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Author Topic: Post Menopausal  (Read 9238 times)


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Post Menopausal
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:50:58 AM »

Good morning ladies

I am 5 years post menopausal but have once again started with many symptoms.

I started feeling dizzy a few months ago and had a few panicky feelings.  I went to the doctor and she did all of the blood tests and they all came back clear.  I was sure this was all menopause related and asked for HRT.  I started on Kliovance about 2 months ago but then my father was admitted to hospital and shortly after my anxiety really kicked in.  I started feeling really tearful and cried at the slightest thing.  I telephoned the doctor in desperation and she prescribed Sertaline at 50 mg.  I took the first one and felt so dreadful I was told to take only half of the dose for a few weeks until my system got used to it.  I have now been taking Sertaline for 4 weeks and have also recently been prescribed lorazepam to help me as my anxiety is still really bad especially in a morning.  I know I need to up my dose of Setraline to 50 mg but am seriously worried about how I will feel when I do.  I just want to feel normal again!!

Anyone else had anxiety problems so long after their last period?

Thanks ladies


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2016, 10:22:05 AM »

Hi Leskey 49 - and wekcome :)

I've personally not suffered with anxiety - it's the only symptom i haven't had!!

I'm sure someone will be along to help soon.

There's lots of great info and advice on here. Hope you get some answers to help.



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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2016, 10:28:37 AM »

Hi Lesley49. You mention that after starting Kliovance your anxiety increased and this may be due to the fact that Kliovance contains Norethisterone which, in some women, can give rise to anxiety, depression and PMT type symptoms. It may be worth asking your doc for a change in HRT, one without Norethisterone, as this could make a lot of difference to how you are feeling. Norethisterone made me very depressed, anxious and irritable.

Someone else will be along soon I'm sure with recommendations as to which HRT you might like to ask for but, in the meantime, you could have a look at the various types listed here  taken from the menu at the top of the page. Some women get on well with Femoston I believe.

It can take quite a while to get the right HRT sorted so don't despair.

Sorry to hear about your father by the way.

Taz x  :)


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2016, 05:54:44 PM »

Hi Lesley, welcome to the forum.

I'm about 7 years post meno. I have had dizzy heads, head whooshes and other weird feelings lately but I do suffer from dreadful anxiety, mainly HA. I had to try Sertraline earlier in the year after I was taken off my usual AD. I felt so ill on it. I took 25mg for a month then upped to 50mg but still couldn't cope with it but then it really suits some people.  I take Citalopram with no orobs whatsoever. Maybe try a different AD. I am not clued up on HRT as I never tried it. x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2016, 07:11:35 PM »

Justjules has it completely taken your anxiety away with no side effects ?

Annie x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2016, 07:28:35 PM »

Oh how I wish Annie!  No, it just keeps me from losing the plot and I can't cry on it but doesn't touch the anxiety.  I can't remember the last time I was anxiety free to be honest.  It's like a damn scab that never heals!!! Yuk, that's a horrible description but it just popped into my head and feels like it! x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2016, 08:03:06 PM »

Oh how I wish Annie!  No, it just keeps me from losing the plot and I can't cry on it but doesn't touch the anxiety.  I can't remember the last time I was anxiety free to be honest.  It's like a damn scab that never heals!!! Yuk, that's a horrible description but it just popped into my head and feels like it! x

For such a nasty symptom there's surely a med that can erase it ?!

It's more social anxiety for me but I have noticed I can't deal with stress like I could before all this

Annie x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2016, 08:57:13 PM »

Well apart from Valium, I've never found one and they won't let you have that long term as its so addictive.  I think most ADs just suppress the emotions really and help with mood but don't touch anxiety in my opinion.

