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Author Topic: Abnormal liver function tests  (Read 14364 times)


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Abnormal liver function tests
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:40:29 AM »

Hello all,

As some of you may know I suffered a perforated bowel last year and have ongoing problems.  One thing that has reassured me is my blood tests have remained pretty good.  However I've now had an abnormal liver test - the main ones are ALT,,ALP, BILIRUBIN, ALBUMIN - well these are ok apart from a slight increase in ALP.  But when I went to hospital last week for a minor procedure they did an additional liver  test Gamma GT - and this is really high!  Well of course I've worried abut this all week despite speaking to a GP who said it's probably nothing to worry about but I'm seeing her next week. 
Has anyone else had experience of elevated Liver function tests.  This particular one gamma GT tends to be elevated in alcoholics  - I am a social drinker only  - few glasses wine at the most.  This has now taken over my head,  health anxiety is off the scale.
Thanks all xx..   


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2016, 08:54:58 AM »

Good morning groundhog. I can't imagine what's whirring around your head. However, the liver deals with lots in our body. Your body has taken a fair old beating in the last year, what with your operation & all the infections. For those infections you needed antibiotics. Your liver may well be complaining.


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2016, 09:20:55 AM »

It can apparently be an indicator of the side effects of strong anti- inflammatories- have you been taking them during your recovery?


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 10:05:18 AM »

Thanks both. 
I have been taking anti inflammatories cold ethyl but not that many,  certainly no more than recommended,  infact I'm on very little medication.  I know this can be elevated on ladies on HRT which is why I wondered if anyone had come across it. 
Yu are right Cubagirl,  I have had a hammering and been in more antibiotics and pain killers in the last year than ever.  But still within the recommended amounts, 
It's just something else ladies,  something I could live without.  GP has penned and made me worse,  she wants me to go for ultrasound now.  What's annoying is when I left hospital last week the last words my consultant said were ' go and have a lovely holiday,  you are doing really well' and niw this?
I'm getting a bit fed up of him. 


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2016, 10:12:02 AM »

Sorry you are going through the mill again- liver and other blood tests are often elevated and no reason is ever found- I think general stress on the body just has more effects than we often realise. At least the ultrasound will find anything untoward should there be a problem and then you can get it sorted. x


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2016, 11:14:46 AM »

Hi Groundhog

Sorry that you have more worries! With my gallstones I've had all sorts of raised levels after an attack, so have (of course!) Googled things about the liver.

The liver is a cleanser and also gets rid of all the rubbish in our systems, biriblium is waste blood but also aids fat digestion, amazing isn't it! It can take some time for raised liver levels to fall, mine were still pretty high 2 weeks after one attack so those readings could have been from something earlier. It could have been raised because of some other drugs, if you've had a drink before the test, maybe even through stress. Even though you've been within limits of other drugs they must build up over time and they all go through the liver. It's a tough old organ but soon knows when it's over worked!  Hopefully that's all it is but good to get a scan just to be on the safe side...even though it's yet another thing to go through with all the associated worries!

Take care


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2016, 11:20:07 AM »

I have had elevated liver tests for years, and got sick and tired of being asked how much I drink, when in fact I don't drink at all.....I do take regular pain killers so the assumption is that it could be those that are causing it.....and I am very careful to always take the recommended dose....
I had a liver scan and it was found to be slightly enlarged, again no cause could be found....
     It is now written in my notes at the doctors, NOT to ever ask me again how much I drink......



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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2016, 11:32:51 AM »

I think in my case it's back to a little knowledge is a bad thing again. 
I do drink Ellie but not that much.  The blood test that was elevated with me was gamma GT which is usually raised in alcoholics!  It's just another thing to worry about and I'm not rational anymore, where my health is concerned.
Hello wombat - thank you.  I have wondered about gallstones and gall bladder but I just don't know anymore.  My husband has just told me when my bowel perforated I just gave up and he's right in some ways - it was a massive massive shock.  How raised were your enzymes wombat ?  Do you mind me asking?  The two raised with me ( one marginally ) suggest a bile duct problem plus my diet is weird since my bowel problem.  Oh I don't know,  I think sometimes I need to change my whole life but running away solves nothing,  problems just follow. 
Thanks for your comments - at least I know abnormal liver tests are relatively common and Can correct themselves.  I think il be off the vino for a while.   


