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Author Topic: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?  (Read 6029 times)


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Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:58:41 PM »

Came off the BCP 2 weeks ago tonight as started experiencing extreme anxiety and depression ( think due to a build up of the synthetic progesterone?).

Applied a 50mg patch instead, but 3-4 days later I still had quite a substantial period.

I then dabbled with taking Mirtrazapine for 9 days but it made me feel wired and gave me a PA which was horrible.

I am now on day 11of my cycle and although my mood has improved a lot since stopping the Mirtrazapine I now feel very lethargic and sleepy. Last night I fell asleep on sofa before 9pm and when I woke up I felt so tired I felt queasy. Now I feel almost stoned because I feel so lethargic and chilled.

Is this because I'm likely about to ovulate? Have quite a bit of clear discharge 'down below' so think I am. But can you ovulate while on a 50mg patch?

It's so ironic. Just over 3 days ago I had a dreadful panic attack because I was so tense and anxious (and don't suppose the Mirtrazapine helped)

 Today.......I feel so chilled out and relaxed and can't be bothered much about anything (but mood isn't depressed).


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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2015, 07:39:12 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee

As I understand it, the amount of oestrogen in HRT is not sufficient to suppress ovulation and therefore your own hormonal cycle happens in the background. It has to be quite a high dose in order to do that. However oestrogen should not make you feel lethargic - quite the opposite I would say!

Anyway the most important thing is that you are feeling well, chilled out and relaxed ( as I do after a G&T!) - great news, so make the most of it and try not to worry too much about exactly what's happening - and hope the good feelings last :)

Hurdity  x


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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 09:27:31 PM »

Thanks Hurdity. Honestly not worried, just curious. I know from previous experience that I can feel almost stoned roundabout the time I ovulate. Not sure why?

If you're still having your own periods, then why do you need to take progesterone to cause a withdrawal bleed? Why can't you just wear a patch on its own, and let your own progesterone levels cause a natural period?


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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2015, 11:29:08 PM »

By coincidence, I recently read up on this. Initially they thought you needed 200 mcg patches to suppress ovulation. More recently, it has been shown that almost everyone in a trial of 100mcg patches did not ovulate(I think one did in month one). That's why NAPS recommends 100mcg to suppress ovulation whilst still avoiding the  side effects seen with 200 mcg.


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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 04:24:28 PM »

Interesting Briony. Have been having a good read of Prof. Studd's website and it's like he's describing me personally re: medical history of PMS, PND and thence suffering with peri menopausal depression/anxiety. He even says that a certain category of women who experience peri depression/anxiety won't experience any hot flushes or vaginal atrophy. So me, me, me!

I also read in a study of his how his team could actually induce PND in women by giving them very high doses of oestrogen and progesterone then suddenly stopping the dose. But even more interesting it was only in the women with a history of PMS who experienced the PND symptoms after the very high dose was suddenly withdrawn.

Further proof that some women cannot tolerate hormone fluctuations.

In the same study he mentioned that whilst continuous BCP will stop ovulation, the daily exposure to the synthetic progesterone can end up causing intense PMS symptoms in progesterone intolerant women and should be discontinued immediately if this is the case.



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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 04:59:17 PM »

Makes a lot of sense in our cases, doesn't it? I know some think his theories are now out-dated, but I was reassured by the fact NAPS and Nick Panay both endorse the suggested treatments too. 


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Re: Will you still ovulate when wearing a 50mg patch?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 08:14:49 PM »

Yes I agree. I wonder why GP tell us to take 200mg for 12 days. Yet the two leading specialists say 100mg for 7 days is fine?

It's a big difference!