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Author Topic: Stress, meno, or something else?  (Read 3265 times)


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Stress, meno, or something else?
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:13:30 PM »

Hello meno friends,

I know that you can't answer my question, but before I rush off yet again to the doctor I'd appreciate your thoughts. First, I should say that since all the peri-stuff started 3 to 4 years ago I have suffered from health anxiety. It got so bad that I've been on escitalopram the past three months and thought I was getting better. Dr says I was/am depressed. Also, previously about two years ago one Dr suggested I had fibromyalgia as had moving about pains everywhere, costochondritis  and the pressure points. I've always dismissed this as I thought it was meno. Also, have to admit that at one time or another have had the symptoms I have at the moment before.

I've not been too bad HA-wise the last month or so. Have been having very bad stomach-wind-IBS issues but got Dr to look at (or rather listen to) the gurgling and was told it was normal for ladies of my age, poss hiatus hernia. It comes and goes as does the early morning IBS-d. I think it's food-related but have not worked out what yet. Oh and have fibroids.

Now have been very stressed lately due to the referendum (we live in France so result will affect us, no idea how yet). In fact, current flare-up/ whatever probably started last Friday (24th). It's also the time that I would, if cycle anywhere near normal, be having a period, but have only had tiny spotting since December and nothing now. So currently have been having pains in stomach/ gut area that move around, upper/ lower/ front/ back, bit like the ovulation pain I used to get but not had for ages, feel really tired, bad sleep (waking at 5am), lots of aching joints and muscles everywhere, the fibro pressure points hurt, ribs hurt like costo, and have sensations on skin like being ****ed with pin, moves about, one minute in arm, then in finger, then in feet, nose or torso.

Sensible head (and Mr BB) say all these symptoms could be due to stress, are peri-meno symptoms, could be a fibro flare-up and are also in the 1 in 10 category of side-effects of the e-cit. Even now I have written it down it seems logical but I will still post the thread as HA-brain is saying it something dreadful.



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Re: Stress, meno, or something else?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2016, 03:55:23 PM »

If it makes you feel dreadful you ask away!  Has stress been a trigger for your IBS in the past?  For me, it's enough to consider going on the M1 for my bowel to begin clenching  :-X  :-[

You don't know yet how Brexit will affect ex-pats.  It's all hype in the media right now.  Let it settle?  Put in place what you need to remain in your home? i.e. health insurance …….. what could really change?  I can't think that if people are legally in a European country that they will be thrown out, if worried, speak to the Mairie? [sp]. 

What dose of AD are you taking?  Has your GP offered a beta-blocka to ease anxiety surges?   Is the pre-menstrual symptom, even without a bleed, bad enough to take pain relief?  Maybe that would ease that tension?

Listen to your husband?  On a range of 1-10, where is the anxiety? 4 me it's 1-5, 5 being when I grab the emergency pill!

« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 12:35:13 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Stress, meno, or something else?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2016, 08:05:23 AM »

Hi All

Stress has always been a bowel-trigger for me. I think I inherited it from my Mother, a professional worrier who would always get the 'collywobbles' about anything slightly out of the ordinary - my dad going away on business, a family holiday, me driving anywhere etc. One of her favourite expressions that used to really p*** me off was, 'I've been awake all night worrying about you...', if I was doing something she did not approve of. I know what you mean about motorways CLKD - it's the feeling of being trapped and out of control. I am the same about going shopping, supermarkets, big centres, town centres. Strangely I am OK if I am on my own, but not with OH... However, I did go shopping yesterday (took preventative imod) and was OK.

In my conscious mind I am not stressed about the referendum result, but a lot of people round here are and I think it rubs off. I can always get dual nationality, that's not the issue. Trouble is OH is a political animal so I get a running commentary of every latest development.

Sparkle, I thought of you when I was posting. You've always cheered me up with your relies to previous posts as our symptoms are very similar. In fact I was reading through another current post about the scary symptoms and I too can identify with everything everyone said on that thread. I don't think the HA is helped by OH deciding it would be a good idea to watch boxed set of House on Netflix - I've told him he needs to find another series to watch  ;D

I've dropped the e-cit down to 5mg to see if I can get rid of the tingling. It's a definite side effect, I checked both the French and the English versions of the patient info sheet. It's also a side effect of propranolol - I take 40mg of Prop, CLKD as you asked, for palpitations and panic. I get all the common SE of that - Raynauds, slow heart rate, cold. I've not had an actual panic attack recently, but keep getting the adrenaline surges when I wake up which trigger urgent trip to bathroom.

I think you are right Sparkle, it is a vicious circle and the devils job to try and work out how to break it, I've been trying for several years.


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Re: Stress, meno, or something else?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2016, 12:38:50 PM »

I have split my 40mg into 2 doses ………. which has stopped the heavy, background headaches.  One in the morning and 1 dose at night - would that help Bettyboo?

'collywobbles' - that's an expression I haven't heard for a long while  ::) - and 'worrying about you' is something Mum used to say ………. or she would put ideas into my head like 'is the driver insured?', 'what if there's an accident' …….. which hasn't helped my anxiety levels over the years.

Stress makes my IBS worse.  As does a sudden sense of intense hunger ……...


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Re: Stress, meno, or something else?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2016, 09:03:13 AM »

No you haven't worried me at all, on the contrary Sparkle you have reminded me that many of us have the same symptoms. Maybe if we had all those tests that House fires off a cause would be found  ;D

Last night I was browsing on some of the earlier threads and found one entirely devoted to the 'tingling'. I was surprised at how many of us suffer from it. Has anyone found anything that relieves it? I've tried paracetamol today but it hasn't made any difference.
