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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 4341 times)


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« on: December 06, 2015, 10:28:05 AM »

 Hi everyone, my name is Jan and I am 47yrs old being going through the peri-menopause the last few years and not really known what was going on I've had no one around for support so just struggled on really. Symptoms including in the early days insomnia, hair loss the odd irregular period then going back to normal then went heavy clotty etc., dry vagina then things got worse from there.

Anyway my oestrogen crashed rapidly this year and my world fell apart with my health its been a nightmare ever since.  So  many symptoms  its unbelievable it knocks you down and I don't believe I'm still here either.  When I crashed I severely went out of balance I went dizzy had a buzz in my head and got tinnitus and hearing loss in right ear now. I am still dealing with fatigue all of it really not so long ago I had the shakes, tremors.

I am now on a low dose AD for anxiety and panic attacks. I'm on a sleeping pill at night its not really doing its job but at least it sends of to sleep after that its pot luck. I've tried alternatives but no luck on the sleep side only the sleeping pill.

Anyway can anyone help me I am on my 5th type of HRT because of side effects I've had to discontinue them.  I have been on estrogel for 10 weeks now and have slowly increased to 2 pumps per day but I seem to suffer from hot flushes internally still and burning throughout the body including down below and also chills with a runny nose too and burning headaches. Could this be the hrt not working or the menopause doing this?

Any help / suggestions appreciated

love Jan xx


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 10:41:02 AM »

Hello Janice68 and welcome to the forum.

So sorry that you are struggling and although your symptoms are awful they sound typical of the meno madness that some of us suffer.

I am sure one of the expert ladies will be along to advise you in the meantime sending hugs, you are not alone!

Take care.



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Re: Newbie
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 10:53:08 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Janice68
The menopause is often the time that so many health problems seem to emerge.  You are still young so it's good you are trying to find the HRT regime that works for you. I doubt that the Oestrogel is not working - how do you apply it? You possibly need a bit more each day.  Also have they checked your thyroid recently?
The burning around your 'lady bits' will probably be Vaginal atrophy and many of us suffer with this - some local oestrogen like Vagifem would probably help and possibly some vaginal moisturiser or gel e.g. Multi Gyn Actigel, Replens?.  The runny nose, headaches and chills could simply be a virus - although runny nose can be because of central heating and cold winds and could well cause the headaches.  The chills could be to do with thyroid so I would get that checked. The burning 'down below' could also be a UTI so this should be checked as it would explain the chills if you have an infection. 
What type of progesterone are you using and are you using it sequentially or continuously?
Do read up all the info on this site to get clued up. We are here to support you so keep posting.  DG x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 11:36:40 AM »

To k,

Thank you for your kind words its nice to know that we are not alone!!

Hi Dancinggirl,

Thanks for your reply at the end of the day we are only human after all!! I like the bit about being young that has made my day cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Oestrogel  I have just upped to 2 pumps a day applying  one to each arm and rubbing on lightly since last Saturday.

I'm also experiencing hair loss after 5 weeks of using 1 pump Oestrogel my hair started of frizzy and in better condition . Then things changed the burning sensations throughout the body muscle cramps and intense hot flushes internally including stomach and basically all over the place brain fog, concentration and hairloss. I'm so sensitive to changes etc. and meds.

Have had thyroid checked that's fine.

I'm doing my progesterone quarterly im trying 200mg utrogestan but having regrets on this one because of my sensitivity to meds im dreading it because of all my over symptoms  im experiencing and that on top of it.  I have 2 more weeks to go before im on that for 2 weeks I will ask for lower dose and see if I can do that slowly or change the regime not happy about leaving it for 3 months now.
Any ideas DG I know you are doing oestrogel and maybe utro and guidance would be appreciated im so sensitive.
Thanks Janx


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 12:49:24 PM »

Hi janice68
I am not surprised you are anxious about all this.  I am 59 now and very post meno so have tried just about every HRT going. I am on one pump of Oestrogel daly with 100mg Utrogestan each night. I tried using Utro on a long cycle as you are trying but I got erratic bleeding and the various ups and down that are typical with sequi HRT.
You will need to use 200mg for at least 12-14 days or you may well get a build up of womb lining and this could well cause problematic bleeding. My gynae explained that taking a good dose of progesterone for the 12-14 days is the only way to ensure the lining is shed properly.   I have had problems with using synthetic progesterones over the last 20 years of HRT use but find Utro the best so far so I wouldn't expect problems if I were you - you may find you feel really good on it as I do!!!! I would try this long cycle regime for 6 months and if you find that Utro is generally OK perhaps then switch to using it at 100mg daily as I do.
I personally don't think all the symptoms you are describing can be put down to HRT but possibly more to do with the ADs and sleeping pills. If your oestrogen levels have previously been low then it takes some months for your body to adjust and welcome the hormones it so badly needs - it takes time to wake everything up and get it working properly again. I would use Utro orally last thing at night as it can really help you to sleep - which is fab.
Sometimes one just has to stick with things and see how it pans out.  Chopping and changing creates more problems and 'over thinking' just makes matters worse. Have you tried 'Mindful Meditation' to help control your anxiety? I have been doing this for the last couple of years and really find it helps me through those stressful times.
Do stick with what you have been prescribed, get out for some brisk walks if you can and eat small meals often.
Keep posting.  DG x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 02:35:47 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl,

