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Author Topic: Late menopause...........  (Read 12170 times)


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2016, 12:01:17 PM »

 The other thing I was wondering from others in this late menopause group is about vaginal dryness. I have absolutely no sign of this, in fact most of the time just the opposite - a lot of mucus and wetness. Doe anyone else have this? I am wondering if those with later menopause have higher levels of oestrogen for longer. I know this can happen if you are overweight, but I am average weight so am not really sure what is going on. I guess I should be glad as the opposite is no doubt round the corner.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2016, 03:29:11 PM »

Late menopausers - make the most of it! You have your own oestrogen for longer and will be hopefully longer without some of the troublesome menopausal symptoms that beset some poor women in their early 40's. You are definitely the lucky ones. OK there is observationally a slightly increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer (I think) but as long as you keep yourself healthy - and especailly re your weight, exercise and alcohol - you can minimise the risks. You may or may not end up with menopausal symptoms but be thankful for the oestrogen even if you have bleeding for longer ( in years). Some of us choose to have bleeding anyway even when post-meno - so that we can keep our oestrogen levels up!!

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2016, 03:50:58 PM »

yes Machair i am late menopause 55yrs ,and have noticed just as much mucus as when younger . the way i think it works for me is i have a period every 2 to 3 mths sometimes longer, when i have a period i do feel much better, but then when i dont all the menopause symptoms come mood swings insomnia,aching bones,hot sweats , its a rollercoaster of feelings .perhaps like Huridity says i should be grateful as there is some respite from time to time  thanks all x


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2016, 07:04:05 AM »

I'm 53 and have been having issues with my periods for the last 4 years - will get one horrid 3 week long one after an 8-10 week gap followed by monthly cycle returning to normal and then 9-12 months the same again. Had various investigations to check all was normal and OK and beyond a fibroid it was.  However gap now has increased to 12-14 weeks and the period that came after that was vile and v heavy but only like that for 4 days.  But the other symptoms now between periods are times of lots of clear mucus plus very heavy painful boobs and bloated stomach. 'm guessing due to the hormones having another swansong! Wish they would just get on with it and give up the ghost! I suspect mine is going to drag on like this for some time to come - had blood test for hormones last autumn and all doctor said was that it was going in the right direction.  To say I'm fed up of it is an understatement.  I don't feel like me anymore either physically or mentally  :(


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2016, 11:49:19 AM »

I couldn't agree more Stellajane, younger women who face this early in their lives are the most at risk emotionally and physically as they are facing, as you so rightly say, coping with a young family or facing infertility. My heart goes out to them in the same way as it does with disease in general. I was so lucky to have had my children before I became severely ill in my thirties with ME, that would have prevented me from having subsequent children due to the risk of passing on the virus to them that I was diagnosed with.

I think you have to be happy to be alive, even if it is not ideal. I do think though that many ladies with the symptoms of perimenopause, are severely ill, and need help emotionally and physically. They may not have young families but the pressures of raising teenagers coupled with the demands of elderly parents can be absolutely horrific and this does tend to affect older women.

Also many women are delaying their families now through career choices. One of my daughters is a vet with a demanding job, she is 30 and has no family as yet. I had 4 by her age. She will have a younger family when her time comes, so I hope I don't get dementia as my mum has, as that would place her under intolerable pressure I am sure.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2016, 12:40:44 PM »

Machair, I really agree with your comment that a lot of women coping with the peri are quite severely ill, both physically and psychologically and it is that lack of support out in the healthcare world that I find so intolerable.  When I was teenager you could just turn up at the family planning clinic at main hospital and get advice and just wish there was an easy access place for all things menopause. I ended up at A and E last night as out of hours sent me there for what the lovely lady doctor said was something she sees frequently in hormonal women but couldn't do anything for me as it isn't an acute issue -so I have to talk about it with the the in training GP whom my own GP booked me in with as she is now off a month - he looks younger than my son and is going to love me with my talk of dry parts, no libido, palpitations and manic mood swings.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 02:45:11 PM by coldethyl »


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2016, 02:25:20 PM »

Hello everyone I hope i have not given the impression that i think late menopause is worse than ,early menopause I opened this thread , just to get views from others in late menopause, we all have different journeys to full menopause , some worse than others,and in comparison to most people i have prob escaped the worst , just scared at times i have got it all to come , as at times its been unbearable ......Elaine x


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2016, 02:43:42 PM »

my longest gap was 79 days but im only using very thin sts-- a bit thicker than panty liners
as im a little nervous about getting caught out with nothing
especially as i cant really predict when its coming
ive been getting the mucus sort of mid cycle too never realised it
was connected


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2016, 02:32:10 PM »

Hi Elainewin
New to this site and just working out how it works. I'm 56 soon to be 57 and have still not passed menopause. Doctors have told me there are benefits to a late menopause, presumably the benefits of having extended periods of oestrogen in your system. i.e. stronger bones, less likely to have osteoporosis, lower risk of heart disease and stroke. However there are disadvantages, as with everything I suppose, most obviously the inconvenience of continuing menstrual cycles!
I've learnt to just take each day at a time now, there's nothing we can do to alter the speed at which we reach menopause and absolutely no way we can gauge when it's going to happen. One thing is for sure, we are all going to get there in the end, younger or older. There are, no doubt, benefits and disadvantages of going through young or old.
I wish you well!