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2016, 12:39:15 PM »

I think you will find its just....'one of those things' and you dont drink much so it won't be anything to do with that. My diet isn't great either since I had op for a twisted stomach....
     Life isn't fair somtimes and I know I carnt compare what has happened to me being any where near as bad as what has happened to you, but I do feel unlucky.....I opted to have a replacement knee and the surgeon damaged the nerve and soft tissue and since then I have had to walk with a walking frame on a very painful knee......and last year I had my second spinal surgery and  the pain is now MUCH worse and also I have numbness in my foot and other parts that you really don't want to know about......
   But a few years ago I lost my darling DIL to breast cancer and my best friend to lung cancer, so it's then that I know that although I somtimes hate my life.....I am still here....


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2016, 12:47:20 PM »

Oh Ellie,  I'm so sorry.  I know you are right of course.  The thing is the last thing the consultant told me was to go on holiday,  so this week I have tried really hard to move on,  almost booked a holiday - going t confirm this weekend,  had a massive de clutter and thought,  right that's IT I am not going t let this destroy me any more.  Then WHAM - phone call about my liver tests,  plus different doctors say different things.  I have no continuity with a GP as my surgery is being taken over by health board as all GP are leaving.  I've been told,  it's nothing to I now need a scan and more bloods,  all on my assumption my super duper consultant had seen the blood result and it was ok !!!!

So sorry to hear about your dil and friend,  I know I need to wise up,  it seems once I pick myself up there is something waiting to knock me flat.
Thanks for today,  you have helped.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 12:49:12 PM by groundhog »


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2016, 01:07:07 PM »

Are you feeling pressured into going on holiday? It sounds like that. We used to go abroad before my surgeries but now I just don't want to....So we bought a mobile home and I love it. Have you ever thought about doing somthing like that?
    I am waiting to see yet another specialist to see if I am suitable to have an eletrical impulse devise fitted in my spine to try and ease the pain, but that will be more surgery.
   It is SO very hard accepting that, like me CHOSE to have surgery believing it to be the right thing......A bitter pill to swallow, I DO know how you feel.  :hug:


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2016, 01:41:37 PM »

A very bitter pill Ellie.
I do feel,pressurised into going on holiday.  The botched op has caused massive problems in my relationship and basically we are hanging on by a thread.  He loves going abroad and sunshine.  I love the thought of a mobile home overlooking the sea.  We can't agree on anything at the moment.  You are right though,  I don't want to go abroad but as I get told every day,  it's not just about me.
Should have put this in private lives maybe.
Thanks Ellie x


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2016, 05:45:06 PM »

Separate holidays groundhog?

As regards the liver tests you've reminded me of a Radio 4 programme I listened to earlier in the week about raised liver tests seen quite often in heavy drinkers but it is caused by something else. I can't remember what but will have a look for the programme and have a listen again. It might have been Inside Health. It was about how patients get fed up with telling their doctors and consultants that they don't drink much. Will try to find it!

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2016, 05:54:08 PM »

Found it - it was last week not this week - how time flies!! Anyway, it's called PBC and the article starts about 5 mins 50 secs in. There is also an interesting discussion on talcum powder and the risk of ovarian cancer

Taz x


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Re: Abnormal liver function tests
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2016, 06:00:08 PM »

Hello groundhog.

So sorry to see that you've had this extra worry. I know you have Crohns and you may recall I have Ulcerative Colitis.  I had a routine  appointment last week and my consultant mentioned that liver problems were often seen in people with inflammatory bowel disease so perhaps your IBD nurse can explain what your blood results mean.

I understand the pressure to go on holiday and how stressful that can be. Recently my husband has been abroad with a friend to attend a sporting event and that has worked out well, he gets to travel and it relieves the pressure on me. It's easy for your husband to say it's not just about you but you are 50% of the relationship and your opinions carry equal weight. Would your husband consider joining a fan club so that he can perhaps follow his rugby team with like minded people ? I have noticed that when  we do things separately we always get on well afterwards probably because we then have more to talk about.

I wish I could be of more help but I do sympathise with your situation and sending hugs.

Take care.

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