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Author Topic: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.  (Read 11036 times)


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2016, 01:19:08 PM »

I think it is because the old potatoes are more starchy, and in a way that is more available. New potatoes are less starchy and the starch is bound up in a way that takes longer to digest.

Another way I have been told is to take a 1/2 - 1 hour brisk walk immediately after your evening meal.  Before even washing the dishes.  The person that told me this did manage it and it did work.  But they did not manage to keep it up.  Might be worth doing during the summer though.


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2016, 01:39:26 PM »

I've read too that it would be better to have our main meal in the the middle of the day but that's pretty impractical for most people. I've been googling and come up with this.,,20326394,00.html

It's only one study but food for thought!

I'm going to cut down on starchy carbs aside from my porridge breakfast and try to loose a few pounds, see if that makes a difference. I have a very tiny frame and I'm aware that I must have put weight on. I don't own scales as we are all of us skinnies in my household, but my size 10 Levis are tight at the moment aside from the oestrogen hike bloating.

I suffer from chronic migraine so am in bed a lot. I'd love to be able to exercise more, (I always danced), but walk whenever I'm up and able. Hopefully when through meno the migraines will ease and I can pick up the pace again.

Thanks for the advice  dahliagirl

Mary G

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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2016, 02:08:02 PM »

My cholesterol levels went up as soon as my oestrogen levels started to drop.  When I had a year off HRT, they rose but as soon as I started taking HRT again, they went back to the normal range and have stayed that way ever since. 

From my experience, there is a very definite link between high cholesterol, high(er) blood pressure and low oestrogen and yet again, it is one of the many, many things that will go wrong if you are oestrogen deficient.


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2016, 03:07:16 PM »

Hi Mary G

Well that is fascinating! I'm going to quote you when next at the GPs. They know how ridiculously sensitive to hormone change I am so that's something that should be considered. However, if I can't reduce it back down to my normal levels by dropping a few pounds, I wonder how we'll try to manage it. I really don't want to get on the meds kick again, I'm just so reactive.

My daughter just made me an absolutely delicious homemade beany minestrone soup for lunch (I'm not usually a big pulse fan) so today's the day of my new regime, I've been inspired!

Bad cholesterol be gone!


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2016, 05:05:15 PM »

I've just found this link in Science Daily which could be of interest. There's been lots of chatter recently about increasing intake of Vitamin D in peri and menopause.

Is it worth a try Dennylou? I started taking it about 4 months ago as part of a joint and bone combination and seems to have helped my aching joints especially in my fingers but also calmed and regulated my digestive system. Lack of progesterone has always upset my bowels! Of course it could be a complete coincidence. If it helps reduce my cholesterol too I'll be quids in!


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2016, 07:05:43 PM »

It's so annoying when you seem to do everything right and out of the woodwork you get adverse test results!
At the meno age a couple of years ago my cholesterol went up (I'm same weight and similar height) and at one stage 6.8! But my ratio was good. The level has come down to 6.2 since taking hrt.


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2016, 08:01:29 PM »

Yes Sunnydays - the point I was trying to make but everyone ignored it! You are all talking about your cholesterol levels being raised but as I pointed out way down the thread - total cholesterol on its own apparently is not the key measure. I'll spell it out again:

HDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol
Total cholesterol
Total cholesterol/HDL ratio

That is a full lipid profile.

My first two were flagged green as was the last - the ration but LDL and total were red flagged as over the limit at 4.2 for LDL and 6.5 for Total. There was no talk of anything needed to reduce these levels.

I've been taking HRT for nearly 10 years so I doubt it has anything to do with oestrogen - although to be fair I have never had it measured before.

Elizabethrose -  I have posted about this elsewhere but I totally agree about the normal fat intake low carb high protein diet for losing weight ( not sure about the effect on cholesterol). I managed to lose weight on this regime whereas following a normal mixed weight loss diet has almost no effect on me now as I was only about 10 pounds or so overweight, short, and medium frame.

For breakfast I don't even have porridge. I usually have half a grapefruit, a bowl of stewed fruit (rhubarb, apple, or blackberry - all with no or tiny amount of sugar) with low fat natural greek yogurt, and then two boiled eggs! About once a week I have muesli and 1 boiled egg, and once a week have the fruit and yogurt but have lean bacon, egg mushrooms and tomatoes. Usually have a banana mid-morning or some nuts ( and raisins). Lunch will be soup, (in winter) - homemade usually with lots of veg. Maybe sardines or crab or ham and salad and/or more fruit and yogurt perhaps with added ground almonds. Tiny sliver of yummy cheese and cracked when the craving takes me. Evening - usually a normal meal cooked from fresh ingredients (with lots of veg) but no potatoes, pastry, rice or pasta. Now and again I can lapse as I've lost the weight now, and so can go out for meals, drink wine and have fish and chips etc when we go to the sea, but when I'm at home I go back to eating like that. Think I'll be on it for life in order to stay slim!

