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Author Topic: Do you dress up?  (Read 16314 times)


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Do you dress up?
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:54:36 AM »

Hello, I had one of my random thoughts this morning (as you do) and I thought I'd throw it into the forum to see what replies I get.

Do you dress up/make up every day even when at home doing chores and everyday jobs, or do you just make the effort if you are going out to be seen in public or do you just save it for special occasions  :veil:.

I always feel better if I make the effort and if I am going into town or to visit friends or family I like to wear something nice but I am not one for make up.  If it is a special occasion like dinner in a restaurant or a family event - birthday or anniversary  :wish: - I will use some make up to make me look less tired. But at home I tend to pull on yesterday's clothes or something loose and comfortable or dog walking clothes  :scottie: and I don't do make up on a day to day basis.

What about you?  what makes you feel better about yourself and makes you feel comfortable?


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 11:26:27 AM »

Morning babyjane,
When I'm going to be at home pottering/housework, then I usually pull on leggings and a comfy top, sort my hair (if my hair looks half decent then I feel a more human), moisturise my face, but don't bother with makeup, I think it's good to let the skin breathe.  In saying that, if I think I may have a visitor, I like some eye liner, mascara and a bit lippy, even when I nip out with the dog.  If I am going out shopping, etc.  during the day I use a light powder foundation first.  In the evening 'on a night out', I'll spend a bit more time using a better foundation, eyeshadow, etc.  When I say 'a bit more time', this is nothing in comparison to my twenty year old daughter, who seems to need a couple of extra hours to apply, what seems to me, much the same except for the false eyelashes (her not me ! what is that about?). I keep telling her her lovely long natural eyelashes are fine, but obviously not!  One thing I cannot do is hang out washing, answer door wearing my sleepwear/dressing gown.  I hate the thought of being seen in the same outfit I have worn in bed!
Clothes wise, I'm quite particular, I have to admit, and like to look as smart as I can. Hubby often comments when I'm trying to find a particular matching scarf, that I'm only walking the dog and she really doesn't care what I look like.  I just always say "you never know who I may meet" ;). I find that if I take time to make a little effort it certainly helps a bit with my dwindling self esteem.


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2016, 11:43:10 AM »

How timely babyjane.

I was having one of 'those' thinking sessions on Monday - how to give my feminine side a boost? Every day at work, my logical, practical, get-stuff-done side is catered for but what about the other parts of me? I was feeling particularly out of sorts so I googled 'how to boost your feminine side' and had fun reading the results. Some of them were a bit too whacky, even for me, but some of the suggestions seemed to hit the spot. So now I'm on a mission  ;)

I decided to ditch jeans and jeggings during this week to see if I felt better in myself. What a week to pick... it's been nippy and wet!! As I type, I'm wearing a red woolen skirt (short!!!), black opaque tights and long boots and I seem to be walking taller.

Yesterday, even though I was working from home, I wore a skirt and I was fully made up too. Nobody to see this but me - and the practice nurse I saw when I went for my smear test  ;D

This change is not for hubby, colleagues etc. It's for me  :) I'm digging pretty things out of the wardrobe that haven't seen the light of day for ages.

I'm enjoying it so much I bought a new skirt and now I'm choosing new shoes to go with it... not killer heels but pretty.

I've even booked myself in for a make-up lesson and plan to go accessory shopping too.

The other things that make me feel good are plants and baking! I bought myself some flowers and some veggie seeds. The seeds are now in a little windowsill propagator just waiting to germinate and the flowers are in a vase where I can see them when I'm home.

Galadriel x



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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2016, 11:56:11 AM »

I think short skirts, leggings and boots is a lovely look, however not for me.  They wouldn't look so good on my short dumpy legs and pot belly!!  Hubby doesn't like leggings on large hips and thighs so I respect that.  However I do like my leggings/treggings with a calf length skirt and boots when we go out for coffee on our thursdays off and I also like leggings with a tunic top to just above my knee. Hubby gave me a lovely one for Christmas.

Holidaylover I am the same about my hair, if my hair is rubbish I feel rubbish with or without make up.  Last October I had a disastrous cut that went wrong and didn't work for me and I am trying to grow it out (short modern 'bob' on curly hair!!!!) I fancy a new style for my 60s (11 months to go) so the best thing is to grow it all out with a trim and tidy every 8 - 10 weeks and then start again (carefully next time  ::))

What are your favourite colours for clothes?  I like blues and yellows for spring and summer and plums and purples for winter  :)


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2016, 12:06:19 PM »

After a couple of years of not giving a flying ****.  I am now back to me, so yes I make up every day and although I spend a lot of time dog walking I still stay as smart as I can doing that, clean jeans and bright jumpers.  My hair is short and easy to manage and kept up with the purple dye, I even wear perfume in the winter (cant do in summer due to insect allergy).

