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Author Topic: It's been palpitations today  (Read 2906 times)


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It's been palpitations today
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:51:41 PM »

If it's not one thing it's another! Was dizzy with a palp today, then realised I'd forgotton to take my propranolol. I'd be interested to know of anyone else's experience of these for peace of mind. Re-started Oestrogel today...just one pump. I wonder how long it takes to feel the benefit as I can't remember from last time.


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Re: It's been palpitations today
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2016, 06:05:44 PM »

Hi Orchid

I go through periods of getting these, sometimes not for months. Funnily, they first started in pregnancy (hormones you see  ;))  and came back as my hormones have gone haywire, so without doubt hormonal, in my case anyway.

Have you had yours checked out? I had mine checked out several times over the years and they are 'ectopic' beats and harmless.  Apparently. Doesn't feel like that when they're happening though  :o They are sometimes called missed beats but they are actually the opposite.

Mine go either 2 ways -

1. I get the feeling that my heart stops beating for a second or two , then a huge thump in my chest! Another can occur after a few minutes, or not at all

2. The same as above but I get a double one. One 'missed beat' with a thump followed by another straight away. This is scary because if this happens my heart rate speeds right up and I can feel dizzy and lightheaded and need to sit down. Thankfully these are very very rare in my case, not had it for years now (fingers crossed)

You're not alone, anyway.
It seems lots of ladies are affected by such flutterings around these times of hormonal upheaval.

If you've not been checked out , get it checked for peace of mind, if you have already been checked and all is fine , then TRY not to worry (easer said than done, I know ) Maybe it'll settle down as more of the HRT gets into your system. If it's of any help I remember when I first took the Oestrogen part of HRT and I was surprised how quickly I felt quite a lot better! Within just a few days if I recall :) Hang in there....

sending hugs x

« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 06:19:37 PM by Clovie »

Mary G

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Re: It's been palpitations today
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2016, 06:38:43 PM »

Orchid, I think you should start to feel better within the next week or so.  Well done for taking the plunge and going back on the gel, I hope you feel better very soon.



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Re: It's been palpitations today
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2016, 06:49:24 PM »

That's the main thing that's improved with me since hrt. I had them as you described them several years ago. I can't remember what the doctor called them, benign self-correcting something or another. In hindsight, it was probably hormonal then. In the last year they were replaced by episodes of racing heart, which may have been anxiety, or may have caused anxiety, and always seemed to happen with a hot flash. I still get anxiety and hot flashes, but am thankful the palpitations have stopped.


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Re: It's been palpitations today
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2016, 07:18:09 PM »

They are normally called ectopic beats Lizab and menopause is down as one of the causes. You can download the info here

Taz x


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Re: It's been palpitations today
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2016, 07:44:06 PM »

Thank you ladies your comments have eased my mind! Thanks Taz for the info! I have had them checked out a while ago and everything was OK. I stopped my AD dosulepin 6 mths ago as I believed they were making them worse. I really do believe that now that I'm back on them, but I was severely depressed and it seems dosulepin is the only AD that agrees with me. My cardiologist said I could have what they call an ablation to stop them, but came with risks. They are ectopics supra ventricular tachycardia. Pretty much harmless, but as you agree very frightening. Thank you again for all your help Xx