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Author Topic: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!  (Read 6224 times)


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Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:55:58 PM »

Hi - I hope I'm doing this right!  I've been looking on this forum for some time for the advice and support given.  I'm 57 and 4 years since last period.  I started on Femseven conti in November last year after an extremely uncomfortable month of rising anxiety and deep depression.  Early morning anxiety abated soon after starting hrt and until about a month ago (after 4 months of use), I felt I was much improved in mood (my worst menopause symptom).  But, about a month ago the anxiety and depression reappeared, not so bad as before, but creeping in, until I'm now a bit concerned again and not feeling good at all.  After what felt like a very pre-menstrual type mood all week I have started a light bleed today (no previous bleed on Femseven conti at all in the time since starting last November).  So, I'm seeing my gp on Monday - already arranged - to talk about a different progesterone.  They have recommended Anti-depressants in the past and I am not keen on that route if I can avoid it.  I previously tried hrt with norethisterone and do not do well with that at all.  I've been looking at Femoston but see it is a tablet and would prefer to stay with a patch, but anything to sort these mood/s ...  I have seen a lot on the forum about bioidentical hrt in patch form used with utrogestan and have been wondering if this is something that may be helpful for someone with a tendency to hormonal depression/anxiety.  Anyway, good wishes and thanks for reading this. Deeble


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 03:06:10 PM »

Deeble - welcome to MM
Femoston would certainly be a good one to try as the progesterone is kinder and very well tolerated but many women who struggle with progesterone. The dose of the conti version is on the low side but this may also be better as the patches are medium dose and some of us feel better on a lower dose HRT generally. I would ask to try the sequi version (so Femoston 1/10) first to see how you feel on this particular progesterone before trying the conti - If you get on OK with the sequi version and don't mind having a bleed each month then it is often a better option and many of us older ladies prefer to stick with sequi HRT.
The alternative for you would be oestrogen as either patch or gel and then Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) taken either sequentially or continuously.  If anxiety and low mood are your challenge, then using a sequi version would be best.  This Gel/Utro regime can be a bit of a phaff to get right and often needs some adjustment with the guidance of a gynae over several months but once you find the right balance, it does suit many women well, particularly as we get into our 60s. No HRT is perfect and you mustn't expect it to solve all the meno problems.
I have to say that anxiety is a difficult meno symptom to treat.  There needs to be a multi prong approach to really tackle this including: CBT, plenty of relaxation, appropriate diet and exercise, plus HRT. I also wouldn't rule out an AD/SRRI alongside the HRT as many women do need this. I have a colleague doing really well on Citalopram(SRRI) together with HRT as she was in a bad way with anxiety.
I do hope this helps. DG x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 03:39:52 PM »

Thankyou so much for this advice Dancinggirl.  I haven't got access to a printer at the moment but I've written it all out to digest and help me with my GP appt on Monday!  I hadn't thought of the sequi route at all being so far beyond periods, so that has opened another possible avenue for me and I don't mind having a bleed.  Very good also to hear of your colleague's success with citalopram and hrt.  None of it feels quite so overwhelming and alarming now!  I'm working on my diet as I am overweight (5' 2" and 12 stone) and not very active; avoiding alcohol, cutting down coffee (I made up a half-and-half jar of real coffee and 'pretend' chicory coffee) and recently have started to cut out wheat in the hope if will help with lifting mood too.  I'm still eating plain chocolate ...  Thanks again for all the advice. Dx


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2016, 03:52:30 PM »

Deeble - if you can get walking then this can be the best exercise. Just reduce portions when eating - this trains the body to want less food and I find it's the best way. You are now taking the right road to a better quality of life.  Keep going. I allow myself chocolate on one day a week - it's tough :'(   DG x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2016, 04:30:01 PM »

 :welcomemm:  I found my body rejected chocolate years ago and I was a 2 bar a day girl!  Now I maybe have a small piece of black for 'pudding'  ::)

Your anxiety and depression could be your own hormones having a party  ::).  Do you keep a journal? jotting down symptoms, food, moods can be useful. 

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2016, 06:54:19 PM »

Hi Deeble

 :welcomemm: from me as well!

I agree with what's been said. Great news that you are looking at diet and lifestyle - which is so important as we head towards and into our 60's. Losing weright will have enormous health benefits in itself and reduce your cancer and diabetes risk. If you can cut out sugar almost completely - so cook from fresh ingredients ( to avoid sugar in processed foods), cut out biscuits cakes, sweets ( except for 85 - 90% choccie now and again!), and as many carbs as possible - you should be able to lose weight quite quickly - but you may need to keep on this reduced diet for good - like I do. I only have carbs once a day usually (except when on holiday), and make sure most stuff is low fat. Lots and lots of veg and some fruit. Also plenty of exercise - as Dancinggirl says walking is great  - but perhaps an exercise class too for muscle toning as well eg Pilates or body conditioning - as this will help speed up your metabolism and you will feel better too.

I use Estradot patches (50mcg) with utrogestan and have a period every two months and I'm 62. I would try the Femoston although if you are planning on being on HRT in the longer term - transdermal oestrogen is probably the way to go.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2016, 09:21:14 AM »

Hi - thanks for all this helpful advice. I got a bit desperate with the low mood and really felt drawn to rip off the femseven conti patch - I didn't, but I cut it in half instead ..... and within a day I was on the edge of depression rather than in the middle of it. I'm not feeling any worse in any sense. Seeing my gp on Monday and will discuss femoston Dancinggirl mentioned. I did have a very tiny 'bleed' just before I halved the patch in desperation - it had all felt very 'pre-menstrual'... (last non-hrt period- 2012!). Thanks again. D x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2016, 07:04:40 AM »

Hi - saw gp and given femoston conti 1/5 as she felt I would feel 'premenstrual' on sequi 1/10. Giving this a go after a week on a half femseven conti patch whilst waiting for my appointment - dark mood did lessen when halved. Thank you for advice and I'll keep you posted. D x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2016, 07:25:16 AM »



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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2016, 08:03:19 PM »

Hope it goes well Deeble and you feel better soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2016, 06:30:21 PM »

Hi - just wanted to let you know I'm feeling much better (4th day of femoston conti 1/5. ) A few bad headaches first couple of days - not today. My mood has become lighter, the dark cloud of depression is lifting and anxiety is lessening. A rising short-lived mini panic at anything challenging rather a total meltdown! I can believe I will feel better and already am much improved. Thanks for the advice from everyone - it's really helped to point me in the right direction. Dx


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2016, 08:10:28 PM »

Little steps!


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2016, 06:08:52 AM »

Hi just wrote an update but seem to have lost it .... anyway just to say after about a week on femoston 1/5 feeling so much better re low mood/high anxiety. Hard to believe I felt so rubbish only a fortnight ago. Also avoiding wheat which has improved my digestion and taking a good multivitamin with a focus on b vits. Had some wine and coffee over bank holiday (self sabotage!?) - don't think either contributed to 'feel good' so back to my 'half and half coffee' and alcohol free. Avoiding getting tired, doing deep breathing when stressed and trying to avoid drama. Thanks D x


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2016, 02:34:19 PM »

Lots of ladies find that they get an intolerance to alcohol - probably at a time when it's needed the most  ;D


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Re: Hello - I'm new and new to forums too!
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2016, 11:01:50 AM »

Seems that way, doesn't it?
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