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Author Topic: Coming off HRT  (Read 4147 times)


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Coming off HRT
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:10:09 PM »

I have posted on here recently and just after some advice please. I stopped Femoston 2/10 just over 1 week ago due to excessive bleeding and GP's advice to see what my body does naturally.  I was worried about my emotional state when I stopped it but am surprisingly feeling mentally very upbeat and positive which is great.

My problem is physical though. For the last few days I feel as though I have been beaten. My back, neck and shoulders hurt dreadfully and I have no energy. When I wake in the morning it is painful to get out of bed. On Sunday I started with a mild headache which worsened to a full blown migraine and vomiting by Tuesday. I feel slightly better today but still no where near right.

Can these symptoms just be as a result of coming off HRT. the way I feel now I would take it again now but don't want to go against GPs advice and will wait till I see Dr Currie.

Did anyone suffer bad headaches/aches before going on HRT? My symptoms  were mainly emotional though I had some mild flushes. Are there any natural remedies you can recommend. I've upped my calcium and started on Vitamin B6 and complex too.
I  am trying to stay calm so as not to worsen the headache again but feel in despair.   


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 08:50:32 PM »

It could be an oestrogen withdrawal headache - used to get those on the pill; on the week off.

I used to find neurophen plus (ibuprofen+codeine) and drinking plenty water helped.


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2016, 08:57:02 PM »

Thank you dahliagirl. I will get try those tablets. I've been taking ibuprofen and solpadeine separately but neither have worked. Just hoping it eases in the next few days. At least I hope it is normal and nothing serious.


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2016, 10:30:48 PM »

I've had really awful headaches since coming off HRT 5 weeks ago.  The flushes etc are not that bad but these headaches are really getting me down. I've needed to rest a lot more - I'm hoping they will calm down soon.
DG x


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 07:40:01 AM »

Thanks DG, sorry to hear you are suffering. They are awful aren't they. I'm really watching what I eat now too as have been eating far too much chocolate recently so hoping a healthier diet helps too. 


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2016, 11:37:17 AM »

This was something I really did not miss about the pill.

I used to get a withdrawal headache during the week off and it is one of the things that I noticed when I got to 45 and things changed.  It was a horrible headache - hurts when you move, gets worse and you end up feeling very sick if you move an inch.

The way to avoid it, I found, was to keep drinking during the week off, and not let myself feel thirsty at all.  If this didn't work, then heavy duty pain killers and an early night , having drunk enough to go to the loo several times and have light coloured urine,  were the only things to stop it.

When I started my pill again, I felt a sense of relief.

I thought I would get more of this when I came off the pill, but it stopped after the first couple of weeks.

Looking back, it had been a problem in all my pill taking years - some seemed worse than others.  I looked at the different contents of the pills I had taken, but could see no pattern.  I used to blame long journeys in the car or on the train for it  ::)  - it was probably the wrong time of the month and fluid restriction.


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2016, 11:41:08 AM »

I stopped hrt back beginning of dec and had bad headaches for days at a time like I used to have before hrt the week leading up to my natural bleed,humdingers ! They have now stopped thankfully so hopefully yours will do to DG  :)


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2016, 01:42:06 PM »

Sadly during the year I had off HRT a couple of years ago my headaches continued - usually one or two a week  - not sure why??? I'd like to hope they would stop. DG x


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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2016, 07:48:53 AM »

Thanks to you all for your kind responses.

How are your headaches now DG? Have they eased at all? I hope so.

Dahliagirl-thanks for your response - I also used to take the pill years ago and got headaches though never realized it was due to oestrogen levels. I stopped taking it about 15 years ago. I  do drink a lot of water normally too but am ensuring I drink it more regularly. I feel worse in the morning which probably makes sense  as I've had little water through the night.

Dazned-thanks for your response too. It's good to hear your headaches stopped after a couple of weeks.

It's been 12 days now  since I stopped HRT and I've had the week from hell. The headache is nowhere near as bad as it was on Tuesday but it is still present. It's noticably worse in the morning. I am really watching what I eat and have cut out  sugar and caffeine so maybe some withdrawal symptoms from those too.

I am trying not  to take too many painkillers as don't want  to end up with a constant headache due to excessive pill taking :( I have a neck/back massager cushion which helps ease the tension so using that twice a day.

This morning I feel slightly better than yesterday morning. Fingers crossed it improves :)



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Re: Coming off HRT
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2016, 09:12:08 AM »

My headaches are still coming and going and I often wake feeling headachy like you.
I'm also starting to get flushes and feeling really hot at night. I can feel my body craving oestrogen now.  DG x