Hurdity x


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2016, 08:34:25 PM »

Thank you for your response Hurdity, I'm sorry if you think we've all ignored your earlier comment.

It is not just the total cholesterol level that my GP is concerned about, it's the full lipid profile, thus my need to address it. Hopefully some changes will do the trick.


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2016, 11:00:17 AM »

Hi Elizabethrose - no probs! It's OK but my point was when women are referring to cholesterol levels being raised and giving a value - its important to know what that number is referring to because it isn't always a concern even if one (or two) particular measurement(s) is (are) raised.

You sound like you are doing all you can anyway so hope your levels reduce!

It's a pity we don't have tests for this earlier in our lives because we have nothing to measure against, to know what is normal for us.

Hurdity x


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2016, 11:43:08 AM »


I had a high reading, maybe around the hot flushes etc were at their worst before HRT. I wondered if it was hormones, doc said no but.....coincidence??!! So did the exercise, more oats and added physillum husks to brekki which are really good for cholesterol and blood test 6 months back to normal for me and has stayed the same since.

I have to have carbs and keep to low fat after the gallbladder saga so all these high fat, low carb regimes are no good for me at the moment. Unfortunately I can't stomach wholemeal as its the one thing that gives me heartburn and has done since a teen. I usually go for multigrain as it least it has seeds etc in it.

Some people, doesn't matter how they exercise, eat, naturally skinny etc can just have high cholesterol naturally. If you can do it without having to have the dreaded statins it would be great, good luck!


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2016, 12:29:52 PM »

Thanks Wombat. We are all so different aren't we - it would be so much easier if one size fit all!

My GP is really switched on so bloods and other health checks are done regularly and as routine. My cholesterol readings have always been really good and nothing in my life has changed apart from 6 months without a period, thus he was pretty stunned by it!

To be honest I am heavy for me, I have a very tiny build and feel much more comfortable under 9 stone so I'll lose a few pounds and cut the starchy carbs a little to see if that does the trick. I certainly won't take statins without a fight but he knows how I react to hormone change so it may be something he will consider. I was speaking to a medic pal last night with a hormone specialism and she said the link with menopause and cholesterol rise was well known. Of course I am talking about an analysis of the full lipid profile.

I'm having a wild oestrogen surge at the moment, last few days, so the hot flushes and night sweats have calmed but it's interesting that your readings dropped after starting HRT. Yes I'm sure many would say coincidence but there seem to be so many coincidences in this life.

All good wishes to you.

Mary G

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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2016, 01:41:50 PM »

I always have the whole set of cholesterol tests/full lipid profile (perhaps I should have been clearer) and they were outside the normal range when my oestrogen was low but well within normal range when taking HRT.  My blood pressure (although never high) is also lower when taking HRT.  I also have inherited Gilbert Syndrome and even that is very nearly within the normal range when taking HRT and way higher when not taking it - no wonder my digestive system is so much better when on HRT. 
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 03:39:58 PM by Mary G »


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2016, 06:39:22 PM »

Hi again Mary

Yes they always do a full lipid profile when checking cholesterol and will flag up concern if its not sufficiently balanced. I was given the full readings but I think quite often GPs don't bother passing each individual reading on to the patient unless you ask or there is a problem. I think this is what we were all referring to.

My oestrogen is really doing the fandango at the moment but it had been low for about two months before the bloods were done. It's interesting isn't it? When the Doc yanks me back in, I shall discuss this link in depth. I'll keep you informed!

Hope you're keeping the migraines at bay - keep well!

Mary G

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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2016, 10:44:32 PM »

Elizabethrose, thanks for asking and yes, my migraines are under control as long as I keep my oestrogen levels high and stable, stay off synthetic progesterone altogether and keep the Utrogestan dose low.  I hope yours are petering out now too. 


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Re: Chlorestrol and blood sugar levels are raised.
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2016, 10:10:42 PM »

All I was told was it was a little to high I wasn't given a breakdown so I will ask for them, thank you for that info, I'm not on statins anymore and my glucose levels are fine, I went on a seeded bread, nuts, salmon, veg, sort of diet and have brought it right down, I also have a chlorestrol machine now that I can keep check, but only gives me the 1 reading. I'm sure it will sort itself, thank you all for your replys. And hope you get yours stabilised too. Xxx
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