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Author Topic: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol  (Read 4357 times)


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Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« on: October 20, 2015, 07:28:33 AM »

 im off to see doctor numba 5 later today because ive been on a herbal thing for my menapause symptoms n they wrked woohoo, BUT ive had another reaction yet again that i had in february were i get a eastrogen over load n get megga painfull boobs n now theres a lump, so a bit concerned as a lump has been found n if its not gone in 4 weeks then i get a emergancy appointment for it to b checked out, :((( , doc seem conserned as my nana died of breast cancer n told me to stop taking the herbal stuff i dont think i can say wot it is on here but only dr chris steal launched it,
But after watching the news yesterday it said there hrt thTs ok for people with heart probs etc in family history etc so of to see the doctor to get yet another oppinion.
Im a fit n healthy 48 yr old, but family history of hypertention, stroke, breast cancer n cancer in womb, n lungs liver everywere, heart attacks, migrains which i suffer from since being peri meno,
So has anyone had anything like this with herbal stuff and has anyone been able to take hrt with sucess with any of the health probs in family or urselfs?
Ive seen 4 doctors and theyve all said that i cannot go near hrt n now that im getting reactions from herbal stuff doent seem promising lol,
And what anti depressants has peple found that wrked??? But im not depressed just moody ,ratty, n hot n sweaty n cant sleep lol n take sumatriptan for my migrains which cant be taken with anti depressants, n canot do with out them so im stuck arrr loo so unfare hTe the menopUse lol
Anyway look farward to hearing from anyone :))


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 01:03:14 PM »

Herbal remedies are in no way to be compared with conventional HRT! which has been through regirous (sp) testing before being allowed not the market.  No way should a GP suggest that taking herbals should prevent consideration of HRT.  Were the  various 'reactions' investigated? 

Is this GP in the same Practice as those previously consulted?  It is best to build up a working relationship with 1/2 Doctors and the Practice Nurse so that dialogue continues unless a Doctor is totally against HRT. (or other treatments, depending on the complaint). 

It really does depend on how close the relative is to the patient as to whether a treatment is/not suitable.  Family tree medical history is important.  However, even though I had oestrogen dominant breast disease, had I been suffering from meno symptoms, I would have pressed for HRT, even before yesterday's Press release.  Once discussed with the GP or Consultant, the patient can then make an informed decision.

Some anti-depressant medication can ease hot flushes and anxiety surges, again it can be trial and error finding a balance.


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 03:03:13 PM »

Well the family history is my mum n gran, also i have to come off the herbal stuff to stop the pain and see if the lump goes too if not its emergancy appointment to get it sorted, which i can do without coz need to b around for wrk n my granddaughter.
also seem my doctor n the risk is way to high and because i need my migrain med i cant go on hrt or anti depressants migrain meds needed more or my life will b just sat in pain crying im not goin thru the pain of the migrains i can get, i used to sit in a dark room ear plugs in rockin n crying coz was in soo much pain,
And yes have seen my gps and a meno consultant
So its cold turkey time lol

And dont txts get taken wrong n come across condesending



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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 03:19:09 PM »

Chronic pain is difficult to live with  :hug:


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2015, 03:50:54 PM »

At the beginning of peri meno when I was having bleeding problems I saw a medical herbalist who gave me wild yam cream. This made my problems a huge amount worse and I got severe breast pain as well. 
The private Dr who treated me with natural progesterone cream later explained to me that wild yam cream can be converted to mild oestrogen by the body and as my problem was being severely oestrogen dominent at the time that would explain why it made me worse.  In someone who was oestrogen deficient then the wild yam cream might have helped instead.
So anything herbal/natural can have quite a big effect even thought its natural and if its been used for the wrong reasons like it was with me then it makes you worse!
Hope your lump goes away.x


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 04:05:20 PM »

Why wait 4 weeks? I was sent to the Hospital the next day!


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 06:08:28 PM »

In answer to your question, yes, I have had success with HRT despite a family history of stroke at an early age and despite having had migraines with aura.

Having spent (wasted)  two years of my life, aged 40, with debilitating back/leg pain, tingling, nausea, crushing fatigue and dizziness (none of the normal signs, so it was only a blood tests that indicated hormonal issues) the doctors agreed that - weighing up the risks - HRT was still more advantageous to me than not taking it. I had reached the point where I really couldn't cope any more, was at risk of having to give up a much loved career and really was a mess.

I wont lie. I hated the idea of HRT at first and tried everything from vitamins and minerals, to ADs, to expensive osteopathy, but nothing helped. I started on a very low dose, with bio identical progesterone and had the warning signs of DVT clearly spelt out to me. Later, I switched to a bio identical birth control pill in order to fully suppress my ovulation. (I am not allowed anything stronger than this new pill). It took several months to kick in, but was worth it, for sure. I now have some form of quality of life back.

Interestingly, fingers crossed, since being on Qlaira (and not ovulating) I have not had a migraine.

It's different for everyone and like I say, it wasn't a decision I took lightly, but I'd reached the point that I had to do something and HRT was by then my only option.

I hope you find something that gives you peace, whatever that might be x


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 06:12:13 PM »

 :thankyou:  Briony. 


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2015, 07:29:24 PM »

Thank you   Countrybumpkin , its nice to have someone who understands n has read my post as to why i cant take hrt, i have been resurching everything about hrt n per meno etc fir the past 8 yrs lol i started peri meno at 40,
But i will not be taking hrt i hav seen my gp a few times n talked things thru also a meno dr , so nope not goin thete and why would anyone put there health at risk just to take hrt,
Im fit n healthy, not over weight dont drink or smoke, im not into playing russian roulette with my health so basically stick the hrt in the bin Were the sun dont shine

And CKLD i have to wait 4 weeks coz the lump may go when all the herbal stuff is out of my system n the soreness goes so fingers crossed

Bye all


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 07:32:31 PM »

Hopefully the lump *will* go!  Let us know.


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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2015, 07:32:45 PM »

Hope the lump goes soon zodiac.

Millions of women don't take HRT and manage very well.
I have a friend who uses sage and has managed very well with that.

Stay healthy and well and make sure that your diet is good and I'm sure you will be just fine.



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Re: Goin to see doctor numba 5 lol
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2015, 09:47:46 PM »

Sorry, I misunderstood your post. I thought you were asking if anyone with same type of health risks as you had had any success with HRT. Obviously this was not the case.

I sympathise with the migraines. They are hideous. Someone on here suggested I tried 4Head. I was a bit cynical at first, but if you catch it in time, it does take the edge off things.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 09:25:19 AM by Briony »