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Author Topic: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex  (Read 5938 times)


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Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:19:48 AM »

Hi all been menopausal for just over a yea. Tried HRT but was started on a very high does and my body reacted badly. Gp said my body doesn't tolerate hrt? how she has worked this out from just one try I don't know And she said it was not too high a dose. Suggested remifemin which worked great but after 6-8 months I decide to stop taking them due to poss effects of long term use. To start with no probs then flushes came back with a vengeance and no sex drive. Went to a different gp told not to take hrt he doesn't agree with it but gave me a mild anti depressant (amitrypiline) which helps only by knocking me out at night so I am not awoken so easily.  My hubby has been so patient but think he cant understand why I still am not aroused.
Don't know where to turn next only a small doctors surgery no menopause/ well woman clinic and no real help.
What do I do?


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 12:03:55 PM »

I am new here so my knowledge of HRT is limited, but I do know that amityptaline lowers libido.

Mary G

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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2015, 12:55:19 PM »

Lynanne, I'm sorry to hear about this.  Apologies to other members if this is getting boring but please go and see an independent menopause expert.  You are clearly wasting your time at your GP surgery if this latest doctor says HE does believe in HRT - did he ask you how you feel about it?  Did you ask him why he doesn't believe in HRT?  He is clearly putting you on anti depressants when you really need hormones. 

What type of HRT were you on, was it oral?  Yet again, I am going to have to bore on about bio-identical, transdermal HRT which works far, far better and has fewer side effects and this is what your first doctor should have prescribed - I bet it would have worked.  Oestrogen gel not only works better but you can adjust the dose according to you personal needs.

Why not go and see Professor John Studd (or another hormone expert)?  It will cost you a few hundred quid but it is worth it to get the opinion of someone who actually knows what they are talking about and will prescribe exactly what you need.  Believe me, it might be the best £300 you ever spent and he might give you a letter to give to you doctor with his recommendations. 

Please don't suffer.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 04:13:47 PM by Mary G »


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2015, 03:03:59 PM »

Hey Mary G - don't apologise - I repeat myself all the time!!!

Lynanne - oh dear - yet another example of a woman being fobbed off with totally inappropriate anti-depressants or other medication as the first line of treatment for menopausal symptoms!!!  :bang: :bang: :bang: Hopefully the new NICE guidelines will provide more ammunition with which to take to docs so that they will have to prescribe HRT in similar situations to yours. Here they are by the way: . Section 1.3.2 p11. You should be offered HRT - choice of oral or transdermal.

Before going to a private specialist I would urge you to go back to your doc (or another one in the practice who you have found out is sympathetic to menopausal women and is prepared to do his or her job properly rather than letting his/her individual prejudices and ignorance dictate a course of treatment), having researched the type of HRT you want to try - and ask for it, and if met with refusal, ask to be referred to menopause clinic on NHS if there is one - but in the meantime ask for a prescription ( in case there is a 3 month wait!). Hopefully then you can come off the wrongly prescribed Amitriptyline.

Also there are other gynaes who are cheaper than Studd - Annie Evans for example... but you would have to go to Bristol or Cornwall (I think these are the only clinics).

When you say you have been menopausal - what exactly do you mean? What have your periods been doing over the past couple of years, symptoms etc, and how old are you?

I agree a lower dose is better to start and as Stellajane says  many women don't get on with norethisterone.

Go for it!

Hurdity x


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2015, 03:24:54 PM »

I pay for private gyne and pay £180,it really is worth the money,less than my car insurance ! I know we shouldn't have to but sometimes needs must.


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2015, 04:21:51 PM »

I know we shouldn't have to but sometimes the reality is with all gps having to run their surgeries as a business expenses sway their thinking. After getting the consultant to write to my go she reluctantly perscribed utrogeston but she wasn't happy about the cost and I'm sure she won't perscribe it again so if I decide to continue with it I fully expect to have to get a private prescription.

Mary G

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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2015, 04:25:20 PM »

Stellajane, I agree, but what can you do?  Yes, it is a lot of money for people to find but as I have said before, women's lives are being ruined because of these terrible symptoms and if you have a worse than useless doctor, what is the alternative?  I would rather borrow the money or bung it on a credit card than put up some of the symptoms that women talk about on here. 

It is an utter disgrace that things have come to this. 


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2015, 04:47:09 PM »

Hi all well I am 51 have had no periods for a year was on Elleste Duet 2mg made me sick dizzy really ill. Feel I am banging my head on a wall with my doctor and other doctors in the surgery.  I have asked for other methods of HRt i.e patches but to no avail.  Didn't know the amitypiline lowered libido it wasn't great before these pills.  I cant find a menopause expert nearby so where do I go now
Thanks for your replies not having a good week this week.  Will talk to hubby over the weekend and see where we go from here as I said he is trying lol. Maybe he should come to the gp's with me a bit of support might help  any suggestions will be gratefully received.


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2015, 06:05:05 PM »

Could you approach the practice manager and see if they have a policy at your practice?


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2015, 06:18:43 PM »

I normally do my research, ask questions on this forum and then tell my GP what I want. They are there to help you, not refuse treatment. I would ask for femosten 1/10 , I had reactions for the first 2 months but they did ease off. Also when you go to your GP ask to be referred to the menopause clinic. There is usually a delay of several weeks, so best do it early. If they refuse ask to see the practice manager.


Mary G

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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2015, 09:23:23 PM »

I would suggest you go armed with as much information as you can i.e. the benefits of bio identical HRT etc. and see how you get on.  Just another thought... if you don't get anywhere (but obviously I hope you do) have you thought about seeing a private doctor in your area?  It would be cheaper than Professor Studd and I can tell you that the one near me costs about £70 for a consultation.  You might find they have more time to talk to you and more open to ideas - they might even make some recommendations to pass on to your doctor.  It's just a thought if all else fails and you don't want to make the trip to London to see Professor Studd. 


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Re: Fed up Hot flushes back, tearfull and No inerest in sex
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2015, 11:10:55 PM »

Good idea to take your husband with you once you have done your research but surely there must be another doctor in the practice who is understanding about menopausal women. The reception staff will know who is the doc who specialises in gynae issues - there is usually someone I would have thought?

I really feel you should be able to get what you need from your own practice and not have to go to a private doctor. As I said in my previous post - if there are no docs then do ask to be referred to the nearest one to you ( they're all on the map underspeicliast finder on this site).

Good luck - we're right behind you!

Hurdity x