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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb  (Read 3764 times)


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on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« on: December 21, 2015, 04:24:11 PM »

Am hoping somebody out there can reassure me.  I am 57 and started HRT about 6 months ago because I was having awful menopause symptoms.  Unbelievably at this age I was still having periods but every three months, like clockwork.  I started with the patches but then had breakthrough bleeding every ten days.  My doctor said this was because I was still having periods and prescribed  Ultrogestan pills as well.  This stopped the breakthrough bleeding but am now having monthly periods (heavy).  Finally saw a specialist who prescribed a vaginal ultrasound test because she thought I must have fibroids.  Have just got back from the scan where to my horror the person who took it said I had a thickened lining of the womb and probably shouldn't be on HRT.  I am now really, really worried.  Am not due to see the specialist to next March.  I really wish she hadn't told me as this has ruined Christmas.  Have looked this up online and apparantly it is a symptom of womb cancer!  Can anyone out there reassure me?  Am feeling really fed up.  The good new is not fibroids!!


Mary G

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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 05:06:54 PM »

First of all, please don't worry.  I have been doing some research on this myself because I had an issue with breakthrough bleeding while trying to go for long cycle HRT.  Thankfully, with the help of others on here and a trip to the gynaecologist for a scan, I have managed to get to the root of my problem.

How thick was your lining?  It is worth noting that women using HRT, particularly cyclical HRT, will always have a thicker lining than women who are not taking HRT or those with a Mirena coil or continuous combined HRT.  The upper limit for women not taking HRT is 5mm but they don't worry if it goes higher than that if you are taking cyclical HRT - at least, that is what I was told.  Someone kindly passed this link to me:

The question is, how thick is too thick?  It depends on which type of HRT you are taking and where you are in your cycle.  Also, you could have 10 women all taking exactly the same dose of cyclical HRT but they all have different thickness readings. 

Did they ask you what type of HRT you were using and where you were in your cycle when you had the scan? 

« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 05:32:52 PM by Mary G »


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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2015, 07:17:10 PM »

Hello oleva and welcome to the forum.

I am 59 and using HRT. A few months ago I was referred for a  scan to investigate bleeding and this revealed a thickened womb lining, I then  had a Hysteroscopy to look at the lining and take a biopsy. Despite the thickness all was well and I stayed on HRT but changed to a different patch and bleeding resolved.  The nurses at the hospital said they see many similar cases and this situation is very common for women our age.

It's unfortunate that you have been told something worrying and then have to wait for further tests, luckily I had all my procedures at the same appointment so I didn't have time to fret!

I know it's hard not to think the worst but I  hope my experience reassures you that this problem is very common and easily dealt with.

Wishing you well and keep posting.



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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2015, 07:35:06 PM »

Thank you both for replying.  I feel a bit more hopeful now.  I just wish she hadn't said anything as it's left me really worried with a long wait just before Christmas.  I also really, really don't want to come off HRT as my symptoms were dreadful and I couldn't go back to that.  Was the hysteroscopy very painful?  There have been a lot of stories in the press about how this procedure is done under local anaestetic and it is agonizing.  Is this true?

Thanks once again to you both, I feel a little better.



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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2015, 07:40:13 PM »

 Have just got back from the scan where to my horror the person who took it said I had a thickened lining of the womb and probably shouldn't be on HRT

Firstly please report this to your consultant so that it doesn't happen again to another lady like yourself. The sonographer will have broken every rule in the book.......

I too had a thickened lining and biopsies taken - all fine and the conclusion was that my own hormones which had been low for years suddenly kicked back in to action one last time giving me a slight overdose of oestrogen.

Please don't worry. You will likely receive an earlier appointment than march once your consultant gets the ultrasound report but you don't need to panic...

Hysteroscopy was ok, no pain relief on NHS,  mild period pains during and for an hour or so after the procedure.





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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2015, 07:58:47 PM »

Thanks, yes I really do wish she hadn't told me.  then I could have had a worry free Christmas and possibly would have just heard from the consultant earlier.  When she told me I was very worried and said how serious is this?  She looked very anxious and said I can't discuss this further.  if only she hadn't discussed it at all.  So relieved that you say the  hysteroscopy was not too bad as due to all the bad press this was further adding to my worry.

thanks so much


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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2015, 08:05:01 PM »

Hi Oleva
 I have had two hysteroscopies in the last few years and can honestly say they are not painful.....maybe a bit uncomfortable. I took a couple of painkillers a couple of hours before the procedure which probably helped but was told if I did feel pain I could have some local anaesthetic applied. I didn't need any. You should have been given more information I think but the fact they are making you wait three months for the procedure makes me wonder if they don't have too many concerns. Good luck and please let us know how things go and don't let this ruin your Christmas x
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 09:47:08 PM by chattygal »


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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2015, 08:19:30 PM »

the three months is because that is when my next appointment to see the specialist was booked for.  In the last one she told me to get the scan done because of the heavy periods as she was looking for fibroids.  When the person who did the scan told me about the thickening of the womb today she said that she thought once the specialist received the results she would probably call me in and see me sooner.  Which did nothing to calm my panic!  Thanks once more for the information about the hysteroscopy not beeing too bad.  That at least is one worry off my mind.



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Re: on hrt 6 months, now discover have thickened lining of womb
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2015, 09:46:52 PM »

My friend has had thickened womb lining quite a few times and because she is not on hrt a course of progesterone pills has cured the problem.  Medics don't like it to get too thick for too long as this increases the risk of a cancer forming but having a thickened lining does not mean you have cancer.
Hysteroscopy - I have had 3. The first two were fine as they used local anaethesia on the cervix - not pleasant experience but okay. The 3rd time the nhs decided to do the proceedure without any local and it was more painful than childbirth albeit for a much shorter time. This experience has been same for a few of my friends as well so its not just me.
So if I ever have to have another one I would insist on having local anaethesia in my cervix and refuse point blank to have it without. 
I don't want to worry you but also feel I have to tell you mine and other friends experiences so you can be prepared and make sure you get local anaethesia as if you on nhs this will not be automatically offered.