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2016, 04:28:31 PM »

Thank you Elizabethrose words of wisdom,wishing you to all the best,Its just that i wonder if the cross over to menopause ,ill make me feel better as with peri so many ups and downs,cant wait for the day things are more stable x


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2016, 05:57:56 PM »

I've had a 14 year perimenopause, with disastrous migraines that have taken over my life. Things have improved recently despite still having frequent migraines. I figure that things can only get better when the roller coaster ride of perimenopausal hormones calms. The sudden peaks and troughs of oestrogen can cause so many problems for some of us. I saw a wonderful hormone and migraine specialist, Prof Anne Macgregor, who concluded from my history that it would get much worse up until the end stages and then all begin to calm, seems like she was absolutely right especially where the dreaded migraines are concerned. I can definitely see an improvement. Good luck to you I'm sure things will improve soon.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2016, 07:34:20 AM »

Hi Sparkle, good to hear from you.

Pesky migraines! May I ask, do you keep a record of your migraines and when they fall in your cycle? I've spent much of the past 14 years trying to recognise patterns, which mostly worked, up until about 4 years ago when everything just went haywire. Have you been treated for your migraines and are they pure menstrual migraines? I don't think I've ever met a fellow sufferer I could have a conversation with.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2016, 04:00:11 PM »

Hello Sparkle. Hah, I love the names people chose on this site! Thanks for your response.

I feel so sorry for you, migraine is an appalling condition which is so misunderstood. I'm so very very sorry to hear about your sister too - of course that would make you panic. The pain with some migraines is so bad that you feel that it is going to kill you, that you can't possibly survive it. Could I ask, have you seen anyone other than your GP about your migraine? I ask because in my own experience some GPs have a cursory understanding of migraine whilst others a wealth of knowledge. It's pot luck really. My migraine was first diagnosed by a GP whose mother had suffered in exactly the same way as me and she recognised the symptoms. I had previously assumed that my migraine was sinus related which was confirmed by another GP at my practise. I have been told by a neurologist and a migraine specialist that migraine/sinus are one of the most misdiagnosed conditions.

I ask too because I had previously been prescribed an opiate (dihydracodeine) for a painkiller which caused horrible sickness and tummy upset. Prof Anne MacGregor (who is incidentally absolutely brilliant) explained that opiates should be avoided in migraine as the stomach goes into stasis and this is irritated by opiates. I can't possibly recommend you take any particular medications, you must take advice from your GP on this, however let me tell you what I take and what is the only thing that does and has ever worked for me, and believe me I've tried so many things.

Frovatriptan is the best triptan for treating menstrual migraine apparently as it best manages the horrible rebounds that are so common with menstrual migraine, plus it has a long half life. It is my absolute life saver! Sumatriptan didn't do a thing for me, it was like I'd taken a smartie and I tried it in tablet, injection and can't remember but another form (possibly inhalation -sorry it was a long time ago).

You have to wait until the headache stage of migraine starts, so after aura and prodrome stages, before you take it but take it immediately you feel the headache starts. To be honest probably 80% of my migraines I wake with so the early stages are missed when I'm sleeping. At the same time I insert a Diclofenac Sodium suppository. These are an NSAID and by using them in suppository form you are able to bypass the stomach which is in stasis and unable to process the meds easily.

The combination of these two drugs is my lifeline. Depending on whether the migraine is a fast moving bat out of hell or a slow burner which builds gradually, will effect how quickly the drugs work. Sometimes they work better than others.

Have you also heard about cluster headaches - was that considered at all?

I mentioned on one of my posts that some of my migraine symptoms are so weird that I have sometimes questioned my sanity, An hour and a half with Anne MacGregor was the best move I ever made. She's heard it all before and is a font of knowledge and probably the most reassuring person I've ever met. If you haven't seen a specialist - could you ask to be referred to someone?

Please don't be offended if I've offered advice unasked. After all of these years I still get people making suggestions to me - 'have you tried sucking polo mints twice a day, works wonders for migraine' !!!!!

I do hope you find some relief, I feel really badly for you, I wouldn't wish migraine on anyone!

All good wishes to you.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2016, 05:13:56 PM »

Hi Sparkle, no need to thank me, I'm delighted to help in any way. I really hope that the end is in sight for you as far as the pesky migraines are concerned. Mine started in perimenopause too, just too much hormonal upheaval going on!

if you need to ask anything please do at any time.

All good wishes to you.


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Re: Late menopause...........
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2016, 06:15:05 PM »

ive gone 84 days now i have brown spotting, hardly enough for a pad, hoping this is
usual wish it would do one now
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