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Author Topic: Chronic insomnia with peri  (Read 15606 times)


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2016, 10:39:12 PM »

don't get me wrong if it made me get normal sleep back I'd risk it but I find most people it doesn't seem to help..that's why I wanted people's opinions..😊😊

What you have to remember is that you are only getting a very small opinion on a forum like this, and lot of them will be worst case scenarios. I'm sure the vast majority of women out in the wide world who take HRT are getting all the benefits, including better sleep. You will never know until you try, because as we always say here - everyone is different.


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2016, 11:53:59 PM »

Long term lack of sleep is more harmful to your body than HRT I would think!

Sleep is a funny thing, sometimes it's just so easy and other times it's just so hard! I've always suffered a bit of night anxiety when I'm on my own but just recently it had really got out of hand. Seems to be such a fine line and of course hormones don't help when they are all over the place.

I had a great night last night, maybe from all the bad nights this last week. I did actually spray my pillow with lavender and I changed my sleepy tea to a different brand with lemon balm and lavender in it. Although I did wake up at one point drenched :(

Just try the HRT see if it helps, certainly helped me get through the night as I was waking so often with hotness. 


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2016, 09:48:47 AM »

I slept so heavily last night that I ache all over  ::)

Maybe alter your pre-bed routine?  I have a bath with very good book and cuppa; I sort my medication to take then get into bed with a book/computer.  That's around 10.30-ish and by the time Himself is into bed I'm dozy.  Otherwise I continue to read.  I think we put too much pressure on ourselves thinking that we 'must' sleep rather than letting nature do it for us.

Exercise can kick endorphins in which may well help you relax more.  When I worried about not sleeping I didn't; because my mind was buzzing with things I should have done or what was likely to happen in the morning, I also had a notepad and pen beside the bed to drop stuff down so that it was there ready the next day.



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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2016, 10:11:55 AM »

Insomnia is definitely my worst peri symptom.  Last 3 holidays abroad totally ruined by it and 2 years of my life ruled by whether or not I'd had any sleep the previous night.

Getting the mirena coil fitted definitely helped my sleep immensely.  It pumps a minimal amount of progesterone (sleepy hormone) into your body and gives the added bonus of helping with heavy periods (my 2nd worst peri symptom!).  Like you, I had resorted to Zopiclone 3.75mg - I still have a small emergency supply but probably only need to take one every 3-4 weeks now unlike before when I took them twice weekly in order to get some sleep before a long working day.  I had spent a small fortune on every so-called sleep aid going and none of which helped at all.  I don't suffer from hot flushes....yet!  Be careful with taking Zipliclone every night - my GP told me that if you take it every night for over 2 weeks, it can cause rebound insomnia - sorry to be the barer of bad news!

Like you, I also suffer from restless legs (although, thinking about it, that's also stopped since having the mirena fitted!).

I didn't need the mirena for contraceptive purposes and was scared off getting it fitted by the horror stories I'd read by googling (don't do it!), but it's the best thing I ever did & I'm kicking myself I didn't get it done sooner.

I've always been prone to insomnia (all the women in my mum's side of the family are) particularly at times of hormonal stress eg post-natal insomnia was almost as bad but didn't last so long.

When it was at it's worst I was hallucinating and if I did drop off to sleep, it never got beyond light sleep and I'd wake way too frequently.  I can fully understand why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture!  You have my full sympathy.


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2016, 11:06:32 AM »

Thank you for all those replies..I have tried everything for insomnia...literally as this has gone on 3 years..anti histamine make my rls worse and don't sleep I've changed my sleep routine had hypnosis cbt everything..nothing works..I know zopiclone is bad but like people have said the lack of sleep is killing me and it's the only thing that works albeit not til 3 or 4 am but better than no sleep. I didn't sleep at all before and it's made me so ill..I've asked for femoston hrt aa it's the best for tolerance I believe but high risks of diabetes and stroke which both of them are in my family...zopiclone is safer to me than risk that and the cancer risk being high..especially if it doesn't help. I keep reading people sleep worse on hrt that would be the straw that broke the camels back. I might suggest the mirena coil it sounds it the progesterone that helps with sleep ? ( please don't judge me for taking zop I know the risks but my life was much much worse before that's why doctors prescribed me it