Thanks for your reply and I will give it  my best shot god knows how I got this far really im almost crippled with it now but somehow we must carry on and see how it pans out good advice there girl I will stick to it!!

Funny you  should mention mindfulness I now have been drawn to  listening  to calming music and practicing meditation breathing exercises etc and also taking up adult colouring if I can see it mind you my poor eyes have been affected too.

God bless


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 03:03:48 PM »

Hi Janice68 welcome and sorry that you have had such a rough ride this year.  It's so hard to know what symptoms need what help etc  I am not using HRT yet but have experienced increased anxiety and I am almost certain this is having an impact of physical symptoms that may well also be hormone related.  In a nutshell I think the mindfulness and really trying to get to grips with becoming ok with the changes, or as ok as you can be, will really help.  I have had sneezing, funny sensations in my body, my hair is not in a constant state, sheds, is dry then OK, shaky feelings, skin sensitivity.............lots of things that come and go but since my anxiety has improved almost everything else has lessened in it's intensity and subsequently my reaction to it.  I agree with DancingGirl about overthinking causing more anxiety, I have a big tendancy to do this and also sticking to a plan of action for a good while before switching anything else up.

You have the anxiety and hormones covered with medication, look after your rest, if you can, excercise (gentle) and your mindset and see how it goes.  Lots of women here to support you as you find your way x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 03:50:30 PM »

Hi Brightlight
Thanks for reply health has been awful for over 5years now it all came crashing in this year it all starts off slow them wham!! Then hell sets in the Menopause!!!
It sounds like you have had it hard too with anxiety awful isn't it!!!! I have had all your symptoms too I could write a book of symptoms!!  We deal with this and also other stresses in our lifes they all creep up on us in the end they take their toll on our bodys then are hormones go whacky. I had a bad time in my last job which brought stress and anxiety, health problems my dad dying it just tales its toll.

You and dancinggirl are right about overthinking causing  more anxiety it does!!!

Anyway I will stick to my plan of action and see what happens my hormones or lack needs sorting out I feel everything the chaos etc  and also it is hard to know what symptom is what and that also adds to the anxiety too!!!

I agree too that the Mindfulness could help with changes because that's why it is called the change of life and the fact we too have to make changes as the changes go on inside and we have to adapt!!

I just hope it is soon!!

Thanks Janx



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Re: Newbie
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 05:37:21 PM »

I beginning to see a pattern with those of us that start all this, perhaps a little early - I am 45.  I too had been through several years of stress including bereavement and I do think there comes a tipping point and our reproductive system changing seems to be it for me.  Yes, vague health problems for me too in the run up to the wham that hit me last year.

The change - yes, very obvious, but not to me until it happened!!! Is that denial or just lack of awareness ha. I guess it's a wake up call in a way and looked at it like this, it is positive.  I am getting to know my 'symptoms' but they still freak me out at times - is this the new normal or something 'wrong'.  It can be exhausting x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 06:09:23 PM »

I also see the pattern too!! They say life starts at forty that's when it changed slowly then the wham!!  Including the outer stress of life!! And me too The change obvious but not to me at first but now I do no its happened!!

Also with this change im learning to make small changes like giving up smoking, food habits  and many more that will be shown to me!!

I agree it is a wake up call and like you it does freak me out too and it is very exhausting so true. x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2015, 10:44:39 PM »

Hi Janice68

Just to say  :welcomemm: from me too and sorry to hear about all your symptoms. The peri-menopause is a tough time with hormonal flucutations - but I hope the HRT regime that you are on now will enable you to feel a lot better soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2015, 03:22:03 PM »

H Hundity,
Thank you For your warm welcome Hundity!!  The peri is a tough time I am really struggling to function at the moment been on hrt for 10 weeks now and I don't see any improvements everything has just got worse over the last 5 weeks im experiencing so much internal heat and burning sensations all around my body and including down below and for my head im on a different planet as well as other symptoms too.

When does it get better? Ive tried everything!!

Thank you all for welcoming me to the forum x