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Author Topic: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!  (Read 2125 times)


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Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:11:53 PM »

Oh dear. Yes, it's me AGAIN!! (Sorry ladies, you must all be getting sick of me now. In truth, I'm sick of myself too)!

9 days on Premarin 0.625, after increasing from 0.3 and from day 3 onward I was getting very scary dizziness 3 hours after taking my dose. I decided to try to 'ride it out' as it's listed as a side effect, but today it all went horribly wrong.

I took my dose as usual at 9.30am (I take it then as it seems to only last until about midnight). At 1.00pm, I had the most horrendous vertigo, so much so that I almost collapsed in the kitchen. I decided to try eating a bowl of porridge to see if this would help, but I was still unbelievably shaky and every time I turned my head everything just wobbled. I struggled into the shower as I thought this may help too, and as I leaned forward to wash myself down I vomited up the porridge! (Sorry if this is TMI)!

I was scared stiff by this point, so I phoned 111 for advice, and the adviser was very nice and spoke to the pharmacist there who said I should go to see the out of hours GP, and to take someone with me as I was so unsteady. I called my MIL, and we jumped into a taxi to the out of hours centre at our local hospital (the lady at NHS 24 faxed ahead to say we were coming).

I was seen by a nurse who took my BP etc., (BP was fine at 125\86), and then saw GP. I told him I was afraid to stop the Premarin completely due to what happened previously when I suddenly stopped the Estrogel. He agreed this wouldn't be a good idea, but said that he thought the Premarin reallly isn't agreeing with me and to go back to the 0.3mg dose and see my GP next week.

So, ive agreed to this plan but am still feeling absolutely horrendous right now! My GP is going to have a fit, I just know it. But what can I do? The dizziness is SEVERE, not to mention the vomiting!

I really am tempted to go back on the Estrogel, as I now have a better idea how to work with it. Would it be easy to make a straight switch, do you think?  Hubby and I are also contemplating now arranging the appointment with a Certain Consultant as the GP I saw today said that they thought I needed specialist input, and actually suggested an Endocrinologist (yes, that elusive Endocrinologist that I can't get my GP to refer me to)!

I'm getting very tired and desperate now, ladies. And scared. Scared of going back to my GP as she will probably say no more HRT, even though I've only tried the Premarin and Estrogel. And scared of dropping the dose and my mood going haywire again.

The GP today also said that as I've had TAH/BSO, he is amazed that I haven't been receiving more help. Yeah, you and me both I thought to myself!!!


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 09:45:03 PM »

Don't switch until you've seen your GP.  However, the Out of Hours Dr should have given you something for the vertigo at least to stop the sickness.  Have you had a cold recently? 


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 12:41:51 AM »

You still have other options left to you. Patches are well tolerated by a lot of women, and you could also try estradiol tablets.


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 01:55:08 AM »


I had my first encounter with vertigo a few months back and it was so scary! I woke up to find the room spinning and as I was on my own made the whole thing worse as I panicked.

I had something to eat and drink (keep nuts and water by my bed in case of low blood sugar) and then waited until it passed, although the sick feeling lasted some hours.

I took myself to the docs once I felt safe to drive. She checked my ears for blockage, I hadn't had a cold but she said it could have been a virus or just a one off.

Mine came after a couple of stressy days and I was still recovering from my operation although it could have just been a coincidence. Maybe I was asleep and the fluid in my head just didn't catch up with my eyes as I turned over.

The doc said to get up and walk around as this helps the fluid return to normal and also gave me some anti-sickness tabs but they make you drowsy which is all you need!

I've spoken to several people who suffer with vertigo, all ages, male and female so not necessarily hormone related but could be for us, who knows and again it could be with you trying a new HRT.

It certainly sounds like you would benefit seeing a hormone specialist to find the right program for you. GP's only know a certain amount (although we probably know more than the average gp lol!).

Hope you don't get any more attacks, take care...


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 08:44:00 AM »

Thank you so much for your kind replies, everyone!

I've reduced the dose to 0.3mg again today, but at this level it really doesn't do much if anything to help my hot flushes and night sweats.

I popped over to Hystersisters and there are a lot of ladies there who have had exactly the same problem with the Premarin. I'll see my GP on Tuesday (with Hubby in tow. AGAIN)! And see what she says this time!

I'm getting beyond fed up of all this now. :'(


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2016, 11:41:42 AM »

Hi Tempest - so sorry to hear about your continued oestrogen woes. If you do change oestrogen types you will probably notice the difference initially as Premarin is so different from all the other estradiol HRT - can't remember how long you've been on Premarin generally? I can't really help but just want to give you a :bighug: and hope you managed to get something sorted out really soon.

Hurdity x


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2016, 12:05:30 PM »

I tried Premarin after Xmas my gynae swore by it he prefers that one I have to say he made me laugh he said basically its like are own estrogen. If you say so!!!
Anyway it often caused me the jitters if I didn't take the Premarin the jitters were worse it was a horrible experience since I've been of it I've been fine there. With the Premarin I was constantly hot and flushing. I gave up in the end I'm now off hrt too.
I hope you sort things out!! I know you've been  through alot and some.
Take care
Jan xx


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2016, 12:56:26 PM »

Just popping in to say very quickly that the dizziness has started up AGAIN! I thought I was ok today, but approx 4 hours after taking it, here we go again! Can't believe this is happening again even on the lower dose today. It's not quite as bad, but like you say Jan68 - mad jittering too!

I've been on it a total of 27 days now. First 17 at lower dose, then 9 days at 0.625 and now today back down to 0.3.

I'll take my dose tomorrow to see if it lessens again, but I'll still go to see GP on Tuesday. Oh boy! She's going to LOVE me!!!!😢😢


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Re: Massive Vertigo On Premarin Dose Increase!
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2016, 01:27:35 PM »

She's going to LISTEN to you   :great: take a list.

Why would extra hormones cause vertigo …….. never crossed my mind as I had always had a cold prior to it starting.  Walk around eh? I couln'dt move my head from the pillow let alone get out of bed  :o