Just off to parents and daughters running round after both, so will nip up comb through hair and re apply the lippy.  As others have said, this is to make 'me' feel better nobody else.


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2016, 12:08:42 PM »

Read title & wondered where this was leading.  ;D

Today I'm in treggings & long jumper. I seldom get really dressed up during the day, comfy & casual usually. However, tonight I'm going out for tea with friends so will smarten the look. Smart trousers & top.

Seldom wear makeup these days. I have my eyelashes tinted every few weeks & I'll put on lippy. Hubby hates seeing me with too much makeup.

As for killer heels, forget it. Been in flats too long.  :)


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2016, 12:16:51 PM »

Leggings and top for me at home I'm far more comfortable that way.

I can scrub up well if I need to  ;)


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2016, 12:50:19 PM »

Me too CB ;D

I live in jeans & tops, skirts & tops in summer.
I like my hair to look nice as that makes me feel better and I never go anywhere without putting on under eye concealer as I have dark shadows.
Most days I'll put on a mineral powder and mascara but on a night out I do the works,primer,foundation,eyeshadow,mascara,lipstick etc but never eyeliner,doesn't suit me.

Now if I was dressing up for DH ::) ;D


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2016, 01:14:39 PM »

I wear clothes that I think will make me as invisible as possible, whatever the occasion.  I HATE to think that I might attract any sort of attention, so I stick to muted colours and loose styles - I'm a big girl, so the last thing I need is my flab emphasising!

I don't 'do' make-up - my mum has never worn much, and I never learnt how to apply it, so the most I ever wear is a touch of eye-shadow if it's a VERY special occasion (in the last 8 years, I have worn make-up twice - for my wedding, when my best friend did it for me, and for a black-tie do at work when I managed to make a bit of eye-shadow and a touch of mascara look just about ok).

And shoes - I have wide, flat, arthritic feet (not weight-related - I have psoriatic arthritis), so my shoes are flat, comfortable and practical.

Reading that back, it sounds really sad, but I'm not sad!  I'm just very introverted and staying 'drab' makes me feel safe.  Compliments make me very uncomfortable anyway, so are best avoided  :)


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2016, 01:35:36 PM »

Since losing weight I make a lot more effort. If I'm at home I just stick jogging bottoms and a jumper on but going out I will do full make up and find something that makes me feel good to wear. It has been hard finding a new style at nearly 50 after years of wearing baggy clothes in mainly black x


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2016, 01:44:46 PM »

Galadriel - I enjoyed reading your post. I can see that the changes you have made have really brightened your mood.

I have tried a similar thing lately, trying to create one of those elusive capsule wardrobes you read about - where everything in your wardrobe goes with everything else.

I now have one wardrobe full of mismatched clothes that I don't really like and my "new" wardrobe of simple classic styles (but inexpensive) and I can tell you it's such a relief to be able to pick out outfits so easily.

Even my husband has noticed and I've had a few compliments from him (unusual  ;D)

Ariadne xx


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2016, 02:42:20 PM »

Ooh, lovely thread!   I think it would be closer to the truth to say I never really dress down!  I don't like leaving the house without being colour-coordinated (my Dad still coordinates all his shirts and socks!); I virtually live in skirts, hardly ever wear trousers, don't own jeans and refuse to wear totally flat shoes, usually going for a small+  heel  - oh, and my shoes are mostly patent.  I quite often wear my Fragonard perfumes (bought three different ones recently!) and won't leave the house without earrings. 

Having said that, my make-up bag remains forlornly in a basket and I'm reminded about it whenever daughter comes to stay.   And my hair!  I just wish I had the self-discipline to get it done every 6 weeks................. ::) ::) 


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 03:29:06 PM »

cubagirl I knew someone was going to read the title and think........... ::)

Dulciana, you sound really glam  :)

We are a motley crew aren't we and yet we all rub along so nicely together.  I wonder whether we would be friends in real life (I mean as opposed to in cyber space.)


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2016, 03:36:58 PM »

Dulciana, you sound really glam  :)

We are a motley crew aren't we and yet we all rub along so nicely together.  I wonder whether we would be friends in real life (I mean as opposed to in cyber space.)

No, really I'm not, babyjane.  I just don't do casual very well.....! (Hubby agrees with me!)

And like you, I've sometimes wondered if we'd be friends in real life.  Good chance, probably!


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Re: Do you dress up?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2016, 03:38:43 PM »

Babyjane, it was only when I saw you'd posted under This 'n That, that I realised.   ;D

Capsule wardrobe, oh I wish I was brave enough Ariadne. Last year I decided to add more colour into my wardrobe. Got lots of black & navy things. Unfortunately this did not encourage me to ditch the old stuff. I mean how many pairs of trousers etc can one wear at once?  ;D So maybe, just maybe I'll have a clear out once winter has passed. Then, I'll swap to my summer wardrobe & therein lies another problem.  ::)
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