gel back to 2 pumps, but its the progesterone that provides the libido. 


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2016, 05:02:50 PM »

Hi Kilkie

Sorry to hear things haven't improved much back on HRT.

The thing is you are taking progesterone continuously which can give rise to continuous side effects - it has a sedative effect so the foggy head and tiredness are typical of the negative effects of progesterone.  Also if you are taking it orally there are all sorts of other metabolic by-products which also can cause side effects. Also rather than providing libido it acts contrary to this and dampens it!  Dreaming is common when taking progesterone for some reason.

As you are taking both the hormones continuously with oral progesterone it can sometimes be tricky getting the balance right. You want to have the beneficial effects of the oestrogen but you need enough progesterone to keep your womb lining thin without spotting and bleeding.

Your options are to increase as you suggest to 2 pumps - any temporary side effects from the extra oestrogen should settle fairly quickly - or take the progesterone vaginally. Some women have had success with alternate day dosing and in fact there is a thread on this although this would only be advisable for vaginal use, but you could discuss this with your doctor. The other alternative is to go back to a cycle (could you bear to do this at 60?) so you took oestrogen alone for several weeks (low dose) and every month (or a bit longer if you could stretch it to 5 or 6 weeks under supervision of your doctor) take the progesterone. This should help with libido and hopefully clear the foggy head and tiredness too!

Some women (such as myself) found these measures alone insufficient to help with libido so by the time I was 60, I also had tiredness and muscle aches especially after exercise classes - so I now take testosterone too. The libido has not improved by much but my response is excellent. I am still tired in the mornings but I can exercise properly without the exhaustion and aching that I was getting before.

I would work out what regime of HRT you want and then perhaps approach your doc re a small amount of testosterone supplementation - some women are having success with getting this on NHS now!

Hope this helps and let us know what you decide and how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2016, 10:36:11 AM »

Thanks Hurdity.  I've been asking for testosterone for years now and the docs always refused. However the last one I saw told me to just go online and buy it.  Kinda shocked that a professional would do that!


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Re: Hi. Back on hrt after a long gap.
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2016, 04:04:01 PM »

Oo-er - how bizarre - I mean if they agree you should have it then why not prescribe it off-licence?!

Hurdity x