Getting very anti social myself nowadays. I don't like socialising really unless it's just me and a couple of close girlfriends. Hubby knows not to bother to try and force me anymore because I do what I feel is right for me nowadays.  I have spent too many evenings feeling bad for not being able to eat anything but plain, small meals (I have IBS, bloat and get cramps otherwise) so am a pretty boring guest or fellow diner so much easier not to go half the time. Don't feel bad Annie, my therapist made me realise that it's okay just to put me first. I know it's hard on our other halfs but mine isn't supportive so I don't feel guilty really. x
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 08:58:48 PM by Justjules »


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2016, 09:10:54 PM »

I can't eat big meals anymore either, unless I'm st home and can lay down and unbutton my jeans, the bloating is awful lately

I can get anxiety even with family, it's so annoying as I loved socialising

Annie x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2016, 09:40:25 PM »

Me too. I'm not able to cope physically at the moment with family stuff. I used to do the usual roast dinners and BBQs but it's too much, completely exhausts me having them in the house and makes my anxiety worse which really upsets me.  I'm already fretting about Christmas and it's only September!!!  They just think I'm a head case and take the mickey but they don't know how I'll it makes you feel. Hopefully Annie, this will just disappear one day and we can get our lives back. x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2016, 01:34:21 AM »

The anxiety symptoms are awful and can change you from a happy-go-lucky, confident person to a fearful one.  A person that you dont want to be!  Morning anxiety can be particularly gruesome.  All this because of hormones and the lack of knowledge in medicine.  Small wonder that many women were carted of to asylums in the past and the whole thing is still under researched to women's great physical and mental detriment. Women can live for a long time in menopause and they deserve better than they get at present.



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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2016, 06:15:50 AM »

Thank you for your replies ladies

It's nice to know I'm not alone with the anxiety feelings.  I am awful in a morning with constant worries that I will never be happy and outgoing again!!  I am at the docs tomorrow so will ask about changing HRT to see whether that makes a difference and am going to try and up the dose of Sertraline to try and get myself back on an even keel - I've been off work now for 5 weeks and really need to get the confidence to go back again.  I always feel when I go to the docs however that she has just written me off as an anxious person and so its me that's the problem not the medication not working!! That makes me feel even more anxious and so the vicious cycle continues.  I used to be so outgoing but 2 months now I seem to have changed into a nervous wreck - I'm going to ask about CBT tomorrow also but really do feel that all of my problems have been started by hormone problems and if I could get those stabilised I would be able to start rebuilding my life.  I hate waking up every morning dreading the day ahead that's no life for anyone and I am so unhappy.


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2016, 07:53:02 AM »

Hi Lesley
A lot of what you are saying is the anxiety talking. CBT can help you to challenge the thoughts which are a result of anxiety and in turn fuel it and keep it going.
There are meds which help. Different meds for different people!
First thing in the morning is the hardest time. For me my faith is the main help. For others it could simply be using CBT principles and telling yourself " this is how it is in the morning, I may not like it but it always passes. Meantime I am going to think about..."
Discipline and a good routine help too. Hard to achieve sometimes but def a help.
Brighter days ahead! As my mum used to say there is always someone worse off than yourself! X


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2016, 08:35:47 AM »

Hi Leslie

I was on Sertraline for just over 12 months. It definitely lifted my mood, way too much. I took myself off it and became depressed again. I now take 5 HTP, which you can't take with an anti depressant, which is converted into Serotonin in the body. I've also cut out  sugar as much as possible , so no alcohol or obviously sweet stuff, and I've found yoga sessions on Youtube which are brilliant. I'm also doing the Couch to 5 k running programme. For the first time in my life I'm spending time looking after myself and it feels great.

Did you suffer from depression before the menopause?

C x


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Re: Post Menopausal
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2016, 11:32:12 AM »

Lesley I'm at least three years post menopause & recently - this year started to get very anxious especially on waking. I am also getting hot sweats in bed as if my thermostat has gone wonky. I wasn't bothered with hot flushes during menopause - one or two, but not this.

I have been prescribed the same as you, but read the side effects & am too scared to take it & I want to get to the root of what's causing it, but seems that theer is scant available on the NHS ie talking therapy at the moment. I don't drink coffee after 8pm, I've cut out quite a lot of sugar & am quite active, I rarely drink.

I have been depressed in the past, but this panic on waking is newish for me. I've been taking Kalm tablets recently.

I asked the female GP if it was hormone related & she scoffed & said, not after all this time. So she wouldn't even consider that as a cause.
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