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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: So what now?????  (Read 1761 times)


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So what now?????
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:57:38 PM »

Ok so after 3 hormone profiles with a high fsh my gp has just rang to say my day 3 test showed low levels of oestrogen but normal.fsh.not indicitive of menopause. Im thinking whaaaaattt?? So what now can I  take just low doses of oestrogen or im thinking just go on the pill? Or worse my snotty dr at meno clinic is going to say take antidepressants and go away!! Help. The main symptons off hrt r joint pain and low mood and terrible rages and zero libido! ! Should I go the hormone route again?  Confused but I suppose this is perimenopause


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Re: So what now?????
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 08:47:36 PM »

Hi Tinkerbellj

Remoind us of where you are in meno ie re periods etc - how long your cycle is, how much it varies etc. The thing is FSH is not a reliable indicator of where you are in menopause as it varies with your cycle but if you get raised levels outside the normal range some of the time, your cycle is oing haywire and you have meonpausal symptoms then docs should just go on symptoms. Can't remember how old you are? Are you wanting to go back on HRT and why did you stop? You've probably said but can't look back at all your other posts!  You should not be given anti-depressants for hormonal reasons!!  Don't be persuaded otherwise against your will!

Hurdity x


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Re: So what now?????
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 10:08:36 AM »

Thanks hurdity. I am 47 my periods r every 28-30 days regular and always have been. I was told I was menopausal at my babies 8 week post natal had mirena coil fitted and started on sandrena. Had coil removed and then had several different hrt none of which helped with the anxiety etc. So have stopped now for meno clinic to get a base line. Few hot flushes now but mostly just crashing fatigue joint pain and low/bad mood. Can I just take small dose od oestrogen on its own? Docs just wont even entertain treatung the depression etc with hormones ahhhhh. Thank u hurdity xx


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Re: So what now?????
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 11:09:56 PM »

I think you're best to take advice from the menopause clinic as they will be able to help you. I am sure if you felt better on a low dose HRT at this point they will prescribe this for you. I wouldn't have thought the meno clinic would suggest ADs as the first line of treatment - not any more anyway. If the depression is linked to your cycle then it is due to hormones. If you have other things in your life that is causing you to feel as you do then perhpas you need to think about other ways to address this. However menopause and the hormonal turmoil makes us less able to cope with life's stresses  :(

Take a deep breath (or two) and ask GP to refer you back to the meno clinic to see what they advise.

Hurdity :)