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2016, 11:22:52 AM »

Hi ya, no one has the right to judge you my dear. You are doing the best you can in this situation it's awful as I to have chronic insomnia and other horrible debilitating symptoms due to meno. I've tried everything even the meds you've been on in the past with nasty side effects! So if a low dose sleeping pill can help a little it's worth it for me. I'm seeing doc on Monday on this subject so if she can suggest anything I will let you no. but really can't see anything she can suggest to be honest I've pretty much covered it all with no results.   Janx


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2016, 11:32:18 AM »

Who has told you that the 'cancer risk being high'?  It would help Members here to advise further if we could point you in another direction ;-).  Also who has informed you that because diabetes and stroke are in your family that it isn't advised?  Quality of Life is far more important for you than what other family members might have had, particularly if there problems are historical [i.e. more than 10 years ago].

Sorry but if you aren't getting to sleep until 3-4 a.m. then it isn't the medication !!!!  it is your natural body rhythm.  A sleep aid will usually knock someone 'out' within an hour of taking it, because they need sleep anyway and it 'takes over'. 

CBT did nothing for me because my phobia was engrained from almost the moment I was born  :-\.  So by the time CBT became the therapy of choice it was way too late  ::).  Relaxation therapy did help, as does having a radio by the bed tuned to soothing music - I used to pretend that I was ice-skating and was really really good  ;) and for reasons I never understood, it lulled me into sleep. 

Ask your GP to refer you to a sleep clinic for monitoring!


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2016, 01:04:22 PM »

HRT has really helped my sleeping problems in fact I had to go back on it recently due to dreadful sleeping issues reoccurring once I stopped taking HRT.

I think you are being misinformed regarding the dangers of HRT, in my opinion you are doing far more damage to your body by not sleeping than any risk from taking HRT.



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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2016, 01:50:57 PM »

Zelda - I agree.


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2016, 05:32:01 PM »

Certainly with me, the added progesterone in the mirena has helped.  I agree with Zelda - the health problems associated with lack of sleep are probably worse than going on hrt & getting your quality of life restored.

Best of luck x


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2016, 05:57:47 PM »

I know you say you've tried everything, so forgive me if I'm throwing silly ideas out here. Do you keep to a consistent bedtime routine? Like putting a baby to bed: bath, pajamas, milk and story, same every night. When I was younger I found a cup of chamomile tea helpful as part of my bedtime routine. Nothing but bed activities in the bedroom. They say no electronics at all, but I sometimes put a talk program on the radio on a sleep timer to give my mind something to focus on and then bore me to sleep.
I was almost to the point of buying one of those expensive light boxes to fix my natural sleep schedule when I finally got somewhat sorted. I still may have to try that in the winter when the days get short again.


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2016, 06:10:09 PM »

Thanks Lizab - also, even if ideas didn't work 'then', you are dealing with 'now' so lots may have altered.  So having a good bed-time routine is the first starting point. 

How is your mattress for example?  Do you need more/less light in the room, window open/shut …….. little things can make a difference.  What sounds do you like, maybe one of those tapes that plays different sounds, i.e. bird song ……...


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2016, 04:41:41 AM »

Thank you for all those replies..I have tried everything for insomnia...literally as this has gone on 3 years..anti histamine make my rls worse and don't sleep I've changed my sleep routine had hypnosis cbt everything..nothing works..I know zopiclone is bad but like people have said the lack of sleep is killing me and it's the only thing that works albeit not til 3 or 4 am but better than no sleep. I didn't sleep at all before and it's made me so ill..I've asked for femoston hrt aa it's the best for tolerance I believe but high risks of diabetes and stroke which both of them are in my family...zopiclone is safer to me than risk that and the cancer risk being high..especially if it doesn't help. I keep reading people sleep worse on hrt that would be the straw that broke the camels back. I might suggest the mirena coil it sounds it the progesterone that helps with sleep ? ( please don't judge me for taking zop I know the risks but my life was much much worse before that's why doctors prescribed me it

Please don't think I'm judging you for taking zopiclone. I totally understand what a total lack of sleep is like because that's what I suffered from too. It's just that I've been there and I know first hand how horrible the dependency on any kind of tranquiliser can be. I even used to counsel on a forum specifically for people who found themselves accidentally addicted to these drugs, and there are more people out there suffering from over-prescription of this stuff than you probably realise. There could be a dozen new members joining up every day desperate for help, and they're just the people who found the forum. There were probably millions of other people world-wide who'll never find the right help.

