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Author Topic: IBS- foods that irritate  (Read 9881 times)


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2015, 06:57:10 AM »

Bread causes me problems and I love the stuff but have to limit the amount



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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2015, 07:39:50 AM »

Bread causes me problems and I love the stuff but have to limit the amount


Clio, I buy the wheat/gluten free bread.  Tesco's has it.


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2015, 08:09:55 AM »

Thanks Louisa, I have seen it in shops I have also made it several times in our bread machine, you cant beat a warburtons though  :)



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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2015, 08:11:29 AM »

I'm going to start a food and mood diary after Christmas. My psychologist (who also specialises in eating problems) has suggested that my recent gut troubles are likely due to IBS. We just need to work out the food triggers.
I'm having my innards scoped on Wednesday morning to make sure that everything else is ticketyboo. Gotta love the timing :o

Last weekend a chinese meal set it off. This weekend I was at my best friends for tea and all was well, including eating baguette.

I bet all my favourite foods will be on the trigger list!

Galadriel x


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2015, 08:25:07 AM »

Its usually the way Galadriel, the foods we love or crave give you the most problems.


Ju Ju

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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2015, 09:53:03 AM »

Yes, chocolate!  :( Dairy free chocolate doesn't taste as good!)

A lot of foods have caused problems over the years. I have had IBS since I was a young teenager, though it wasn't diagnosed until my late 30s. I was sent away to get on with it as best I could with the advice to eat lots of bran. Quickly found that made it 10 times worse!

From my 40s, I started to react violently to the tiniest amount of wheat in any form, cross contamination, beer etc. It never got to my stomach, as I got very painful spasms in my oesophagus, resulting in bringing up everything and not being able to swallow for hours. Obviously, I went to see the doctor, but was met with indifference and a prescription for stuff for indigestion. This was one time I should have taken DH with me. I turned to a highly recommended nutritionist, who help me identify other foods that were causing problems. Over time the reaction to wheat has eased. Now l get a mild sensation of having a lump in my throat that passes fairly quickly. Enough to know that avoiding wheat is advisable, but not disastrous if I do have some inadvertently.

However, the spasms started to happen when I ate foods like meat and fish. It was obviously not an intolerance as I could eat the same foods if minced or puréed in liquid. Once after eating chicken, I was unable to swallow for 5 hours. My DH took me to A&E to see what was going on and the doctor I saw was very helpful and reassuring. He explained it was unlikely that there was anything organically wrong and not that unusual. That drinking sparkling water would help, which it did as it helped bring up the offending food. But he did feel I should see my GP for a referral for an endoscopy. GP said utter nonsense and sent me on my way! It's no wonder that I was rarely seen at the doctors!

Time passed and things didn't really improve. I had to see a new doctor about something else and I mentioned in passing the continuing problems I was having. She took it very seriously and while she thought it was a functional problem, she thought it was important to rule out anything more serious. It was reassuring to have the endoscopy at long last and know that there was nothing organically wrong.

What has helped is regularly seeing a Body Stress Practitioner, who works on the muscles of the body. She found the muscles round my neck are very tight. She works on them at each session, which I hate, but I can now eat hamburgers ( home made of course!), but I wouldn't tackle a steak. It means I can eat Christmas chicken as long as it is tender. The throat area round my neck is very sensitive, which means no roll necks, high collars or scarves.

All this has had an impact on not just me, but my family. It meant eating out was a nightmare and difficult for friends to cater for me. I was given poor service by the doctors in the past. I am encouraged by the treatment from new younger doctors in the last few years. They seem to realise how important it is to listen, value, reassure where appropriate, and that just because they are unable to diagnose, a problem can still exist.

Ju Ju

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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2015, 10:46:54 AM »

Probably! I think that's a symptom of dairy intolerance.

Although I do not have any obvious evidence that I am dairy intolerant, I keep being advised that I should avoid dairy. The only dairy I do have is goats cheese. Sainsbury sells Parlick Fell goats cheese which is delicious. I have followed dietary advice.

Have you tried other dairy free 'milks', like oat, cocoanut and rice. We ring the changes here. My DD and GS are both very obviously allergic to dairy, not just lactose. When she didn't know, DD had underlying chronic health issues, breathing, digestive, phlegm etc. Since avoiding dairy, all those issues have been resolved, but if she has the smallest amount inadvertently now she is quickly and violently ill, shall we say explosive! No question about intolerance/allergy here!


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2015, 11:57:28 AM »

Hello ladies.

Just wanted to add that I also avoid dairy and drink chilled Soya milk. I am still experimenting with fermented foods and have recently made some Carolina style slaw for salads which is delicious. I haven't ventured into Kefir territory yet but I'm heading that way!
If anyone is interested in the benefits of eating fermented foods there is a lot of information online and plenty of books on the subject.

Take care everyone and here's to a happy digestive system.



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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2015, 01:46:32 PM »

I can tolerate the low fat crisps without any bother. (Walkers Lites etc). If I eat the ordinary crisps I suffer with indigestion.


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2015, 09:42:25 AM »

For me it's the onion family.  Terrible heart burn and upset tummy if I eat anything with onions.  Makes life so difficult as I am vegetarian and people often offer me an onion tart as an alternative to the meat!!!!!  Cauliflower and goats cheese also have this effect.  I'm not sure whether it's true IBS or simply an intolerance - I have one sister who has Crohn's and the other sister had Ulcerative colitis so I think digestive problems are in the family.  DG x


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2015, 12:22:03 PM »

Mine's stepped up a gear since my hysterectomy but it was made worse before then by a reaction to the antibiotics I had to take for the kidney infection a couple of years ago. This led to a lactose intolerance. IBS(d) is now made worse by beetroot, celery, any fruit and lots of vegetables. Carrots I find are not good (love them though) peas ares a definite one to steer clear of if I have to be out early the next morning. I have been eating very little fruit and veg lately and really  miss it and I'm sure it can't be doing my overall health any good but it's difficult to eat something that's good for you knowing that the next day you'll have to stick(!) close to the loo!

Taz x  :D 8)

Ju Ju

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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2015, 01:20:02 PM »

I assume you have avoided all these foods for a while. Have you tried reintroducing them separately to see if you are still intolerant? I became intolerant to eggs and soya after having to take a course of ABs (particularly vicious on the digestive system)for cellulitis. Following advice from a nutritionist, I reintroduced them after a year of avoidance and found I was no longer intolerant. Difficult to know though if you are having problems from other unidentified foods. I was getting a lot pain and d, so very obvious. Have you looked the fodmaps diet?


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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2015, 01:32:01 PM »

I have had a quick look at it but never seem to have the time to properly sit down and work it out. This, of course, is another factor of IBS - always rushing around and never taking time to just "be". Well that's what I feel anyway.

I've had a sensitivity to Soya for the last thirty years but at the time it wasn't considered an allergen or problem causing food. It's heartening now when I see it highlighted on product labels as it gives me a little bit of satisfaction that the disbelieving doc all those years ago has been proved wrong!

When I've got a few days with nothing much going on I might try introducing something to see what happens. I miss fruit the most but even something like an apple gives me stomach pain, sometimes with an upset stomach or sometimes just the pain. I like to think the bowel is still settling in it's new position after the op but as my GP said it's had quite a while to do that  ;D

Taz x

Ju Ju

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Re: IBS- foods that irritate
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2015, 02:05:06 PM »

Have you tried one sachet of fibogel every day? One is recommended for diarrhoea as it helps regulate. Two sachets help with constipation, which is my main problem, but it can swing the other way. I really find it helps, not that I like the stuff, but needs must.
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