Benzodiazepines (eg valium/diazepam, klonopin, xanax etc) and z-drugs (eg zaleplon, zolpidem and zopiclone) can be very insidious if taken continuously for more than the recommended 2-3 weeks maximum, and a lot of doctors simply don't understand or accept how highly addictive they are. Weaning off these drugs may not just be a case of cutting down over a period of a week or two. For some people weaning of their dose can take years. I took me 2 years to wean off 5mg of diazepam, which would be equivalent to just 7.5mg of zopiclone. It all comes down to how sensitive you are. I was very sensitive, and you could be too, but you'll never know how sensitive you are until it's too late and you are dependent. The risks associated with HRT are far lower (even negligible) for the things you are concerned about compared with what a z-drug would be. These drugs can cause all sorts of physical, psychological and mental issues if taken long term. There is even evidence they contribute to the onset of Alzheimers.

I'm not sure where you are reading about all these people who say their sleep is worse on HRT. Often when you are looking for specific information that's what you'll find, but by and large women seem to do much better sleep-wise when on HRT. It's usually the lack of estrogen that affects sleep, and on HRT that's what you will be getting. Also keep in mind that one of the many side effects from taking something like zopiclone is rebound insomnia, so you need to tread very carefully when you decide to stop taking it. Don't assume you need to take more to get the same effect. That becomes a very slippery slope. It took me 6 desperate months of thinking that my HRT wasn't working before I finally worked out that all my insomnia problems were related to diazepam withdrawal.

Also tread carefully with the mirena because progestogen doesn't always help with sleep. In fact a lot of women have a lot of side effects from any kind of progesterone. Personally speaking, I think you should try an oral or transdermal formulation first to see how you go. Fitting a mirena is very invasive and once it's in it might not be so easy to have it taken out. If you have problems with the oral or transdermal HRT you simply stop taking it.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 04:48:58 AM by Dana »


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2016, 10:23:53 AM »

I had a light bulb moment at 2.30 a.m. …….  ::) and thought of you.

I don't know whether you are working but when I was in a highly pressured job, when I was unable to sleep or when I woke in the early hours, I worried about not getting back to sleep.  Once I was retired and not controlled by the alarm clock, when I woke - as earlier today - it didn't bother me as much because I know that I can sleep later if necessary.

How was your sleep pattern last night?


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Re: Chronic insomnia with peri
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2016, 12:33:42 PM »

Thanks everyone..I've got a bad cold and chest infection right now so sleep is worse...and yes I've been referred to a sleep clinic it has a waiting list of 12 to 18 months and I have literally tried EVERYTHING these last 3 years the zopiclone was my last hope...nothing makes a difference I can go to bed at 5am barely awake but then as soon as I lie down or try to sleep my body and mind become totally awake..yes it is a vicious circle that when you know you won't sleep you don't but even retraining my brain to be positive through cbt and to actually try to stay awake with reverse psychology it does nothing...I read have the music apps the sleep apps I wear ear plugs a mask I don't have caffeine or TV before bed you name it...I have paid a lot of money to see sleep specialists none have worked...that's why I had my hopes pinned on it being hormonal and hrt being my fix...I have high levels of cortisol at night so I'm told when it should be low...I won't post much more on here as I think my problems don't come into any categories on here and are much deeper than usual occasional insomnia...nothing works and I don't like being judged being on zopiclone..if you knew how I'll I've been depressed and panic attacks all caused by sleep deprivation I wouldn't be judged so harshly...I'd rather be addicted and get 5 hours sleep than die soon from ill health caused by no sleep..thanks everyone though for your advice
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